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My Hero

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I h:nl bilt liero in mv rhikUioud, and ' iliüt v r whom I liad orver wen. ' Whfii I lrn ni y n na ¦-. He v h t'i' yetirslatora mid.9 tent on a tour 5 crJK .'enny, 111 y -ister and I reecived hoxe? from íiiin froon China, Australia, [odia, with . itrange, eostly toys,and toklng, affectionate letters, Inch WC priaM more thun the iritis. Wc UWi taOMMily ni school oi "my . brotln ¦ '1 ti"1' ""¦ - liad were tumi b tliose wliich weimagined forhim. Hewe, 11 short, tile QM heioic and brilliant, Uiougli Bjcure in our couunoii p Uves, apon whlch huns 11 the romance and fency which cama to os Irona rthef soim My fjither died when I waa a boy of teu. (api Douglass carne home i" time to see liini when lie died, I remember being led tli Jenny to lathor' s bcd-nlc , were atall, bearded man stond, who pat his arma aboat us, aod itli .-i broken voice. suid,- "Before God, father, I promise yon that they símil be my carel1 lie na ediniíiiied tojoln ht shlp aa aoon aa the funeral was over. The nexl week and 1 i-ir remorad to the tow n "t Clinton, where we were plaoed at different boarding-aohools. Kor nlne years this Inrisible brother was our raardUn augeL Nothing that tnoney ¦upply was wanting to u. His letten, alwaysfull ofkMÜor'srolUckingfnn, MN mIso tender hs k woinunV. '1 i,, ., 1 range seusitivenpss, t(M. ia hls affection Umt mlght have belonged to a mother. WilKteM-l M were II, lie lllwa.VS Inslsted thal we ihoold be free to pass one dar Ir the ec-k togetber: and on that 'i-ty we naaally comtered his letters, or mesand brOUjrhi him liefore eacli otlier in jret more heroic colors. Tbere as a wrt;iin myslery about liini, too. wliicli added to our romantic illertion. Wny diJ lic nevcr come to sec ns'r Sunlv 11 ninf years de couKl liave liad h fnrloogk! Webegged him In our letters to coroe, or, at least, to seiid us his pliotoraph ; luit. Instead came only playtul esonaes. "All verv li.-nulsome men are modcet, I said to Jenny, Ui the authority of ¦ college senior, "nnd my reoolleotion ol brother Douglass s that of a man or a Itperh preaence and the blgUeet type of manly beauty. At last the day carne when I waa to gradúate, and Jenny to leave her BCtlOOl in the sanie toun. ït was impossible tor aas lnnger to remain wholly separated from us. ' We both rote to him. "Sorely," I suid, "you 11 110 longer refiise to te te us. Vou have been father, brotlier- all to us. Let BH show v.n to mv friendm." I tried to teil him how nohlc he seemed tome; hOW I had made him the model of my owii lile. "Come to u-." I nrged. '¦Help me to be ¦ man like yourself." Jenny encloeed 11 note, whlch I read and had half a mind nol to end, so simple and glrlish did il seem to me. "Deal brotlier," she said, "we have a righl to be with you. Öod has giren us to ench ollier. You are alone and 1 feel that you need the love we have for you. Let (18, Si least, make I home tor you ; you have done: everythini; lor 118." -, 1 Doughua eould need poor little Jenny and mul I thougbl of the wisesl and best men, the 1110-t beauiilul omen in thé country, as only a oonrt where he moved like a'plince. an.-wer eanie alUBOSt immediately. Douglatg could nol be very dtotant It oddly enough, addreeaed to Jenny. ll epoke to her ai it ihe ere a 'ornan. "You are ri_rht, little siAer," so tin terran. "I need more than vou know honie and love whlch you aay you have gi ven ,,,,.. 1 had folly resolreo never to how invseit to you, but your words have nored rangi-ly. li is as f Gtod spoke to me tlitougli th'eni. 1 uill come to you tonaorro I wm wild witli triiuiiph. I was tull then of boyUli concelt and the desire to appear weH In the ejet ot the 01 hl. The ('oiinneneeiuent Hay as a moment. .ut epoch in my lite. All of my college eompanions and lady lrieinU ould be there. I had -poken to t hem all of my brotlier; had desenbed higexcellencies andhUnoblenesi of chnracter. When I told them he was comfng they all desired an introdiielion. ¦litxpeet liim," 1 said to uiy most Intímate fiieinl, "in the nooii train. I ïuppose the president and faeulty will dra": him off to the platform as loon as he arrivés.1 HOW happy and proud I Was! Jenny's cheeks, too, ere nuahed and her eye shone with a brilliant lightbut she was very quiet. The noon-traln ewne, however, and he us not there. The college hall was crowded in the afternoon, even tlie campus was dotted with gay rroups to bear the addreetes of the graduatlng class. Bul .-Uil 110 Captain Douglass. My heeft beat btgfa with anxioty. I gUuicedalongthorow of dlguitaries, Jt they nilil ahrlnk into InsignMcance beton'' my brother's plendid Bgvre to his uniform. Be every inch a man. M turn came. 1 was the lasl speaker. 1 as well knOWll to most of the audienee, 1 had been ¦ long time in the ooilege. ni1ni"t. s I had begau and ended, va vehemeiil, lult 1 -cnreeiv h, ....'. ;i. A train had arrived just before I had moiinted the rostrum. Burely be was in Itï smely he WOUld claim me now before them all! I ftepped down hen I had Sntshed, and . tOOk my plMB in the cla-s to recelvt my diploma, [t was giren. There wasasbert prayer, and all was over. ('arryini; the roll of ïiiirrhment In mv hand nroudlv as if it had been a mantara baton, I wnt mt, wHh .Icniiy clinging to iny arm, to the campus crowded wHh my friemls. Leanlng agalnst the fence u n btoated blear-eyed man, whosewornclothesihowed that he had wulked n long way. Two ot the profeMoriweretalktagtogether behlnd the pilla by I rtood. 'Yus, that s lic," sald OU. "Goiie quite to the do Ram! mm! Hm hc baaone redeerolng tmit. For nina yeara li, haa -ent his pay to rapport his boy and u'irl, and La Utw himsell on n mere pitlani ¦! of bit pay. lint they never iaw hlm. Wlmt induced hlm to acriflce hlumelf in this way ?" "They HT uil be had. Theonlydropa ot hi blöod n tl"' woild r;ui in tln-ir veins. The poor wretch hai neyer had anybody to cara lor blm, and perhapi he thonght these children miglit have Mme real affectlon for hlm, rtrlned at bèiiby hi ftppetite for drink." 1 itood, itanned and dnmb, - I - ! It was- it was my brotber, my hero, tliat thcy meaul ! Át that moment, the man oiiinr Ibrwara, trembllng. lic taid not drank that day, and was unstcady fnun cxcitcinciit and the want of liquor. "Kohcrt!" He held out h bande appeallngly. "I am yourbrotier Douglatl" I made ihi alMWer. I glanced around in diNidly terror tet ¦O0M ihould heur hiin. They had all hcll'l. Then I looked hini ftill In the eyes. man is mail," 1 aaid delibtrately. " Yi.u mr boHmg to nu - Mlfiing ' I ean own no reUtionmlp with neb at you I" He ..tiiL'L'cicd bick M il he had liccn shot. "Great GodT' be mnttered. " I lid not expeel tbUI But- I- liavc dasenred it'" There wal Midden a rush, and ¦ obbing cry, and Jenny had both her arma round hianeck. "Don-las: Brother Douglas I" -1,,. cried, "I have yon at last !"' Then ibe drew back, wlth one arm aboul hlm, and ttimingtoa party of her frlends wbo id mar, laid, with a calm dignity ! "This is my brother Douglaa. I owe ererytblag 1 ain and Imve In tho world to hiin. And I have ncvcr htii hini heforc. STou wlll xcuse me il 1 go with hfannow." Bhe Cluag tO his arm .ind led hiin away. " l,et me f.'o!" he wid, itruggllng to Wltbdraw trom her. " Let me go hack and die in the glitter. Ifs the only place for me !" "I will ncvcr let yon go!" c-rled Jenny, paatfonately. I k at these jieople. how they -larc at you, walkiiiL' with the dranken beggarT "These people,11 said Jenny, iteadlly, keeplag her hold of Mm, "know bat your one luult. 1 know von lor the noble, generons. braTe mail yon are, lirothcr. Ict us Lro away trom herc. I love yon. We will make a home lor cach other." She led him, weak as !i child, to his ho tel. And in spite of vil my renninstranccs, she lelt town with him next day. 1 COuW not overeóme the feeling of disappointmentand of outiageil pilde. It was worse Ihan foolisli - it was uicked. NcvertheleM, I left them. nenred ;i poskion is clerk, and worked nu iran av, 1 acleil. in short, llke an ungratefnl coward. Whcn I founil.Ieiinv üenUlod in reiiKun uitli li in. I MMM VT9B tQ wrilc U) bar. Tbc work ahe began tluU la -!,.¦ nevernveup. Shedjd :i bomefor lilm, the llrst hc erernad kMwa : made it cliccrful and liappy. Slic dealt with hll CiilillS M di8Mei mtched over hiui nigbt mul i:iy ; wben the itragglM with hT temptergTew too hard fofmm, gve him medicine i preyeo tor him. rlnnit to liini. nerer lost pWlence nor bope, KM showttl liini thftt ln' luul nol lust t 11. lll My motive n telling thli itorj la to lhvw that the dranken bwj ¦omrtlmw be eanú by iint.iiliiiíí l've Hinl practical tOMMM en se. Bhe dkü eura liim. He llved rorinany and dled In lier arma at last.


Ann Arbor Courier
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