
Coiirt conveiied last Tuesduy. The secomi ward school groundJ are. to be Bnced. ___-_ Ifciriy Ilill lias placed I flirt nnv sail lni.it on tita var. 'CJiere will be a meeting f the Macabees Molda; ereutag next. Ahram Ifim 8 putiinjj np a new $1,.(H, house on Wüuiot strcet. The best - or worst - mosquito weather ever known in this mcUoel (inte i l:rgu party will loare this city to-t]ay for i t ri a round thc lakos. Truninii H. Goodspeed, of Superior, liad l!i slurp killed by lightning lust Saturday. IfanTollHJ, ll III tt - faloi-j-, r,i..l ,u ., iilllS'qnence tbe streets are not as busy as lorinerly. The tnwii deck gol tited last Wedncsday, and stopped at 1:45. Au anustul ocrurrence. The 1 'etmii Evening Xews has carried our Kerk fiimltiiro coinpauy way off to Ypsilanti. Conpany A lias made arrangements for a 1 and excursión tlie lirst weck iu August. 'AU aboard !" The sum of $-1,708 43 was received by tlie city treasurer for licensaa during tlie inoiith of June. Detroit partios tliink it will cost frora $175 to $200 to make the necessary repaln on the court house roof. Woikmen have torn the insideof the opera house all out, preparatory to fitting it up again in grand style. The rk-h man waik to get an nppetltfl for hls hreakfast and the tramp fo get a brealjlist i'or his apppttte. .Mayor Knin kapt his yes niien circus iay, and didn't allow shaipers to et t!ie start of ilie peojile very inuch. Judge llarrinian has ordered Mn. EIHe Winters, of York, taken to the Pmttac asylum, she heilig adjödgod in:iin'. J. II. Fox, the colored lawyer ot Y'psilanti, will dellver an adiress at Kalamazoo, on eui&ucipation day. August lst. The reform club proposes to liold two niLitings In the tent one week from next Sunday, for which speakers have been setured. Tlie moiiey drawer of E. J. Joh n son V liat store was corapletely " scooped " of everjf cent in it, by gome expert till tapper last Tuesday. 'l'lie resiauiuc of Chas. Cook on Ann street, was vistted by somc "crackers" witli burglarious intent last Monday ni;ht, but ifot scared out Tlve boot mil sioe merchants have folwwed the excellent example of the dry goous dealers and will now close their stores at S o'clock p. m. Orders have been gfrtn lo 1he gcdio,, tMMM on the line of the Central rallroad to increase their gangs, and so laborers have becn in Iemand for the past few days. ' 'le "ntract for erecting the new bridges "vende Hurón has been made and iigned, S"J Uy il ,.,,st 7i0S3.50. Work lias ulKtff coininenced on the lower bridge. Tlieeomel's lmshy tail has about vanished to the naked eye. It is extremely faint. 'l'lu lads and lassies must fmd KMMtMlIg new now for au excuse to set up evenings. E. J. Knowlton has 14 acres in onions at lus furm about one milc south of the city, MM will probably have thisscason bctween .00aiul 5,000 bushels of that dclicious esculent. - The past weck, tip toyesterday a. tn., has len the hottest we ever experienccd. We lave prohably had one or two sucli hot ''Vs, hut never a continuous week of them before. The little Crawford girl, colored, who Was injured by the Grand Rapids exiiress, Ol' the M. O. railroad, ¦ short time ago, her 'Ie sister betng killed at the time, died ]ast Tuesday. Tl,c ia.t half of the residenee of the late '1-z'':i C-. Beaman, corner of Huron and State strects, has been rented by the Ann Arbor school of music. Possession will be given 8cpt lst, next. be Daily New.-, pmpnwi toenlarga m-xt ek Saturday lo a Él WlillWII folio, imd ¦meadoob pm opM tbs) to eeiebraM Hm vdí It gntifyng note tlii.1 -Mu-. Thefollowini; in: 1 1 ¦ - runoinits distrilmted by cuur (,( Pólice Clarken uring the nonti ol .une lst ward, &:; d ward, tS.26; adw8rd,S.(ii); 4th ward, $5.30; (ith ward, lü.OO; tot;ll, $46.20. The hose copany ',,roposes to go to Cohlwater ne.xt Beptamber to compete in the pitee drill. Our boys are Hgm „„ ntag and hose. Thcy propose to have a npw hose-cart also. Then is i c(üirtha7p'ropertv OM en on E„st University ..vwn.e are occupv"'fí a portion of th,.tr,,.t,,„d the (th ward Werm areto InywURate and re,„-, llt BP1 Commencing whh next Bobbath, Rev Dr. Alabastcr will oceupy 11. pulpit of the lï.sbvtrnan ohuroh lbr Utres Babbaths, the M. B. oongregatlon unlting wlth the Prcsbyteiians in WOnhlp. The Herrien Co. Record of the 8th Inst publishes in full the tpeech of the Hon. E. P. Allen, of Tprilsntl, in th.it city, n July 4th, last. It is. perhaps, Deedlesi to say that it wiis ;i good one. The Manhal] Statesman copies n - marks relativo to supplying reporters with i few eonvi'iüt'nces at the high school oommencementa, and raspeetfaUy refers thetn to the icbool anthoriüea of that city. A new soit of a potato bug has made its appearanoe. It is ihaped Bomething Uke n crawlish, and goei intothc liill and eats the toben all u]i. In Jackson cóünty jjreat (laniiige il reported froni Itanragea. Daily News: " Mrs. N. H. Pierce, of this city, cures hy the laying on of hands. If she can do anything wjth a nwnber of ïirchins tlmt we know of by thal procela, she can do botter than thcir mothers. " This is just the time, now that you haven't anything else to do, to gatlier up all of the magazines and papers about the house which you wish to preserve, and bring ibera to the blndeiy. Don't foret it. We have a copy of tlie high school ostaloguc of 1859-00, in which áppean the name of '-Charles .1. GuHean, Preeport, Dl" The Hon. Daniel B. BrlRgs, late state supiTinteiideiit of imbüc instruction, was at that time principal. We have rcceived No. 1, of Vol. 1. of the Dundee Ledeer, Francls Brooks editor and proprietor. It is a neat live i,.l unm qnarto, and propoeeato help akrag the life and enterprisc of thal alraady livcly and entcrpiising rlllage. VeiiDorgivosusan nmalgaraation ol'hi ai, stornia, hurricanes, frosts, etc, for thè balance of July. He hit it pretty close for the first half, but as lightning seldom strikes twice in the same place, we shan't put any credit in tliu 'totlier 'alf, un'til obliged to. The barbor, we Huppose gets to h.-aven by a close shave.-Phlliulelplila Sun. Hlu-ar ofl okl ¦aan; IhearotTl Wedou'l beileve any borber evargeuto beayen.- Oetroll Cbaff. Heoun'i DDlejM he dyes.-Pontiac Enterprise. Nu, be ean't Kttthereby dylng, for Iib Uyes to Uve - .Soutii l.yon EzeéUlor, e, and anybody wlio would clip sueh barber-ous puns will live to die. The memben of the Ont regiment of state mllitia will ttarn witli regretofthe íntended rmrignajon of Willis M.'rritt, Beq., of Adrián, aandjutant. The reásóa giVea s tbal tlic dWriesof m. ,,m, , ,lr.. ,min,,,, nM,i interferc t a greal extenl with Mis .riv.it.business. Mr. John Sintth brought into thls office last Week a slniwlH-rry Bixlean luctiM In diameter weiKiiinK isï pounds. If you don'l heli, vo il' Jast ank htm-dont want you t.i tak,. nnr word for H.-Adrlaa Press. It is very evident that the Press man hasn't reeeived a copy of the reviaed edltion vet. AVill some miaaionary supply liim? Tlie Sunday scliool connected with Ziona Lutheran church, will liold its annual pienic on August 4th, at the Belief park groumls. TherewlU be excellent services, and an extra etiort made t have the 300 iiid upwards of children connectetl therewith enjoy themselves. Sometliing new is brtirg rlrveloecl day. The latest remedj for dlpbtheria la certainly pleaatng oqe. It la aaid that in families whioh roast tlicir iwn cotVec. diplitlicria cannot get a fbothold, as Ihe pangenl aroma of the roasting eofli'c eflectoally destroys the germs of the diseases. The remmer trotting meeting of Üie Chicago drirtng park, uil] be held Irom July Mtth, to -r.M inclusive, and will be the greatest trotttng erent of the season In the west, $50,009' in purses are oflèred, and 188 eotiies liave been made. A chariot race will be held every day of the (neetlng. The Saline Observer has this item : ''The Ann Arbor juvenlle band w:is one of the attractions at Milan, on the 4th. The little fellows - some of them scarcely :is large as the instrumente they carried- were dressed In their new uniforma, and presented a very fine appearance. They play remarkably well for so young a band.1' Thls item froni the Marshall Statesman: ¦'Dr. C. S. McOmber, of Ann Arbor. was in town last Monday, the guest of Kred. JJickford. They are classmates at colli ¦(¦. and will soon become business associates. We iinderstand that these gentlemen leave this week for St. Paul, Neb., w lu iv they propose to start a first-class drug sotre' A boy named Jas. Kenny, aged 15, was arrested at the Instance of Barnum's men, last Tuesday. The boy followcd the show from place to place, and they had tired of him. Ilis residence is said to be at Wlndsor, Ontario. Jas. McMahon isliolding the boy with a view to sending him to the state school at Coldwater, if facts will warrant. Drs. Braakey, Gcorgeand Allen werc reslected as members of the board of healtfa at the last meeting of the conimon council, and allowed $25 ench for the past y u - services. They are all efficiënt members of that board, and could they havu proper aid from the council and cltizens, would nccomplish much more thanthey do. Ttiosc dcsiring to stink of the teek furniturecompiiny, will flndthe u on sale at the Ann Arbor savings bank. ]t will be remembered tliat the capital stook has been recently increased f rom $2.,000 to $50,000. Here is an opportunity to make au iivestment and at the sanie timo help the growth of niaiiufao.üiring in out city. Now they claim that lager boer Is adulterated. Thls Is terrible. We had alwftyn pliinr 1 our falth to tlie purltj of las;er, because we could nul see how lt coulil ba made much cheaper and be anythlng ut all. Ono by one our lond delusions are belug exponed and flnally ttiere will be nuthliii; to sivrar by ekceptclstern water.- Cuarlotte Kepublican. Tea, there are two tliings wliich nevcr can bc diluted or subverteil : 'Tater bugl and ilcath. They are oertaln sure. ? The Michigan Central It. R. will sell excursión tickets on July 27th and 23th to the Nort li western Amateur Kowing Association Ucetta, at Diamond Lake. Thie lake is in Cass county, about two miles ist of Cassopolis, and a beautiful sheet of water. There will be an unusnal ciowd in attendance f the weather is good. i adtico as this may be a little lair, bnt HoiTiftimcs sncli thiii;rs come botter late than ncver : "Make your own Kfrlgerator, put one dry joods box insicle another, flll it with siiw-(lii.t, aal] on somo strips to support shelves, fasten tlie cover with hinges, iind a coat of ]aiut, ad yOU ,aVe asuseful a rafrigentof w Uiteen dollar one." Ann Arbor lodge A. O. l . W ., No. 27, haschosen tlie following otlicers for the coming six months: P. M. W., J. Mueblé; M. W., John Fisher; foreman, .1. Looaa) overseer, J. Kuebler; recorder, J. Kiaus.recelver, O. F. Luick ; financier, Albrecht Q winner: goide, Paal Tessmer; .7. W., Win. A. Clark; O. W., K. Ziehier; trust,,., A.li' BchmkL The city officials, whose duty it i.s to tend to the 8treets in the4tli ward, ought to hurvest the rank erop of burdocks, j-ellow docks, thlstles, ete., etc., growlng out of the refuse haapcd m tUu vacant lots corner "l North and State streets. They are :mything but pleasant to look vipon, and if left tu ripen, in leed down the Btreatsaad yards for blocks uroiind. The early closlng of stores s gettingto !¦ OOlltagioU, wc :ire glad to nolc. and uBoclatloni of merchante, wlth that end in ieu . are belng forwardcd al! over the state, aro tlir plan is worklng wel!. Thei-e is no reason why stores ihonld bekept open as they are customers could easily aOOOmmOdate themselves to more KMOnable houn f they were asked to do 10. Many of out readers will doubtlM NOognlae the lady mentloned in the followIng item. taken from the Fenton [ndependenl : atÜ-Mdh"'1 W Tnylor is "hsi'"t "' A'" Avbor, os Her offloe win i 1 lOBed timii Ui,, ui, ,,,¦ jul, T (ilii.lwlii KE wnl' si ; n uylor hlls looated in Featonl h-rnV, ow", ';¦¦'"' 11'"1 oPbl of taking Ui I piaOa U Uil Illc huSl HIIVWlllT ll 11 Klrlllfnl "d rearle .urgeon as SSáS The ('entnil Michigan trotting, pacing and ronnJng oirooit races open at Katon Raplds, July 27th to 30th (four days), and DrpaflM to h,. the best ever held therc l'iirscs 12,300. The track is in the best oondiüon and the stnble aocommodatioBi lirst elass. A large numbcr of fine horses will be present. For programs and paitloulars, address A. Osborn, secretary, Eaton Rápida. ..T'leAnii Arbor Couiior, speaklna of where "¦i. .-ni.,.,,, u,„,M „„ ,MMi,!Uh,"y ¦Tí! lm, il, H1" 5anoïiotor to help the people ol ïhai thrTvlng ban; twUt the tmi ieaiui.8 f ihe m i ai l I. rum tlie way a lot of thou fellows l.'ok.Miat nm-lit.we ¦boold Jwjga Ihnrlotthe -EntoriSS t!U'k''J1 UM'g "f "u"k be"rThe Enterprise niiKt have been mistaken in the lot. Got the label on the wrong Bpecimeus, as it rere. Ann Aibor people Wouldn't act so, you know. The qupstlon of the time- "Where dld tlie cornet come from, aud where in lt goliiK "- Ailrlaii Times. 8 Still it isn'ta ïiutcli greattr mystery than W are thrown in contact with eontinually. Suman life gprityp into existence and is oabered out evtarf dajr, yet from whence it comes or where itgoes no one can teil. Onr fait 11 leads U3 tobelieve eertain thiijga, luit we know Ho moreabout it than weUoabout tlie cornet. Htv.J. Alnbaster, of Ann Arhor, who was a leaJIng meniber of the Methodist couMrencu held In thls city ome time agn. lias len hon'.'I ,'ï11 tlR' "'.e of .dot-tor of tllvinlty by the Mu-hiKaii unlvt-rgity. Mr. Alabastor 1 lias Sí "Tribu ' C"nro" at Aun Albor.-iiay lint another proof of that ohl mylng : '¦(¦ ttwaj trom home to learn the ncws." The degree referred to vaaeonferrad by the Syractue unlversityi his alma mater, and ooi by the Michigan onlventty, thou;h the latter woold have bonored itself by tonferring it. liy luws ..f iliis stute a man aml woman wlio are oompotenl lo marry ach other, without díiik before ;i minister or maKlninuí' without i.r..vi.... imtlcB being iriVBii mi ni loim ir ceremouy, civil ¦¦ ...iQiV.;" aml willi no record or writton evldenee of thé ncl Kept, and merely hy words of present couir,ii batween them.may take upon themgelves the relation of husbaud and wlfe, and be liounil to theinselves, t the state and society as Kuch.- South Lyon Kxeelslor. Isn't the abovc a little mixed ? If not, we are ncliuod to bellere that the marriage tic mlght be as e;isily broken as takeu on, and a loóse system of morola be the resnlt It secins that the M. C. IJ. H. doublé tr:ick. fioin Chelsea to Qna Lftke, is not to be luid. So says the Grass Lake News : " Several items have lately appeareil In the local presa Rating that the doublé track ou the M. G. road is belntf laid throurh Sylvan. Sueh, however, is not the faet. The irou bat not been laiU any farther tlian the enst switch at this station, and we lea rn Drom good mthority that DO farther extensión of the track will take place this summer at least." liiliig old book", papers, manuscriptR and doetiments- anytlilng and everylliitifc bearlna apon the liistory of Mlohlgan's carly gettle¦pent, (ir apon tlie Individual blstory of any of her piont th, or of any muinber of thelr famL lina, and depoalt lliem In your museurn ii, this way, we wlll bulld up to the meraorv of the earller Rettlera, a inooumenl grandor and more end arlng iban Bgypi's t'nssopoiis Igllanli The aboye item is jnst as applieable to Chis section as t ('ass county. Te pioneer society is a good custodian of all the old relies of the early days, and they take paina to preserve each things in good shape. "Xever too old to learn" is wlmt one or two pcople found out to their sad discomfiture last Tuesday. A resident of Plymouth canie here to see the show. and was conceited enougli to think he knew more aboot thrce card monte than the men who manipiilated the cards, thercfore lost 1GO. He better go homo, subscribe for some good Oewspáper, pay for it at least five years in aihaiice, and learn to leave sliarpers alone. A man wlio will get beat at the wary games of these individuáis, in these times receives and deserves precions little sympathy. Anexchangè tells a lon-r and truthful story iu a few words: "A never thinks his twelve-year old son stronger than a borse untü be employés him to turn the grindstone to aharpeo an old ax th.it is as sharp at oue end as at the other. The old man liears on uutil the lad's eyes hang out and bis trousers" buckle llies oll', and just before he barata a blood vessel his lalher enenuraes ltitn with the remark, ' Does- it- turn- hard y Thoii-ands of boys have run away fiom li ; in order tn escape aaecond teige at the griodstone.'i The writer kiiowa of live Instances Where Chlldren have been wounded in (Mis city with toy pistols- in two instanees, at lea-t, the wound lieinff very severe. 'J'he man who invented these dangerous playthings oiiiit to bo compeJled to see the BÜfférihg bis Inventlon has produced, and the parents who allow their childreu to buy them, mnt reiiKMiiber the eonsequences. Besldes, chlldren are apt to fly innd at their mates very easily, and with this murdemiis playthini; "l hand. a niurder is easily coniiniited. The children are all botter off without tban Ui them; By the provlsions of an act of the legislature, paased at the session of last winter, the township siiperintendents of schools are requlred to meet at the county clerk 's office, on the flrst Tuesday iu August, and elect three "county examinen of schools." At this 6ession they will choose one for one year, one for two years, and one for three years. llereafter but one will be elected for a term of three years. Under the provisimis of tald act, ('ouuty Clerk Clark has given notice to all of the township superintenilents of schools in this county to meet at the court house, on Tuesday, August 2d, at 10 o'elook a. m. Tlic souiewhat noted case of Mary Jane Culp vs. James B. (iott, was aniicably settled laH Weilnesday, betwecn the parties. The caso, as many of our readers are aware, grew out of an appeal from the probate court. Gott was the guardián of the plaintII', and had the management of her estáte, and the proposeí final scttlement buinjr unsatisfactory an ajipeal was taken to the circuit court, wliure a decisión was rendered iu her favor for about #11,000. TIn? su] iic me court rendeied au adverse decisión, and the case eame up a'ain for trial last Tuesday, wlien the partios effected a sottlement without furthcr litlgntion. The figures as given us are Mrs. Culp to rereive $1,050 in bnnk stm ; n oitv lot valued nt $725 ; and $0,077 in cash. The heavy stniin of last Tuesday at lerniioii eame near taking down gome of the clrCUS tent-, aml the greatest excltement proraijed for a few saotteata, especial!}' in the main and menagerie tents. The wild heasts idaied, children wiramril, and the wind ti cd its bestto pull down the eanvass vrhlle the rain feil in torreuts. Only throÜffh the irriahM ellorls of a lew cool beads wM a i'rihti'ui paule, bteB could hut have remlted hl ijteal lOSS Of human Ufe, prevented. The dllapldated tppear anee of bedragled skirls, silk stockings handsoine bonaeta and tlioroughly soakei weariag apparel of all kinds, after the storm, was amusing - to those who didn't pet Mal and exaspentlng to those who dul. lf a attll can wake up and get up and go out o'doors au hour or two before snnrise, these hot suintncr moi-nings, he can see, in the northeast quarter of the heavens, a retnai kable group of stars - or planets rather. The group consista of Venus, Jupiter, Katuni and Mars. The lowest, most eastern and most brilliant of the group is Venus, the otiien atretchlng obliquëly apwmrd f rom her in the order named. Mars is rapidly galntng opon Saturn amlJupiter, and passed the former on July 7tli, and will overtake the Jatter on July 22d. On July 14 - yesterday- Mars was in conjunction witli the dlatant planet Neptune, but the latter can, of course, only be geen in a telescope. The ruddy color of Mars is now distinctly perceptible, nnd the planet will daily iucrease in brlllianey till he reaches his npposition two days after Chltttmu. Ourcounty Huperliiteudent of the poor inforius U8 tliat 4uee tlie law went lulo effect re(lUlriiiK [hul the bodles of all puupvro who die la toe county, unle8H clnlmeu by friends, be snl tu tin. Unlverslty nt Ann Arbor.the namberol iipplIoiiliiiiH to fiirnlMli cofflns at public expenM has baan groatly dlininUhnd. Thl l une giKKl roKiilt of the law al least. It aluo loroibly Hhisiral.s how enger sume people nre In sailale sucli exponsen upon the public regkrdleu l how It look. It seems to the Journal t luit ¦ miin Nlitmld sell the last shirt ti ti Is buek, lf need be, In order to buiy a daoeaaad Irk'iul. rather than npply to the public charlty for ai,i to do so.- Gratlot Journul. By ponuing the above our readere will sec una of the mnny gmul fTccts of thS lílW whicli a falsesentimeutality prevented previous legislatures from passing. The law has had a {rrcat efleet upon the trade of the grave robber ateo, and the people can rest assured that there is little or no deinaiul lor gDMtly merchandise. It also reitnburses the couuty tor the expenses of burlo!, which has always been borne by the people. Another of the old pioneers of this county has been called to the life eternal, in the person of Chas. T. Wilmot Mr. Wilmot left this city about tlnee weeks since for Green Springa, Ohio, baring in view the benefit of his health, but the change did not prove beneficial, and he died on Sunday, last, the lOth inst. Mr. Wilmot came to tlus county iu 1S.T), lirst settling on a farm in this township, wliere lic lived until about 1850, wlien he moved into the city, Kmatning ben ever since. He has always Meo a pnynlnent menber of the M. E. chureh, bein for some time a trustee. He was one of the original Inoorporaton of the lst National bank of this city, likewise of the Ann Aiboi SKTtoga bank, aml lms ever been aprigbt and honorable in all hisdtalintfs, and respected by tlie entire coinniuiiity. He leaves a wife and tour children : Mis. Juliette J. Wines, Alta E., Carrie J., and Chas. C. The remains were brought home last Monday for interment, and funeral services were held Tuesday, at two o'clock. The wild Comanche who regulates tht war whoop of the Ypsüantl Sentincl, -was out in all liis war paint and eagle's feathers n lust week's issue of that journal. Tlie way his little tomahawk swung around among the journalists of this section was blood curdling in the extreme. It acted as a ref'rigerator- and with the thermometei at 09 in the shade at that. A humanitarian, eh? He filled the pockets of two of our daily men and retired them to brlng on anothcr "hfcle for pickle." He consumed Bro. Pat. in hisown brilliancy. The Evcning News is taught i lesson on scythe "liandles," and styled a "mangy oor." Otfaen wcre touchcd up. The Courier carne in for a "hit" so deep that "all the king's oxen couldn't pull t up." But Uien, such is existence. The desert must have lts sands; tlie prairit; ils grass; the ocean its galt ; and journalism its pepper. A pleasant surprise and donation took place at the residence of Moses Seabolt, on the afternoon of öaturday last. The decoratlon society met to hold thcir annual meeting for the election of oliicers, and a presentation to Mrs. Mary Seabolt and Mrs. A. Wood of beautiful floral gifts as a testimonial of regard from the society. Mrs. Seabolt was presented with a handsome case of water-lilies in wax, and Mrs. Wood was presented with a floral horseslioe in wax.' An address was made to each lady by Mrs. N. H. Pierce la behalf of the society. The ladies, usually so happy in expiTssion, were " considerably set back as usual on such occasions," but delighted with their }resents. After tlie supper Under the trees, the meeting was cal led to order, and the followlng otücers were elected: Mrs. Moses Seabolt, president; Mrs. Jas. B. Saimders, vice-president; Mrs. Wm. Fisher, Treasurer; Mrs. N. H. I'ii i . Becretary. Rcmnrk wt'ie made by the retiring offleers and by the newly elected otücers, and by each memberof the society The meeting then adjourncd.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Juliaett J. Wilmot Wines
Charles T. Wilmot