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QI.BN IIousk, N. H., July, 1881. Corrtsfwndeiice Ui Uourier: - Thinking that pcrhaps now. in the warm weatlur, u few Dotai of travel on the Bt Lawrence, in tfo&trwl and mbM the gnuttte rocksof the White Mountains wouUl be of interest to your iut.UK(M,i ¦nul ggjjgjally tnwrlli'd rcmlcrs, 1 wlll teil you a little of the jolly we are haring. We be-run tlie monlli oí July by ftuting e.'irly In the morning aod jniniu'.r theEvening News excnrsimi at Detroit. Thi WM more especially au editors' benefit, so to be in style we roprwiitcd Hm Ohwmicle. A secial jtrain carried the (jnill drivers and l'inaforic relations over the Grand Truok bjr way f Port Huron. After breaking [hotogrupher's camera at Sarina, wc putti day in readiiii; and 'cttiiijr ac(naiiitcd. In -the evening when we arrrivrd at Toronto, we were rerrived by the preil iwodatlon there, and ewortad to the hotel, whero they gave n a liandsomc banquet fot seventy-tive cents ii licad In the replies to the toasts the sentimenU ino.-t applauded werp expressed by the nicnilicrs ut the Toronto press, when they declared thcir hope that Canada wonld soon annex the Slatcs, and make one gmnd republic, or that bolh should be sister republics, living side by side, in peace, harmony and irosperity. Sii))])er being concltideil, we were escorted to the cars and iven three rousin ebeen by the enthnsiUtk Canucks. Early Saturday morning we were awakened at Kingston by a serenade on a gong. In-icad of in viting the serenader in to refreshments, this is the way they have in the Dominion of atkhjg us to partake. The ere waitinr to take the party down the St. Lawrenee, no we did not accept bil kind protfer of hospitality. The day was a yery beautiful one, and we conld uot but enjoy the maguiticent scenery in the Thousand Islands. The banks were frenerally wooded, and on both sides carne direct to the waters edjre. and doped down suddenlv, as thoujh carefully terraced. Above üfrdensburg soine of the landscape closely resembles that along the Sault, in our own state. There are many small villages and hotels scattered along shore, and in the vicinity of Offdensburg tlie well-kept parks, handsome n idences, blgbar banks, excursión boats, etc, ramlnd one strongly of some points on tbc Iludson, above West l'olut. But t is in the .iPternoon wlien we rrarli Üie rapkl, wlien (hen II exeitement ;wd nntlMnMB. Befora roarfilng the first rapid wc can sec far aheari a long line of white l'onming water. It is as if some liujre monster was lying in wait tor us, and already showing liis teetli. Just before plangiag tlirough the breaker the water tVarfully swift, but smootli as glass. All for wlioin it is thr iirt trip erowd forward aud liold their breaths. They are ¦III 1111. and the w:iy tli:i t hands are cUpped togeCbm whca the ftáge is paasod, sliows that their owners feel reíleved. Tben are scvcral falla, aad it takes from two Ui si minutes to pass each of tlieni. Tlie last and livlirst rapUsaMtlw Lacliiue. lylug jut above Moiltreal. Jt Is hcre tliat .lian liaptistf, the oíd ludían, wlio lia. taken the steiiiners tlirough for thiity j 'eui -. comes aboard, and at unce brcomrs liero of the hoor. Four men nre it the whec], . umi t géet without Hjrfng that whilst we are in tlie mulst ol roaring, boiling roeky caldrmi, tbere la not meta fbóllng fitlier npon the part of' the wheelsmen or pMMgen. TWl paaeed in safety, we rapidly steani imder the wondorful Victoria tubular britjgp. It is one and a qunrter milos lonjr, ainl ita immense piers two bundred and fortylwo feet apart. The central tube is over gixty feet above the water. When completed the oompany fonnd Ihemselve out about $7,000,000. As we neareil the huge stone wharfs we pa&seri many OOeua Itoamen loading and unloading. Before landing we enttred the great lo ks, and were raised about twenty feet up to the level of the hungry cab drivers, who liiinccd iipon iis inmeliaU'ly afier goillg Mhon W' -urvived the attack and were soon landed at the Windsor, the btrgl Canailian hotels, and by lome thougltt to be iqual tothe Crystal Hotel in San Francisco. ilinin hall has elegant panel paintings intersK-rsed with plato minors and mullir ('orinthian coliiiims. In the evenIng wo fumhlfid In tbc (wrlon, and wen ilodinoil liy the Mayor Ol Ilic ilv and the Aniorioan consul. Sunday morninj fouud u all polnted toi" Xotro Dame. Tkree of ui had the gtod fortune to meet the leader of the clioir, who slmwod iis the great oourtos Dl piOTkliBg soats for us in the choir. In the vrlatef thoro ari' ahoiit ono hundrod boys, hut nou it 11 vacatinn, and only about sity attoml service. The clioir is at tbe eml ot the chureli, and commands a full view of the interior of tilla maguiliccnt structure. Theiuterioi has the large irregular columns, tho windowSjthe variad inthne.tmi the many OOlored ¦artriei peculiar t Um üyantine. The side chaels and head of the cliurch are gilded and einbelüshed witli statuary. Jieing near the organ and the choir, we were eepecially intereMed in the singing, i.t tho chiints was romlori-d by a boj) choir, alnglDg loprano to wil that the teel of our party holow thought that it miipt be by giils. The tinal sclection was "The Contlict with the World." In this took part the entire cbolr, excepl the three oí wlio were boane, tho orgaa, three vioIkll and a 'cello. The volume of sound was vory graat, the time perfect, and tho effect thrilHng. When it was all over the ehorisler canie to OS, and told us of their continual practkc, mul how during tlic winter tlicy bad giycn the " Measlah " and ¦ Creation." Uut we must Dot forget Co spe, ik o) ttie 'ciiiiDii dulivered in French. The ju est was uu orator in gestare, lire and thOUghi. He held li is auditors without OM Dtomenff boddtag for half an liour, and ln-cil with sucli a strong appeal as to cali for the use of the handkerchicf on the part of not a few. Ilis pronunciation was vi ry dist net and seeined to bc pure lirishm. Scveral noticcd the door leadin 0L the sleep] e, and asking if could ascend, were very obligingly told tliey nught. On coming down thcy weie expressing their admtration in glowlng tenns. lmt were soon " shut off'' by a beadle,who walleed op and callad for twenty-flve cents apiece, Their ardor wal radden ly oooled. Beforc rutiirning to the hotel wc itopped to sec the frescoes and patntfogl liy [tallan artista in the Jenlt catkedral. The figure vn large and producid inostly with brown and Itgbt colors,which ave a strange and general effect. Wc also ttopped at KMie of the lire honses, bilt saw no engine in uny of' tlicin. They only need hose-enrts ai the city the llolly system. A huge reservoir on tfoanl Royal givea tlie water eoough fall to the eity to secure eighty poundl jncssurc at any of tlic hydrants, 10 all that is nccosary i to run to u lire with the hose-cart, inake an attachment to a hydraut, and they ara ivady for business. Prooi tbc top of Moiint Royal in the afternoon, we obtained a line view of the cily, the bridge, wharvesandSt. Lawrence. After tea wc aain boarded the care, and woke up next morning at Gorham, am'ulst the noise of lire eraekers and bands and the excitement of a 4th of July procession. A fíood breaklaal irpi put out of sight, and then we made a rufa for top seats on the niountain coaches. When the two hundied of us were all packed in and had started up the val made quite an array. To.the Glen House it is about ajght miles, but with our six horses we made it in little OTW an liour and a half. The hotel is boautiful, situated in a valley between the Carter rasge, alKjut I Vmi t it high, and the Presidcntial range, soine thoiiMind fect nearer the stars. Mt WasliLngtoa is perkapi three miles di.tant, anti great üclds ol snow are in plain view froni tlw i.ii:i The landlord 8]ares no expense in makin' liis Liiosts fomtonnon-, sets as line a tabïe ai any New York hotel, and has the food served up by oollegfl under-jiiiduatcs, most of theni are froni IJates and Howdoin. It takes about 133 horses to coavey the f,'uests of this hotel to the different places of interest, and a drove of 80 blooded Jeney, DorhainaBdSwlMoowi upply us with cream, and it is lach Brean) as to aaka m teel wrtnhi Ibat tlie milkmen here do not have to siug, " Yes wc will gather at the rUrer," as somc of them do in Ann Arbor, I fear. The hotel at Gorham, and the one here, together with all these horses, coaches and eows, are owned by one man, Mr. Jlilliken, This jives rlw to the saying about here when any thiiiL is done on a Urge Kale, it is " allee samee likee Milliken man." On the evening of July 4th, tot the flrst time in its hlstory, fire-works were let off on the sumniit of Mt. Washington. Mr. Brearley had taken about $500 worth up, and as soou as it was dark he exhibited them to Uiose below. Most of the party ascended the niountain on Monday, saw a line snniise Tuesday morning, visited the falls in the ftfternDOii, autl in the eveninj? wc met in the hotel parlors to disband as a party. All were very enthusiastic in exr j'ivs-ing their pleasure and thanks to Mr. Brearluy for giving them such a grand ezOartlon, and for makinj such complete arrangementa for their comfort evprywhere. We feel like saying to all out friends, take the same medicine on the 14th or 21st inst. when the other Evenlng News excursión start. All the rest of the party left next mornng, hut we spent the time loaflng about, and making little tramps about the mountains nntil Friday. On Tuesday Mr. Itoyir, of the Tniversity, Mr. Witmer, of Harvard, and myself took a tramp to Tuckennan's Havine. We startctl at eleven and after a lively climb of about two hours, we found oureelvcs above the trees and among the granito botilders. Soon we had rctuhetl the snow, tlien came snow-balling, slidintr down hill, and drinking ice water. Later in the year the water eats away the snow anéarneath and toara a large ice arch. It U only about three foet in height now. Tha way back is by o path through tbc woods, and by tho Üuio we Itad returned to the hotel, after our ciglit miles walk. M worcrathertireI and truinendously hungry. Friday afternoon was occupied in ascendiDg Mt. Washington, in one of the slxhorse niountain coaclies. It tafcoa about four hours to go the eight miles, aud after p&tdng the half way house the view Is unobatraeted by trees, and embraeai MTeral hm and pretty valleys. This iiuiiibir . until wc i-each the sunimit, 1 1-5 miles al)ovc the sea, where we can see on a clear day to the ocean, beyond l'oitlaml. and over all tlie White mountain-. Tlicre is a hotel, railroad station, siirnal service house, and printing ofHce on the summit. The prioting oflee hai a daily paper. Iilirst nuinbcr tliirt year was tañed by the , fcraning News par(y, on .hüv tih. The i lioiisos and barni are 11 chalned to tlio rocks. Thu day we werc thcre wc needed iivurroite, and cnjoyod the coal fire Very miich. SUyintt over uif ht.Ve were so fortunatc as to have i ;ootl iunrfae, and clear viow of the country in the morning. At seveii we liorded the queer üttle train bout to deacead il' oÜMf side. W ren quiftly lttlnr in the car. entirely nncon¦cious of dMgcr, when raddenly tlicre was Que short, iharp whlatlv, and withuut uny utiicr rarntog (To bc continued in our oext.)


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News