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Digby's Reform Club

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There wu a quartétte of free año jovial in )!urvillc.:iii(l,Ioliiiny Digbywasan irknow ledged leader tbereof. Peter Slaile, '1'. .in Lowden and Sam Pepper were hls a-,,, -inte. Tlicy were fmir young men, tree-licartcil and generous, wilh ii greal ily tor enjiij went. On ;i certain Monday eveniiig tliej wve assem bied in a small parlor of Luahton'a t.ivt-rn forthe parpoM of lmvintr :i good tilín1, h ilicy were wout to Msemole often. The aeaaon wu winter, and bevera'e ..auigiup in :is ; eompounn7i rum, Migar, milk and egga, commouly known ai "'ruin and Jerry." ai the early ttage oi' the waMail, beforc had been mbtnergeü, Peter Blad e guggested thal be bad a oomplaint ii make ¦ig:iiiii-t oue ui t hu dignitaries oí tbe tow n, and therfeupon he opened tria vials o4 denunciation againcl farspn Meekly, tbe old clergyinaii ot tliat place. "As ntar :is I can find ovit," lio salí), " the jiarsiiii ju-t about the aatne as called by name and lichl ns up ;i a .-et of jrracelcas campa," ¦ ÍSot quite so liadas tlint," miú Joba DÍgbV. "lic d id cortninly alinde ny plain'ly. lmt the worst lie brpught againsl lis uas lliat t u ere prostitilti II r noble powI oppoitunitics to base ana sin ful purpoees. KiitliiTlliittiTiii", 1 thoulit, cially tliP noble péw " Fiattering with a vengeance," aid 'l'oin Lowilen. " Wliat lm.-ines a it ot blíf " "Ave," CNclainied Sam Peppefi " what Juisincss U ir ot hiif And thcH look nt tlie hnilabaloo they make over this foreigñ misgion buainesa. Il was in connection wnb tliat thiit l'arson Meekly attnelied u-. Ttaej 'd better look to borne. I tbink there i. rafertng eDowgb úniet our nrv DiMe9 una had better be loolted to tir-t." "That'i so," eiicd Slade. "i -ay cliari Ujíins :il hüine. Wliat do yon a. .lölin? ,Iolm Diijby liad listened attentively, and durinj; tlie coiivcisaLioii lie liaii tiiined lns ;lass bottom siíla ii on the tablc. . "Tliere muy be tiutb in wliat yon síij'," be ülowly and tliouglitfully replied, "luit pcople u iio live in glass liouses sliouldn't throw stones. Wcniay object tofurnlabing moiicy for tlicsc foreign niissions npOD the pica tbat clüirity begina at borne, and all llial ; bat Oté ijuc-t uní niay come back. Wliat liave wedonelortliNeíiaiity y.t bome? Wliat have we done tira :inlí alie vial instile di-tress ol thepoorot' iiuitinvn? And if we have not done aqjtbing in tliut direetion, - if wc don't open (mr bands n ,!:irity at all, - wliat riirlit liave we to sav in wliat diieetion ot lici s shall aim tbeir goixl worka Blank wera tbe Jooka that grected ihN peech. Thctrioot listeners were taken back. 'l'hey hadn'l expeeted this IVoni their leader. "Now look licre boy-," continued .lolm DJgby, pushlngbis inverted glaia awa; to tlie centre ot ' t he table, and lea ving it tliere. "I dont nte thís i)Verli:uilii!í tbal l'arson Meekly gave U8 anjAietter than you do, and I propose to shul biin np.'1 "lli-yah !"' shouted Sam Pppor, "Ihat's the talk. J ain with you." "Are yui BUTe you have got tbr bOlflUfP1, Sam?" "i'S, nir." "Counl me in," said Tom. 'AimI me,"' added l',-)iper. "'s shut the old fellow up. Wbars tho progtamme, -k V" 'Wi-ll." anwered Digby, " 1 have plan nrd that we shall take thc'wind out ofj'ar son Meeklv's sails by cstablishin' a reform club of uur own, and itaiting a mis-ionary society on the Same bais." Bnt" "Look ye, boys; people besides (he par son are talkinjí bard aboul US, and we'll shut. Iheni all Up in a Himp. l'd like to hit OftCk in the most efleotita war. Vi likc to make thein take the back track here iu Ilurville iu their own busiiic _ His hrarers were inleiested and üstem-d eajrarly. ¦¦ Woat ti it f 'IMl u ham this la to be ' Have (iu the courage to do it f " said rade. ¦¦ We'll iolluw yon," said l'eti-r Slade. ¦' Honor brighl ? " "Te "Then listen." "llold on," cried Sam Pepper. "Let'i üll up bafore e commence." ' Not with old [jMtaton'a Toni and Jerry," returned Jack. "VVe shall wani the iist ot it for niiothcr purpose. Turn the jlassies apsidodow u for the present Nou lieten. We are in the Imbit ot BiMtlng luir ut the tayern three evenings In inch treek; aad our axpenses tor liquors and nre it least $2, au evening, ain'l Ilieyr" 'l'liis was aiimitted bv :l notl. "And in acldition lo'lhis 1 -.ciiil at least one Uollur more 11 week tbr boer and tobaceo, n niy own hook llow is it with yon P " Tlie otliers ulinitted tliat one dollar il wei k wiis linie snotiith. "Tlius." ïesnmed .lolm Dlgby, "welmve J10 a week as 0)6 result of our coroblned and Individual expenwa for rum and tobaeco. I, forom, tliink I euiild nwimgo lo live tlirough the rest ot ilic winter w itiiout uiiy more of it; and for the sake of the experiment I would be willing to put my thare of thatfio to charitable cue. Here t is the beginning of December, and the winter has opened hard. 'l'here are pOOr families not fnr BWty wliieh wc eau bieM with our iytnpathy and lielp. We naight organice :i" benevoleni society, r misttonary Metoty n ow own hook. Do you begin to understand Í " They undentood hlm perfectly ; and dnoa b' wonld lead they were reiidy to follow. In fact, they ratlier likeil the idea. There was a clmrm ot' novelty :md Origlnality abOUl it t lint eajitixated tliem. l! would be fan to purchaae Boor and meai and tea and sujrar and f'nel, and ro aronnd lo atatst the pooi and needy. 'l'hev ivciv young men, ful] ot' lite and good leelin. and had caroóaed only beoanaa oí the fun of the thing. Hert; was the promise ol' fun in another direetion, and they would go in for it. The matter was dUouand aml linally settled. They would mak ¦ aqnare ueek of it ai the beginning. "During the week," said Jack, " we will look up the cases of desiitmion and raffering, ainlon next Saturday aften n wc will meet aml eompare notél 'I'hen we will t:iko oor $10 and do wliat we can for thosc who are Mifferlng moat. Wemna) be nwtbodical n Iliis. We are DO) to spcnd penny In tliis work ut chaiïty tlial is not sadl h cntting off somt' useiesa expenditure if mu' iiwii ; and lic of us who buya a ciirar (luiing the Weck shail dcdiicl I licin IiU cciiitrilnilioii otl Saturday." ¦It e ahould be inctliodieal," Ruggesed Peter, -'we mu-t rganfae. I gay f wc aic eolnif i" do inyllimgot iMaklua let umin il ship-shape." propoeitioD was onanlmously acceptod, and thfy pracoedod tu iumuI&b. Tlic orgitnfzatton arrired at wal -imple, bul ïievci-tlielc-s efiective. They elected .1..I111 Dibv to Bérve as president, trearorer anclsecretary; andtben Uicy elected in cx(¦(¦utivc committee of four, consisthifr of John Dlgby, Peter Shulc, ïom l.owdcn and S:im Pepper. And tlien tliey setlled their l)ill al the bar and nv ent lioiui;. Saturday evcniiifr oanie, and the reform club meta Digby's sliop, and euch ineinler va rettdy with bis report. Tbey were Bober and thonghtfitl. They had tlioujiht wln'ii they separate on Monilay evenTllg tin-v ehonld meet with l spirit of IVolic in llicir new Work; bilt the scènes wliicli tbey bad witneased In the interim had changed the current of their feelinga en"My soul ! " pTclnimod Sm Pepper : " I ncvei ilreanied what Sorrovr and Bullpriiift tliere was rij;hl liere in our little town. Lust niht 1 went to the Widow Bashlovr'. and I niunil her with a sieK etiild, ahsolntely freeiingand utarving." "A iut 1, " s:iid Toni Luwden, "I foiuid poor l'nelc Bon Driacoll and bis wife In the same pli;;ht. The oíd man isiluwii with rheiimatlsm; and u hen lic and Aunt Sallv sat and criiil likc luiliies. witli fear of joing tn the pnolflOUSQ, I teil yoll it l)l'nif;lit u',..-.. !.. my eyes." And so the report were made, and then tbey plnned how they conld bes ate their tin. li aeemed Hke a drop In the burkrt. 111 11 ,-m-i itgniHM .111 ifiwwrfni and sutlerin tiiev had fouiulj but it wonld do some(hinjr. On that Saturday erenins the Widow Baslilon bcni nver the bed of the .-ieli clllld, with weepiny; and wails of nngnhh. The howlini' blasls piped without, and the fiost nippeil witbin. Sha iuffared bectuse nh hao forcea herself to beg. For hersell sbü bad rathcr die than breóme a pauper, bilt for her ehild- "(Xiod, have mercy ' " A wailing cry likc tliis had bant from her lips, wiien a trainping at her doorattiaeti'd her attentinn, and prescntly a gontle nip followed. Slie answureil the siunmons, and found four youngnieo. rjponher stoop. She llii'tu well, torilnyhad been soboohiKiles with her son who hnd gone to sea and never returncd. Aml they went In (o the house; they jiilcd up the fuel on ihe bearfn bntil the pright llames leaped and roared, and the sirk chlld raached onl ita waslcil to llie genial Vi annlh. They tCOUgll i orlli ble ul, lea and siijrar, and butler .-ilul eheese. " All rinln." s.iiil Siiin I'epper. bo reliarded t In - ¦ eepecidl elinre-, iu aniwer tñ the woman'fl ejaculatlona of a-imiIslitneiil "We ali' .loliii refoTBI ClubJ aml we rfrfe t;iinir illto the lliH-luu.,, , work; and sneh folks as you are we want to convert wanl to convert fronn BufiVrlns to comfort, il we can. So keep up n pinid licart. nnd lei tis du tur you wbal yourown Wlllfe wuiihl have done if be had IWed. It'llbea comfort to us. We'll cali often. Von shan'! wanl il we eau help it." The widow's fobbing, bursting return of blessinirs caniKX !¦ renroducox) by longue or pen. H'hcn theyouug man na, hul the bighway, Suin Pepper bursT forth : 'Boy, as tru as Heaven, I wonW nol exchange the blessing ot thal poor wldow's hemt lor :ill the jöy Iliat ever rainc in the olil nj iit the tayern. There's something more thau fun In this." ad bis companfons agreed with liini. In another paft i the town, mi the out¦kirt of the vulase, n o poot thatched hut, lived Ben Driscol] mul bis te. Sally. In other yeara they had been well and happy ; andi thangn neyer forebanded, y ei tiiev had never known wnnt till old ixc and slckneiê had deprived tbem t their ability to work. And on tliis cold winter' niirht üncla Ben and Aunt Sally siit and shWered over the heat oféucta si uil" as the; had been ableto gather from Uie anow covéred heugen, and t lic old mail ilghed u he tbonghi of the almatfouse. "If weconlu onlygel through the winter. Hut who can help usï " And olil I'ik Ie Ben and liis wife were arotned Brom thetritupor of chili and hunrcr liv Ilic' tramp of feét üihI the hum Of rotees; and Bhortly the door opened mul John Dlgbyand hig companlons entered. A Srewassi dllj burnlng on ttie hearth, and ROOd Itoreof provisiotta we re open. 'd OUl 011 Ilic lalde. The old man wondend, and Toni Low ilen made ansver: "It's all riirlit, UncU lic", 'f bis Ia Jack Digby'g reform dub Wc'vc stopped onr rationa of spirits aml tobáceo, and are golllg to invt -st Uie result in n missionary entcrprlae. We tilt to eoBvert jrou and Aunt Sally, t we can." "('onvert us, Toin ! " "Ayc - convert yon to comfort and peaoe; and i'icrhaps, also'c.mvcrt yon to the belief thal there's a graln of good left In humanity 8Ü1L We an lo taUe yon In hand tliis Winter, and yon shan't sulfer if wc can heli) it." The boys did not leavetheool unbl they had hclpeil the aged coupletoa heartymeal and had piled up lucl enotlgh to last unttl they carne agaln; and when they flnally wltncirew, the ong f thcir lilcssinjt wai ¦OUOding in thcir cars. nd WO the refonners went on until their nlght'l work was done, and when they canie to separate they dedlared that they had found roch enjojnnonl as they had m ver known kcfore. Dlirill" the SUeeeedillLr week tllli'C llcw membere rere added to the club- en who were WÜling to CUi off expenses tor rum and tobáceo, and devote the proceeds to the relief o) the poer and dlitr-an w the town. Andere long Dlgby'i reform club bcame a noted Instltution al thal place. The projectors eóuld hardly credit tire evidence of 'thcir own sensei In contemplatlng the re-ult of thcir thrce inonths' labor. Two undtwentv DMmbers had joincd, and the fünd of relict amounted to nearty ?4ü a weck, and each man was pledged t 1' 'V "' weeklv the exacl snra hls tplriti and tobacoo col Idm. If he eontinued tbe use of tobacco he tbok a lower place in the company. and tbe u-e of spirits as a bevemgewas Bufflcienl canse foï expulsión. When people .;uv the good thal was being done they were anxious to gire their ald, and be oontiected iili the inerry crew; but the laws Of the Club were lixed; no nioney could come to Ito Cnnd exoepl -n h as had been mved by tlic donor trom -ome evil habit, or of cnttlBC olí tome usclcss luxury. [trui brlghl Babbatb Inthespringlini,-. and it had been glven Out that Panon Meekly was going to preaoh a aenaon opon Dlsrby'í reform club, aml the olii meetinghouse was Mled to overflowlng. The clerL'vmau read his text I rom St. John s gospel "Cantiiere iie.iny goml come out of Nazareth ! Come, and gee." And when he had tul.l the story of Dlgby'a i club and plctored the good reuK ol its labora, hc proclaimcd to all, "o, ye, and do likewise." Once John Dlgbj iod hta eomptaloni had tancled II woud be a proud moment when they had brought the old parson to recoznize Ttbe worth ol their labor; but the blessinnol thoso upon whoni their boonHes had fallen had made Buch eweel nu iü ,heircais. and tbc tetisftctioil oí dulics truly bad droppel so soothiiigly upon their souls. they found no room for that buser pride which they beforé aal time anI licipati'd.


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