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Ann Arbor's Prosperity

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A correspondent of the OoMwater BepuMiean, ilgolog himsclf "F. M.," touches up tlie new life and impelus given our city, in this lively manner : " I wish to cali attentlon to the great ra vival Ann Arhor is timlergoiiig, and, if possible, point a moral :iii I adorn a hilo. Two years ago the city was In a lethurgy, wbiofa had continucd fr a long period, and which it gave no promise of breaking. It possessed not a half of Coldwater spirit. The trade with the farming coininuuity had heen won by Ypsilanti. It had no factorics or otlier industries. The iinlverslty alone kcpt it alive. It lost population rapidly, and seemed destined to spcedily go to seed. But happily a few prominent men started in to " rescue the perishing," and to conimence with, constructed the Toledo, Ann Arhor and jlrand Trunk railroad as l'ar as that city. The rails were scarcely spiked ere the mpetus of a new life was feit. The syinpoins of decay were checked and then removed. Competition in freight was the ;owerful agency. A good dose of Toledo spirit was infused into the fossilized town nul it picked up amazlugly. The lirst fruits were a healthy incrcase n population by the coming of a iiunihci of wealthy Toledo residcHts. The new court house, costing $87,000, was finished off. The tclephoue and a daily paper came together. The council, for the flrst time, ought ¦ (ttam lire-engine. Last ycar a f uil quarter of a million dolars was expended in new buildings includng many tasty residences, nnd thcre is nol a vacant house in town. This ycar innlliei' quarter of a million for the HUM turpOM 11 iilnvulv arcounted for, niMiirs hinilri lrinf included in the esimate. Two of them cost 15,000 apiece. 'vo new stone churches are nnder way. $100,000 library luiildliii?, with two towere 100 feet high, will go up. Five housand dollars is expended on the inerior of the opera house, alrcady :ui atractive place. It wlll have Caldlng open bain and two galleries. The new raiload is piishing on to Pontiac. Half its iu is proflt. The agricultura! workshad fty hands two years ago, and iieople wonrri'd. It emplovH 105 now. The Keek 'urnlture Couipany has built ahuge ture aml keep 100 uien busy, to start witli. The Langlcy Electric Liglit Companjr are hurrying up tlieir new building, aml wlll cnminencc wlth 75 inechnnirs. Tliis will be the general inanufactory of the machine. A street raihvay is agitated. Tlie two leading hotels are each refltted, one ut a cotf of $7,000. These busy times have all heetl innugurati'd sincc the building of the new ruilway. Nmv t.'oldwater mlght do as wcll bad slir another commercial outlet. Ann Arbor has added almosta thoiisand to populatiou ilnoa 1M71 Colwater cannot hope to row any more, or gniin a more extended trade, UU, likc South Bend, Battle Creek, and Ann Arbor, it spits on its banda and goes in to win.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News