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Mor roo ia to havo an !?S00 town dock. The ftalamasoo guarda are crytag for lome iicw dothes. The whórtleberry erop this yeex uill he ¦iionnous, il t aid. Ululen muaielans wanl lo mate thcir ireath in a brasa band. The Jackson coal minera are tLill hangiir ont for ;0 oente imw hour. Ilarvestlng has commenced quite exten.ímIv In Che gouthern countieg. Umi. Ktnoty A Storrs delivered tlir lili if Jnly oratio'n a1 Grand Kapids. lliii-iilalc oounty (armen wlll bat a (rand pon pon and picnic Aur. 17. Two Baj City men propose to itart a aun of 1,000 aerea in Alcona oonnty. 1 , .u t Qrand Rápida men hare purchaaed 18,000 aera Of thnber lamí iu Missouri. The Brul A Oaeeola lidnber rallroad s haring serióos troublea wer tb rlghl f iiwny. Ai Kalamazoo tliry are enforclnj] Husuudav liquor law, and flnlng thoae who dlsregard i. The ncw reform school for glrls, rtl Adrián, will be openeii for. the reeeption of uñatea Aug. ist. I.iiior dealen if Kalnmazoo oo. have rtald $6,770 for the privilege of Relling the ituff the coming year. The furnitnre manufacturera r (ir.nd Rápida have eflected a general organizailon, and elected offleers, Ilcnrv ('. Rlpley asninril the dtuMea of iiiii'-rnal revenu office ol 1 Bth dl riet Jnly Ist, ('ol. VJc DaJaotl, inatHiig ua's-V.HKlp,,"..',1",'1'"1 BrIlnvOttowa co., bat been arreated cliarged wlth the thefl The ll'iu. Chas. T. Gorham ui elegant recepción bj the mcletj people di Marshall laai week Thursday evenlug. Hay -iTins to ! n excellent erop all ovei the state, though farmers are Imvlug a lltüe trouble in curliig il In lome iectloos. WbeatUmuch betterln EllMaleconnty than farmera antlclpated, the weather( of the pil feu weeks prorlng vcry tx-neiirial. A itiiii toaeken nsiitute hu been iu sc.-siiin sinre l.isl Tuesilay al Lanttng, closlng to-day. The atteiiuance waa qaite large. TheCutlerft Barldge lamber Co1! mlll, at Boring Lafce, Bar Orand Haven, was burnetl last Friday. Loss. 3fi,00ü nnre.l tor (10,000, The BoUford eUsvator. al Porl Duron, bnrned on the l-i Inat, wlth 10,000 bnsbela of (train, oi rarioi kinds. Low, $40,000; iusuranee, f35,000. East8ag]itawsha jolng peopta are now wiping tean ni dtoappointmenl (ron thalr eyes beoauae thal city wlll nol haveanew opera houac iliis aeason. Kev. K. II. Molt, of Alliion. gone tO Augusta, Mc. The down casi congregaUon gtv hun $1,400 g rea tor latary Ihan he was leerivinsr al Albiun. Maj. E. ('. Walkin-. of Keilt connly, ¦ I tlm ,lnlu oL i..r, ut llio lltlli: houae ol eorrectton ou the Ut inst.. in place of Qrafton, reafgned. A Ure al Alpena last Thursday deatroyed Qebhaii .V; Co'a ptantng mili, and Comstock, Béwksk A Co's boarUing bouae. )6,O0O; no iusuranee. The DlvWon atreol MethodUI EpUcopal cbureb people, of Qrand EUpida, celebrated the tth of Jury wlth greal c-t and rnilch foy, beéame they had ju-t relenied tl1 griep oi ¦ 10,UOO deau grip on thelr projüerty. Somc of the ta payen of Bay city reln-e to pav their school taz, on the ground thal the school board exceeded its aathortty in letting the contrae! for ¦ nw ward sehooi balldlng. it takes ¦ mighty llttle excuse for soma men to ralae ¦ ruropus. Severa! sectiona of the state have heen visiicil with terrific storma wlthln the past ten days. In some places the raging o) the elementa nMkile the people thlnk of the end of tlw worhl, thtmder aad lightning acCompanying the rain and wind In " teni ble aw fulni In tt „yn.. IhlTl TT - t nnA " entions last year, w hile in Kent títere wen 1,710. Is it possilili' thal the Kapiilans are I llllleli lliori' wieked thatl the Detroiters, or are offlaera of rae place more viuilant than thoae of theotherf ItNa pretty luiere dillerenee Ol the WTOOg sWe ol the ledgar. CompetltJon In the wool market at v ford, Oakland co., lust week. run prieel up to 17 CentB. Over whieh the l'arniers chackied In great glee as they pocketed the rui prooeeda of thelr wool clip. The liuycrs are expected to have the wool taken oii'iroin o. r their eyes wiien they come to sell. A new jnilieial circuit, knmvii si HM Kth, organlfBd I y the teglalature i .i-t win ter, is coinposeil ol' the ot Kalkaska, Mlaaaukee, Roscommon, and Wex ford, and an eiection of i Jadge to preside over the saine is to he hehl in Auirust. The canili'lates are as thiek Hees on a lo in .luly. Balance of cash iu the state treasury Jane 18, was $1,574,806.80; recelpU for thé week endlng Jone 36 were $47,288.01; paymenta tor -ame time $26,401.73; h'iiving a balance June 26, 1881, of $1,506,668.l I, of whieh $590,000 belong to the sinking fund, sí':,M!i.ii.") are beid in the trust funda, and $73119.06 are availaMe tor general pnrposi Amna I'itkin, a brmer of Eaton famaship. Katon county. s haring a qnite I streak of matrimonial Im-k. lic basBtarrieil four different wlves, and has been relieved of each in sneer- ion hy the aipearanoc of her formar huaband. The la-t one, who eame OU Honday, was supposed to have heen killed in the war, as nothing hail heen hcan! trom hiin in IS ears- Kreulng News. This aaornlag we were shown somesam pie appies. iroin severa] barrels f uil of the Kniflisb golden rnasei species, growu and packed three agO hy Mr. John II. Batea, of Rome townsnlp. These appies, U as the cutiré lol wlth which they were packed, are u as perfect ¦ state of preaervation as tbongfa they were from laat ycar's erop. - Adrián Record. Therc was considerable excltemenl at llolly last week hy the discovery of ÜM hody of a woman Iniried in a harrel hesiih a straw staok in-ar DavUburg, supposed t be that of the wife of ir. X. C. Hall which was stolen from the grave In Oci her last after liaviii"; heen luried sonii ttme. This niav have some bcarlag on thi Huil iniirder ( ase, w liieh has cxiled tin people of Oakland coiinly to sueh an 61 tent. [ngfoam Co. New-: Ma-on is keept nj up lts en viable reputatlon of belngtiM in the northwest lor inarryin ot school ma'am-. The school board hav been pestered of late with appllcation from ettgtble ladies w ho olfer to teach fo ïiothinir, and pav I humt heside-, so piras ant tO them the prnsx'ct of iiiipencliii inalrimony. pressiire for place 01 the part of the lady was one I the strongcal motives tor ereetlng t nei ward schcMii biühllng. Considerable exel temen t prevalía anión the people ot l.akeview ovil the DJMUTiag of illiam I!. l)a i-, a liveryman 10 yeal of are. to a 1:1 year old daughter of Joh Cooper. The lather of the ehlld is pai tially helpless IVom a slroke of paliilysi and it laaUeged that the maniage eouragejd hy hla wiie. who is a stepmothi to tbe girl. l'ais has been arrested am held for trial ou the charge ot aoductioi The man who performed the marriaan eer eiuony OOght to he DTOMCUted, too


Ann Arbor Courier
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