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The Painlessness Of Death

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At birtli the babe nndergoes an onlml that, wrre lic COnscloug, would lic more trying tli:m a most painful death ; yet lic feela it not Bom in an aaoonadoua state. tttfl hiain nrapable of rccci n; COnscioilS ImpreMiona, hti entranoe int" tiiis hltberto nnknown worid i aocomplUhed during a ¦tate ofoblirion, known :is natura' aumthe.sia : "Palnlessly we come, wbenoe wc kim, ir nt l'.tilllcssly wc tío, whll In-T wc lEDOW not ! " From the eariiuM puiiou ui inmim. i.iio rv ilciitli lias been considercd :is nccessarily accomimnieil liy puin ; so general is tliis liclicl, tbat tlie tering "ileatli agony," "last struggle," "panfja of death," etc, hny' been in al most universal use in every ngi; and under all comlltions of society. Nothin ooald be more erroneems; tlie Inith 3, pain and deatb seldoni io togethei - we mean the last inonienls ut lite. (t couisc, de:ith ni:iy be preceded i'.v weektoc even oí extreme tuffenag, m oc¦urs daring oertain Incurable ditease. 1 1 ; i - - been this notion tlmt t has heen oii-i'l'Ted an act of lmmanity to anticípate the "dcath strurgle'" by vio lence ; lor ages it W8 cuttoinary among tlie lower classes of Kurojioto hasten ileatli by suddenly jerkinp the pillow from beneath tli( bead of the dvinjr, thus throwIngthe bead backward, itralnlng the phary negal and tlioraeic mii-clcs, rendering the respiraüon, already diiücnlt. short Imponible. A Venenan ambaaador, in the liinr ut iiieen Marv, awerted that it tntt ;i coiiiiiioii 4snstom amone; the country people to nnother the dylng by nteansofa pillow placed over the tace, lipón which leaned or MU the neuraal relativa. This was foanded upon the plont belief thal a short rciad was the best one. Tilia cnstoni ¦¦¦"¦ icmdcil duwu l'roin ccncrati'in to imieration, parcniH ihtioitíiui j. n.. n, ebildren, and tiet Mrao, Bat, puriiape, tbc saddest priyilege ever allowed the neai frienda of dylng man, oocaalonally occurred during the reign of Queen Ellzabeth, when tbrough eccntive elciuencv - in execuiions by hiiiiirintr - thcy were penulttcd to grasti the fee) ol tlie gbsptjnded ctimnal, and by clinging to the extiemitiea, precipítate their addlUonal welffhl on the body, thereby basten Ing itrangulation. It is iiccillcss lu sav that llioc thcorius are t'alsc in both COncepÜOD and practice. Deatb ia a phyalologloal prooeaa, and llke all olbcr animal fnnctions should be


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News