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Tlio Kcy t lloalth. II ,-,. yini íouiiil ilii' kcy i" perfecl lealtb and trengthf Ii ti Kidney-Wort, the only leini'ly !h;t ovi-iemue :il chut lie Inactton ol rtio kWneys and bowelá. [t the lilcioil by cleM)sinx tbe -y - lem i't foul liumon and by givlng strength lo th Hvcr, ki I tn v and boweta to perforni lie ir le filial' lunet ion s. Se dila ed advi rtist-iuenU A I'koI Once More. - 1 j ii'u i .1 ¦ iiiv wlfe wm conflned i her bed by web a compllcaüon of ailmenti hat no ÜOOtOr coillil teil What was Ihe natter or care her, and 1 used up a imall fortune Ín buinbug stuff. Sín montbaago I saw ii I' 8 dag Ui Hop Uiitfis ii ii, tiul I tbonghl I woulil a tool onre mon-. [ trie" I i, lint niv tollv proved to b wisdom. l'wn bottlea cu red her, he ís now as well nul stronj; as any uian'a wlfe, and it cosí only tuo dollars, önch ful I y pays. - IT. W-, Detroit, Mkh - Free Press Kiilcy C'onilniuls if ai] descriptiona an; rcliavcil l once, uní tpeedily cu red by KWney-Wort It arumi Intended by Datara forUjacureol ill disCMM t tlic kiilncys cansed ly wrak..inl dcl)ilily. Its gteat umir jn'Hiiuc cspecially üircrtcil to thc removul o) tliis cl et ili.-ciu-cí. Ve know of person tliat have Butfcred tor thirty m U - tliat have heen pernmnently ctfred bj takniir Ividiicy-Wort u sliort time. i'ry it, citlier liijuid or dry. - Sun. Cure for Miliaria. Don'l it out and expote jrourteH to thc and ret malaria, bnt it yu do, uear tile Lion .Malaria and I.iver l'ad and lloily jmd Koot l'lnstcrs. 1'ln-y ill cine vu." The whole treatnieiil for mie dollar. For sale by Dnijr-rist-. A -(Jnpsficni. Wlíetüer it payi to aUow the lm itagea t d8Se t" ledliee thf -telll. PAUglllg ¦ ona Hinca, id lanre doctor billa, when liopa and muit bittert ill prevent and cure fon. Ask for a i'rcc bottle. Retened Krom Heulli. Wi liam -I ('oiiL-hlin, it Soinrrville, W as.x., says : " ín t he f.ill ol' 1876 1 was taken with a violent bloeding of the lum;-, ollowiid by aseverecouh I was so weak it one time s tü be unatile t'i le:ive iny cti. In the sumiller uf 1877 I wa ld uiittivl to (l:e ei(y liopitu!. Wliile there :bo doctors s;iid 1 hud u liole in my lelt ung as big as i half dollar. 1 was o lar gone at one time that a report went aiound that I was di:ad. I gaje up hopa, bul a riend told me of Dit. ïïm. Hai.i.'s BAls.m kor hik l-i vis. I got a bottle when to my surprise and gratiöcation I com in nr .] to lei 1 better, and to-day I Ceel in Detter spirits than I have in the pastthree K'ai h. 1 writc this hopini? every onp afflicted with disesed IjUiikh wil] be induced to take [mi. Wm Hai.i.'s Hai.sav vor tuk I, and be ouivinied that coniuinption can be cured." SoNl by DragtMta. 1826-78 PhymotaiM olaia Hops aad Mak Bitten are the U'st. '


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News