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[X PROFESSOR . 1 1 % pnwhFRl Minie Irom ITofeitiHjr Jloraford' Aclil ' BmmnmM by leadlnfc jihyolcian. Makel liciiHT blscnlt, enk., !¦., hikI N li. .lilhicr Uutn ortlinary Baklng I'"'' 'lnran. Solí! t a reaunnahlo prlc.-. 1 lic Bonfori Alniaiiac anil Cook Kook snit frec. Uuniford Chemicnl Work, I'rovldencf, K.J and 8.1 Lak Mt-. Chicago. liBs-7 Aeolmbinatirn of Hops, Buchu, Man I d rak lts ¦ ¦¦ ¦ OancJelior.,' '' I ".1.-V ' "¦ I Vtlu't: ¦"¦¦ Blool Pur Hier, Liver ¦ iVjtoTj. wruMf ¦ ,,. cnposiMv 1 I' I rasyslTeMwUloSBií'.sottsüieipiniaiiñiiii. I g . iilarl' I .' ,L Ionio and mild stlmiilant, I itóir, without IntoI Icatlng. OTssV Nu in! t'r whatyour íeW"'1" or yniptmn I are what the di;uiaoorail%iaent is uso Hop BitI ters. Luu't waltuutilyouu'e slfk but ïf yyu M out '-i or niBfnirlf,Yw'rni'l nf I Hmayavejurliri..ltJiasl'"vi'Cl huudredi. I 500iHl'PalciroracaI" ""'T wil] not I rhelp. 1m n..t ir..r%orll JouT"'"'!-' I auilrr.imt usand nnn tium%tou) Hop B I f'-rs a nokj110' drutrïrwd I uu. hut lliü Jtn 4t n (1 Beat I and HOPE" ftnd no tK'rson or family J sliiiiil ¦¦¦¦¦"¦"¦Tam ÁLv PI.O.I" ftn a1'1"'1-'" "r-d IrreBirtibte cur V J ¦ l'r J'iii' i;;l--Ml,U!VioropiulD, tobAOCO UDrlIH WS-10lt) c e in DOES WITTTOB ¦ WONDERFÜL ff 11 I CURES! ¦¦¦lm g and K11K VS at the name time. I Beoatuie lt oleanses th# Byatom of ¦ Houfl bumors tliftt dflvelopo in Kidney and WÊ ¦¦nary Dtüeaaoe, Biliomnaaa, Jaundlce, Conau. Q B pation, PiJeo, or In Híieumstistn, Neuralgia, M Hnctvoub Disorders and JTemalo Complainta. ¦ 8EE WEIT PBOPLB 8AY : J Efiffi-rirt It. Btork, of Jiuictlou City, Kanwa, P ¦ fayx, KiJm'yWjrt cnrod Jiim after rejfular I'by U ¦iBlciaiia had beon tryltig fur f our yeart. Q Knt J-Iin Arnall, of Washington, Oblo, H ¦ her bor waan-) ron u n tod te by f prominent U ¦ ' - ¦ .iiih ktii thatLu wa afttirworddcumd ty ¦¦ ¦B 31. ÍT. H. fi'XMlwfn, an editor In Cbardon, Ohlo ¦¦ ¦ ?uydhHW8Sin,t oii-i'i t"! tu livt, lit'liitf hlcmttxiB j boyo lid bulluT, but Kiüm-y-WortiMirod lilin. WM W Anna L. JarreU of Routli Salem, N. Y,, faysLJ HLti:it M'veii yt'ftirtwilfTeritiK flOfii ];idti.-y f roiiMiH ¦4 and other oom plicHtluns was ended by ttie uso utWM HfKi'lniy-WorC. I John B. Lawreni" of jAcIf'on, Tfnn., finffírdB ¦ for yearsfroiu liver aiul kldnry trmiMen unJll [Jafter taklnK "lnrrels of oili;i im-diciiiew.".! ¦ Kldney-Worc mod him wi-11. I Michael Coto of Motiteomerr Center, Vt.H CjH'ifrennlflíílit }rarw,th Iddoer linll.'uliy andEj ¦ wal nnable to wurk. KJduey Wort mado hlinl ¦ " woll as ever." fl PERMANENTLY CURES Qkidney diseases, y LIVER COMPLAINTS.H HConstipatlon and Piles. I lirit input lip In Iry Vrirttahlf Form In ¦ WM tin cana, one packotre f wtiich makt'dHir ijuarta H Ejof medirtnf. AIro ia I.lqnld Form, ver W ¦¦centruted, fur thoBe thut caiiuot readüy pru mm ¦ pare it. BltT" It acta itith tpial efficiency fu either form. WÊ LJ OET IT ATTnEDUUGGISTS. TRICE, l.OoD ITUtU, KICJUUM03 ACo„ Trop's, I n.WlllBendthodrTpoBtpaid.) M KUNÜT01, TT.H THE PROMPTE AND PERFECTO OF ASMMM.ATION. THE BEFOBMER AM VITVLIZEH OF THÉ LOOD. TUK PRODUCES M) INVIÍÍOKATOK OF KKVK AM) MUSCLE. TUK BU1LDER AM SUPPORTER OF URAI POWER. FELLOWS' GOMPOUND SYEUP OF HYPO-PHOSPHITES Is compofwd Itiprediente Idéntica! wlth those whirh coTiatitnf! Heslthy Blood, Mnscle nnd Nerve, ai-ii liniiii SuhataDce, hllat life ltself la directly dependenl opon iomt of thi-m.. By iiion a.inL' Nen u i. nfl Muncnlar Vigor, it will rure Dyfjvpputa, fei'hle or Intemptod nctlon r the Ileart ai] Palpttatloa,WaknM of Intellect, canl ly srrlel. worry, (vt-rfitxed or lrrvfjular habita, limncouia, Congestión of tbe 1 naff. It corea AkiIuiik. N;uralKta. WhoopinL' Coilííh, r'Kl in a mciyt wimhIci-IuI liJ]onHB' of Uipthcria. The ezMnditnre "f bnta dsiKh too i'arly mt too pevcruly In ohlldreo often runnlis in ]ihvMcil clffbiiity; the use of Fellows' llypophoNphitca ¦ j'iuïubirly huppy ifléot i" Kuch caeva. Ho nol hu diciivi'd hy remedies !earinR a similar iiime; no otlit-r preparaiinu ís u pnlintitnle for thie under auy circumHtancea. Kili.lOB c e m ; : , _ ' m fa mr physiclan njut tliuy will teil you tbu ANK remedies in HOPS AM MAI.T ¦" BlTTEUrj alwayg reKUlato thu Kiver, KtdnfVH, and tJrlnary Orgnna rendring tho cye brlglit. mind cluirtol, nnd step elastlc. ¦ A 1# thn hundreds nf lndle who ¦¦aVM DnlL have 'en curwl lf HOPS AND "w" HALT BITTERS aro not tho best remedy for Feinale Complalut and Sullow Complexión, IUI1%# do Physiclarn and aaHaB iñfMT men uso and recommend HOPS "¦¦¦¦ AND MAI.T BITTERS? Becauso they aro not a bererage but a medicine that sptcdlly cuntí all disorders of tho "'mach, Liver and Bowels. UIHIt ftnffer trom Dj-spepula, tggm WÊ H W Sick Ilt-ndncbe, Nervoasnessor " ' KhUHlin, when a remedy bo agrecablo and so n 1 1 Of-. AND MA LT BITTERS 18 wlthln tho mea ot all. lil.ACK labuland RED printing. Ask for Free Suinplo liottlr. 1Ü05-I057 T INSEY & SEABOLT'S B AKERY, GKOCERY AND FLOUR ANO FEED STORE. Wc keep constantly on band, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLBSALK AND KKTAIL TRADK. Wc flhall also keep a iinpply of SWIFT A DBUBKL'8 BBST WHITE WHBAT . FLOUK. DELHI FLOUK, KYB FLOl K, BI CKWUEAJ' FLOI'R, fOHN MEAL, FBKD, &c„ c. At Wholesale and rctail. a Kcncrul utock ol GROC ERIES M PROVISIÓN! conttantly on hand, whlch will he ola on aa rcasun able terms as at any other boute In the city. C'asn palfl for Butter, KgK", and Country Produce Ronerally. y Ooodn delWered to any part of the city wlth tn charge. yr KIN8BY 8KABOLT. STEPHEN PRATT. ¦ AN( FACTlltKll OF High anfl Low Pressnre Boilers Of all kin, Is. BsfOKK PIPES nul all SUKKT [KON WtutK. IU 2H. HOd 11H Ooneresa St. west. betwean Tlilidarul KourthsUt., DBTKOIT, M 1 1 ' 1 1 . RepalrinC done. Rivets aud lloiler Pinte for He. 1034-106 - ¦ÍJ_yÍsííaí55Ís-OQMaMHÍTrt-' OSceOm W nlt't 8tM,Wnhlnrtoa Bt ioa


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