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Business Locáis. Wines & Worden have a very large assortment oí gloves and hosiery, verycheap. Wc have juut rcceivod a largo line of new rurprts in the latest paíteme. WINES 4 WORDEN. Wine.s & Worden carry a very fine assortnient of clolhs, casiimeres, eloakings, denims, shirtings, licks, flannols, &c. Black and Oolored Caslnueres and Bunlings at winks & WORDIK. Spring dre-is goods in large varieties at WINKS WOKDEN'S. One of the most desirable assorttnents of ppring prints, very nice, at WINES WOKDEN'S. We have one of the largest assortments of bleached and unbleached cottons in 4 4, 42 in., C 4, 64, 7 4, 8-4, 9-4 and 10 4 ever in Ann Arbor, at satisfactory prices. WINES & WOUDEN. If you want a good gent's shirt, cheap, gO tO WINKS 4 WORÜEN's. For one of the best assortiucnts of laces, edgings, ncekwear, &c, cali on WINES & WORDEN. Silk and linen handkerchicfs can be found ohttlr tlmn at any otlicl liuuse, at WINES & WORDEN'S. Black silk, colored silk, triiuming silks and satiris at prices that defy cotupetition at WINES ft WORDEN 'S We sell a good Uuck towel for five cents. WINES WOUDEN. Table Linenw, napkins, towels, curtain.s and curtain fixtures at WINES ft WORDENS. We are the only house in Ann Arbor where you can 6nd the genuine "Broadhead Jatuestown" ïuohairs and alpacas. WINKS & WOUDEN. WANTKD IMMEDIATELY. Competent to Cut and Fit. Apply al 22 Bakt Buron Stkxet. 1017-18 OIDLKY WIIICKI.KK. rLÖ KENT. A house and Imru, Ha 98 Williara ctreet. Bnqnire at the Courucb Office, tf npO RENT. A flrHt-rlaim House al $00 per year, one tnile out of the clly. Artdress Box C', Ann ArArbor. "POR SALE OR TO 11ENT. Two IiIih ki south of the unlvorslty sronndK, a Iioumc niili th ¦' lotH and luim and fruit. Kinjiiirt' on the premire8 of urna ,i. b. stebhe. NÖTICE TO THE INSURING PUBLIC. Record of pollclee nnmhcred 22BÜ84 -2286S5- 22(iö8t and 2ÜKW7 of the Western Assuranc Co., of Toronto, Ont., Usued at Ann Arbor, Midi. aeary, havinif beun lott, I wotitd thank the holders of tht' game. whether the pollcles art inforce ar have expireJ to m'iid copie of the wrllten portion of policien togethcr witu name of assurod. amount ui insured and rate, ti either William 'l'n maln, a'ut at Ann Arbor, Midi., or James A. Jonen, General Agent, Uctrolt, Mlch. Klll-17 1 si ilc or Jolin llcnli-j . QTATE OF MICHIGAN, CoantyorWaslitouaw.Kf. Ata nesslon 0f (h Probate Court for theCounty ol WiiKhlcimw, Imlili'ii ui the Probate OtHce, lu Ihe city of Aun Arbor, on Monday, the twenty-st-ventb day ol June, In the year thonnand eight hnndrtxl ftnd eithly-uuc. rri'reiit.WiillamD Harriinaii, Judve oí Probato. In the matter of tbe entaic of John Honliy, drccacil. On readin and Illin the petition, dufy verifled,of Harriet M. HenKy, prayiu thut adminirtratlou of eald extatu mav bi' rantcd to Johunon W. Knlht, or aome othtT Bultable perfon. Thoreupon it is ordcred, Ihat Monday, the firet day of AugUHt MXt, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon, bu UHijrned for kaartag of nald pvlltion, and that tlie helr at law of ald deceaperi, and all other ptTKonx lnteretcd in nald tttil tre reqnired to appuar at a oKlon of nald court, th. n to te holdon at Ihe l'rolmte OIHci', In the clly ol Ann Arbor, und ttbow raiie, lf any thcre bc, wby the praycr of the petltloner Khoulil b Kranti-d. And lt is further ordenKl, that ttaid petltioner Klve notii-i' to the tierBoiiB iiiteretcd In naid t'ctHte, of the pi'iidcncy of eaid petition, and Hie kUbm Ihercof, liy raiiHini; a eopy of thl order to h: i llnhed in Tke Ann Arbor Uourur, a mwnpnpir priiit'''i and circulatlnt; In ttaid cotinty, tlin'i' raanaiv,- vaskl 1 ald day ol hvnrtnK. (A Irur copy.) Wll.l.IAM D. IIAKKIMAN, .In du" of l'rohatf. WM. S. UOTY. lroht Koüi-ter. lWlt 4U All klndn or KliitinK tone nl Th. 'uurlcr mi hart umiir


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