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I.akc Couiity Journal : The peoplc of ('adilhic, alnnst to a man are " booming " for K. F. Sawycr forjudge of the38th judicial (i -uit. Iïiys, (!o you "calch oti " lilis from the Berrfen SprlngsEra: At lc.i-t toar tl - smul of tt ii' prettieel glrl in Benien county uili be praaeul al the meeting of tb young pcoplc's picnic associatloú al thla place on lila :m of August Chetxrtgan Tribune: The democratie ttate of Lrkanstts wants to borrow $125,000, to help pay the corral expensen of the state gownmenl fornextyear. That isn't "carpet bag mlsgovernmQnt" either, bnt pure democratie financiering. Iughaii ('ounty News: "I'efore IM marry a man who chowa töbaoco, IM stay an oM umid till 1 got black in lace." exclainied a ündgevillc gif], and then she tooit a wad of gum trim her ïnontli ind stuck il on the under lidi of her ohair for safety, whileshe look timeto eat lier dinner. Hnsting; Iianner: The young ladics and gentlemei have reccntly imbibed agreat liking to the study of astronomy. The comel ma be tbe principal object öf thelf nspection bal l'or soine reason thcy appiar to hare the beil bucmh and llke it best When ilir tights are darkest. Middlcville Kcpuhlican: Coinplaints art already 1 can I of destroyed, or nearlj so,by cows iliat run in ihc road. I [mv nice t would be to have íhe mws punta red sdiicwlirri1 else Ilian in the strrrt. We dem't Buppose it nould be done - the cows are dio largely in the majority. lialtle ( rei-k Moou : 'l'lic trotfrni; mare Lady .Miirlli'ton, owncd by 1 ! i 1 1 111:11) fc I! 10 w 11, of thiscity, bas won .iiioWht i;:j(IO pnraeatBbrl Dodga, [owa, In tbi-ee straijrjit ln-ais 'ini' _'!i. Tbls mare bas woji $i,2()0 since she eommenced trotting in tlielowa circuit, anj she la liuprovïng In lier speed üKily. IVwaiiu l'laiiiili-iili-r: HjOII Monday- the Ith - was lic ilay w In-u the aveiiiire vinnig man hlrei a rig gol li gflri and ili-ove to tome othff place, walkedarouhd in the hot sun all dav1, cal oini slarch ice crc;un, and drank OOIsmnptive lcniiinadc, and went home al n ghl completely tired out and ealled it t'un. Saginav llcrald: Tbebesl way todiminisli the niinlicr of dlvorCM is to train boys to be tem icrale and thegtrtg tobe good hioasewivM aBd cooks. ÁtipolInatMnoaad and 1 wil ; who can ncillicr a good cup of cofbe nor broll a beefèteak wili ilways be i line fcir the divorcecourt, whether they a] ply or not. Ovid l'non: The lirst sample of new wlu-at of iho erop ol 1881, was roceived by Gapt, A. .catlic i-terday, fnmi Huiler, Montfromery Co., 111. It was raised by S. IJ. Fisb, a fornier resident of Ovid, who writes Hint the wbeat erop will be an average 011e 11 that section. uiany pieces giving an BXtraotdinary yicld, and others (jiiitü poor, Thresbing lias oominenoed. Cadillao jHews : The Chicago & Xortliwesteni railroad company are ander Contract with the inining companiet of Marquette and Menominee countles to transport no circus, menagerie or tent show north of the Menominee river. It sclaiined by the mining comp&niea that tbc advent of acircusortentshow loto tbe district during the. -liippiiiu sc:iMn wou ld resul t IntfaOUBanda of dollars óf damage to thelr interests. Fenton Qazette: [f the mothera of all the yoiing men and boys wbo congrégate on 011 r streets, and in oor stores at nfghf, by idlenesa courtiug vicc, would and holil cacli her oyi n boy, lo his OW11 [ileasanl fireside. she would compase a Biiccesa, bealde wliich the achit'vcments of the mot gifted ut eartb are not wortbyto bc n:tmed. Then c en public saloons wöuld seck viciinis almost in vain. for tliesupply would be stoppcd. TIn e Rivera Tribune: Smitli college, where Miss I.'ulli Hopphi go'S uext Vear, i; Incaled nt .Norlhamptoii, ,Ia.-s., and N om ol the thice Icading colleges tor wonicii iu thls country, Vaaaar and Wellesley being the other two. Du ring the pjisl year Suiiili college has bad 364 stiidcnts, and bas just graduateU 0, ojass'of ¦'.). tier eleeïlnii to a cbair in this institution isa just recogxüllon of Ilic lilgli i1:i-e wliich .Miss lloppin won among the teachers of .Michigan, llaibor BpritlgS Ki publican : As the wcalher grows warmer the peopta begin to Hoek tO llaibor Spiings. WhyV Uccaii-e il Is the bas) place tor suinnicr n-sorts 11 Anici ica : ecpecially on aocounl nt' is superior advaiilages tor pure, eold water, boating, etc. Tbe water in tbc hgrbor ia seldom tbuiiil loo i-oiigh for sniall n.iv boats. i'his fact, coupled with the glorious surroniuling scenery, balray air and the ëjcistence ofnnraeroua bofling gprings, is whal d toa it. Midland Sun: Our lcarncil friend,"S(nire Slowits siatea tbat It's all right; the comcl can'i hit. theearthl The laws of the universo are ininiilablc. bc says, and nothlng bigger Ihan inc-lcors and bolidcsare suffer1 il in Il aboiu Inn-cly and iiuliserimin;ilely. We lei-I glad and tlianUtuI to liro. Slowiis lor Ihis assurance. ',. hadn't the time to Investígate (lie subject ourself, but had lelt it In the hands of the'Sqnire vrtthagood degree ofoonflde tbal somobow be would fetch the maller out right. Our conlUlence was wcll placed. Eaton üapids Journal : II11rra.l1 for Katon Rápida ! tbe boss little city of the wesl ; When the young l'olks are the jolliest and ihc ol.l lol ks are 1 best W bcre the highest price is paid lor wool, the mineral water Bowa freely, two llquor Bnloona manage to BXist, and DOBting on (rand Kivcr s "jltst splelldid"- where band playi the KwceUM, The tilt is the prettiest, Tllu lown I Ihe n.-ai.-M . Anil everythlng Is Jolly l.rsi Quincy Herald: C'omptroller Knox. ot the treasury departmënt, basgranted acharter fora natlonal bank to be löcattd in QulBCy, Capital $60,000, tO Messrs. 0 I.', llannon, Ed 8. Wbcal, I!. F. Wbcal, .lobn II. Jones and E. li. ('biirch. The gentlemen inlcresteil In Ihis niovcment desirin tO place the slock alllong the cilizens of thn and adjointng towna. inataad of bavingit contnilled by a few, have retused to inake assignments In larga individual amounts, althougb we are Informed that several parties wercanxioiis to lake more th SB $1(1,000 caeh. St. Joseph Kipubliean : Linger not e-tciisivcly over the iorly rod whisky deeanler. nor nionkey long with tbe concealcd alligators that Lie colled up llke a Babcock lire cMinguishcr In the bnllominost reCBSSCS of the schuper ot' Mihvaukee scwer water and rosin; tor at DO distant day il' you are an old man, you willdrcain dreiuns of horror, and Ifa young man, yon wiii Bee vlsiona Of crniin cieepiug, sileiilly creeping thro' tbe air and up the bed post, thfreatening ilcsi riKiiou lo yoiir Iím-i pad. Flnally, liretbrcn, go slow; lor it' you do nol the terrors of Ihc Olthodoi hades will vst yon several l'iiilongs bi-lorc the aipiiintcd time. Wc bom wc mav be iiardoned for "slopping over," il thal's whül JTOO cali it ; but a DUtg n ti cent bouquel wlthitsdelicloui (ragrauce, 11 ju-t a fe'w neln-ssoiitliea-t ol' our prODOScis. and the geul lc zephy is ot 'a mild .linie afternoon are walled in at the open w indow at our lel'l ; besides wc liare Jim come in from a delhrhtfu] rlde on the river, with the blooil si 11 COursipgtlirOUgh our veins trom ihc eil'ects of the exlrtlarating exercise si ininiilcs stnoe we have hcard n cali tur more OODy, ani] a Whple huur without l dun! and why shonldii't the lionsennical inspira tions of ii seml-poetfc Imaginatlon emolionalic usl a temt (rand Uapids Bagle : (Juiteau is cra.y. bul. not the only cra.y one. Sume ot the ni1 siaier u riléis are as wild as bc. thougll In a m ay peí Lapa lesa likely lo h-ad them to similar ehi bit ions ui' lui r limacies. "It is Ihc ciiii-iiuiniati'iii ol I hi' spoils sv-leiu," snine n lln-iii sbonl, ju( bccausc I BSppj-n- tlial Ihis wretcll SQUghl : ffice well- nay. with much more reason - inijrlit they exctalm raen a niseal murden fer moiiey : "Itisthe eonaamnation of the üiianciiil gyitem," orof onr l)ii-inr- i.-id, or of rlic deslr tor reaith. Bhallow reason tliat, and a tballow, gllly view qj our - tem o( fovernmenl and ita political fi-ame Wolk.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News