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Judgc Harriman lelt laat WVdnesday l tlic eaat. Prof. üuniuKoii luis fCOOt to Iturlingtou Vennont. C. II. Milieu and wile are vblttag at Hytlu Park, 111. Muses Rogera is lyiui vcry ill willi in flammation of the veins. Mrs. Bessic Miller, of Leathrille, Colo ratio, is Uk; guest of her sister, Mrs. W. O Doty. Mr. A. E. Warttefl.who has beun spendtng several inonths in Boston, has rcturnci' home. Mrs. N. M. Schoffand Miss Ncttie Ames are tuking in tlu: beatities of tlic White motintains. Prof. J. II. Simonds, recent leader of the Anu Arbor city band, has gone to North ville to reside. Prof. Beaman has gone to Ohio, accompanied by his family, to be absent about six or eight weeks. Prof. J. IJ. Davis is to suinmer oft" the coast of Massachusetts, on a lone and rocky isle of the sea. Prof. Ilcnncquin has gonc to St. Clair, to take charge of the sumiller scliool of French languae and literature. Miss Lillie Miley left this city July lst for Uloomington, 111., where shc expects to spend the stuniner with relatives. Loren Ilenion has left the employ of Bach & Abel, and gone on the road as traveling salesman for an Albany house. Mrs. Nelson üooth, accotnpanied by her litlle sou Vr alter, has gone on a trip around the lakes, taking in all the'points of interest along the route. Rev. R. II. Steele and wife left last Tuesday for Centerville, being called there by the sudden death of Mrs. Steele's brother, James Hayes, Kscj. Leroy C. Noble, a resident of this city before the war, now master mechanic of the Houston and Texae Central R. H., is viMting relativos in the city. Mr. H. A. Beal had the pleasureof sliaking hands with Mrs. Eugenc Halo, the only daughter of the late Zachariah t'haiullii, and her talented husband, Senator Hale. .ui Mt. Washington, last Haturday. Prof. 1'. Ii. Huse cane home from Chicago last Satnrday on a visit to his family, ratorateg Taaaday (veninr. ]le reports everything booming in Chicago, and the weather! Wbrw! don't speak of it. Jas. IJ. Clark, who raduatod two years since from the pharmacy depMtfflent, and is now residing at Sioux Falls, Dakato, is visiting lus mother, on Ckurcb strect. J I - thinks Ann Arbor the Hum [daca in the country, yet. Oeorge NcWell Dcl'uy, of liiitVahi. N. Y., une of the Aun Arbor boys of a dosra yeiira ago, umi at that time a ineiuber of tlu; CouRiKit force, Is at present vistting at his mothei's, in this city, witli his wife and fiunily. Frank C. Bliss, lit. of 73, now of Cleveland, Olilo, is in the city visiting his mother. I; lie cao catch clients witli tbc case lic useil to take the red hot bal Is f rom tin' luit in the old baseball days, MMCeH for li i i ii is a certainty. Htnry W. Huyes, freight agent at the Michigan Central depot, reeeivod the lad intelligence of the sudden death ot his father, Jas. Hayea, of Centerville, St. Joseph couiity, last Tuesday. Mr. Hayes had made preparatlons to reside In this city. Ingliam Co. Democrat : " Hon. John J. Koliison, of W'ashtenaw county, nieinbt r of the Michigan legislatura of 1879, and also state senator two or threc times, was in the city yesterday and spent a few hours with his associate in the legislature, Hon. Ilcnry P. Henderson." D.McIntyre,Esq.,ex-rejrent and ex-treuurer of the university, who lias been absent from the city forseveral years, is about to return, it is stated, and occ.upy his residence on W. Huron st. He wlll be tecompanied by bis daughtcr and her husband- Rev. W. W. Wetniorc- a former pastor of the l'resbyterian church in this city. Miss Tfiinie Holicrtson, from Bton Rouga, Lx, Miss Mamie Hereford, Dallas, Texas, and the Misses Dora and Mtttíe Foreman, of Whitehall, 111., have arrived in the city for the purpose of spending the remainder of the sumnicr and proflting by tliu Btadioal in-itnintion of Prof . and Madam Goodrich. Prof. G. and wife have sjicnt their vacation for severnl summers here, and are stopping at Dr. Kusscll's, on Thmiipson street.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News