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Anecdotes And Remembrances Of Sojourner Truth

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Many ycare ago, before ourar, whon the agitatioo ot the antl-alavery auestion dered antl-CrUtln and alao an uuliQly subject tor Sunday disctissinn, l'arker Pill-tiury, who had some Influentlal friendiin Battle Crek, obtalned ibrongo tkepi pwmHwèon ko Bpeak on the subject u :i sel 1 house In a country district near the rUlage, wherethe Methodist naluister was itomed frequently to hold a 4 o'elock meeting. Sojoumcr M O cour i hand whejc a good word ni to be spoken ii Uie sHtvca, older and mora wttbered looklng 40 yean agothanabe toto-day. 8he had soughta low in a ibadoved corner ol th room i" Haten to Mr. Pillabury's pp tlon of the subject ui whiili in a bolü uianner, doubtiesa bok) for tbe times, ne ihowefl iliat it was au altogether BBChrtttlan and cnrwd tinne tor men nrotesMim Ui lie foilowers of' Uirist, to hold fellow beings in iv. Boine ol hls doctrines were startlingthen, and assoclated witD the infldelikhetom, and all iimnncr ol daling imniety which lUCh men as Carnson. I'arkei Pillsbury, Cbanning, Theodore Parker and n U the ouUpoken enemies of slavery wen cimrgcil wtih. Durüiu the meeting there came np ¦ terrtflc tnunder rtorm. The wiud rilt t'ourfullv i iivarby prodiic TIn MetlHxIist minlona, :i roanifustation oí God' ulspleasure willi gucíi an Infidel liandling of the Hilile 08TM on ('aii.ian whicli jnsinicit and tnMaioed slavery bjr holytext, rote and trembliufdy exp hl oonviction8, thal üod, hwil rafctaU the torn : manifestatlonof hiswratli. And ba feai-cl, he laid, thai the Almighty ibout to takc veneaiice on ldm for yielding Uis üu-riül desk Uial afternoon to the 1 ¦ il "f sikjIi intidi'! (butrino And' ' . ut to rail tliein tojiHlfcint'nt tor smli a in, lic foTOOe wantcd to liumMc liimself and make confeaston, and i sins and previne for lod pardon. As lie rat about to lift his oice in prayer, Sojoornef rose -low ly t rom lier corner, likc, tl; bUjj I i--uinc from her cave, and uith a imillng face, addressing the peoiUe, eaid; " Don't !¦ afeard, bretbren, t ais 'er tom ia man'i i i íod'i wrath; don't ln'in' afeard dat Uod anirry wltb vu tbr liin' lo wlm Mr. l'Hi.Miiy h -lin' trutli hat lie's -aid. Wliv üon't you know, chilern, dal God dat' nrhal God ia. God - love ot floJMimer woiild nol be herc to say it to you day." And looking towarth the waitin? nunl-ier lid : " I.c! tbc litlle litollier 0O1Ulertcd, tor I don'l 'spei t de LoM Altni.irlity iver bearn teil ol hun.'1 The writcr once cal led t 5 nirner in her neiit and coinlortablc apartincntthat she occupied in lier own house, i'cntIng all bal ¦ oouplc of roonu to furnl&li her the nicaii.s ot livinj; in there, In the OOirSe 6f the conversation SoJOBniLT iftid -lic went the nighl (cfore tó ttt-ar a lecture on getilogy. "They sent me a ticket,"he sald, "and I thongbt] woald go. They asid the lecturer irolng to explaln or give hUkleasabonl the Mosaïc account of the creadon, and I thoughf I would like to licar. whal Iiiiw' he and M you know. Tliouh I nevcro tr sik h a place I thoughl I would like to hear tbU. "Ve!l,bow didyou like hiin 't" wasa-ked Sojourner. '¦o. 1 njoyed whai heSald; trlotili 1 got iieity theil. Qreat many tbiujrs bc uüd I've Bad the same Ideas; he got 'em oiil ol boo ks, but u; Spirit. I reckon, tcuehel me. 1 kind o' sets 'eni Jesl as if 'tViiS in a you know. I tlihiks "cm out, wben I-. -ittin' all alone. O, the Lord bal w i I o' teaehiji' tlicMi tliat i an't rcad, if they'll ony mind what He Brtyt. Uut ye Bée, honey, jieoplc won't tldnk, dat's tbc sin o' the world, dey wou't tliink. Don't you know de Ixtrd says : i'e stlll, and know dot Cm God de Loraf but de trouble wc wou't bêsU " Wt-M," wc asked, "wbat do you tliink about fctoaes'3 account of tne creatlonï Io yon tliink God made the world In si] day ¦'Lord ble-s ye, no, Uoney," -lic exclaimcd, " de Lord don't gó out to rjys woik. de Lord'i d:i - 1 -¦¦(¦ it, tbingi come alone in about tbc same w :iy as Moset dey ilid. bul 'dey wa-n't made in noaiz days." On leavijigíSoJoutliel al thi time, weBald: ¦'Sojourner, a cun torta lile littlc. home fop you. evcrytliinir so neat and clean, your window are -o nice and white, cverything so clean. I have been thinking anybody cniiid bc coinlortablc and 1 here. Tlits i a gtMHltical iiriier thnri ry, isn't It?" "Lord bleti jre, chile," the excialmed, ber eyea glaring like coals of Ure. "Lord e, beaveu's better'n bell." 'Vell, I am glad I have Been you in your comfortabb' home. I sliall love to tliink ol you here," wc remarked. "It you coiikl only read 1 should love better to tldnk of you, tbr it gcema to me no lady could be happier tlmn yon mijrlit 1; here.' " BK - ye, noney," uu exeïaJiacd, m] raads, nit may le, luit I reada de dw Lord. He bIiows m wrjnd'ronii tbfngs out of Hls look. de honk o' lite I cali it. .mil I liere and reaili 'em , honey, ilcy iswond'roua ihinjrs I reads hen; all Hlonr. and den omethnes I geta de BlUc. I en read a few worde in de Bible. I knows de nan Lord and Jemia, and somettines 1 _''¦( !.¦ IJililc. and 1'mcU a place where ilcsc Dames Ispretty thick, ymi know, :iml 1 reuil iiihI mis tO do :i he:il O1 gOod, honev ( ), I teil you, de Lord baa booki for dem dat can'i ifad de booksmed bM made. Kot long since aomeüiing was quoted u lier as "gospel." "Why, gospel, honey," slie sald, they's been a reat Bianj pelt; dr nspal lo úit woi ld is mwi papers; gospel Isgood new-, and newspnpen li whal bean irood newi to people niiw ; Jcy's what 'ligliteus pcoplc nowday-." fnvfled by :i Mei tl I lady eluli the otliei day wBen she a In Detroit. Haphael's "Srliool of Athl ¦! the 'real I tlie alic-ui, with n Inrgc engrarihg, was the Hibject "t füe afterDoon'a study and disciwlon. ad to inaki ome reiniuks, she said she had liever hcard of the tllillKS they had l.een lallv '. butülie h:id cnjnycil the i ini ii k - verj' niiich Mie luid never heiird ol t lic ipitiire or tliq jiuiiiter betore, hut the same kind of tliinj# she hJhad n her own ïniud niany times. "The Lord shows 'ein to me I reekon," sh' Mild. " De Spirit of da Lord, ladlea. O, it la a bl thlng, de Spirit ol the I.oril, Mml nou ailded, "ladies, I want tosay tu you, look within ye. everv olie ot e, ami listen to what de Lord sayi to fou,dêffi de Spint of de Lord. Whal ' iuu dat's what I wniit 'vayshnntly hy." i Uiat'Uhat tcnohed thr man that mnnp tliat palntlng just a.s it was ,(- Lord wlio inspirad Ilieni tlmt 'vented the ti lennipli and tilephone and all luch thiiiL:-. t , t I eonld u-l ye. ladies." ihe added, "the wonderftil, rondertul thlngS I'-e leanied sinre I was -a hundred j


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