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Battle Creok, MlehlganP MAiroiAOTrEKBa or tui onlt gkkuot THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Englnes and Horse-Powers. In Ili.-Mi.rl.l. i 1848 M rt VCADO ofconUnuoutandnuxtfultnul. J 't I tftllw nnu, without change of namo, W iL management, or location, to "oo-Jt " (Aa 6- oad xcarraiüy given on all our goode. STEAM-VOWER SEP ARA TORS mh? i'otnplclc Stram ilnttltaof tnatchtefovaHti-. tuint Trartlon EnKinea and Ploln EDirfnes cvt-r RCOll in tho Amnrican ni&rkot A multitude of tptrial feature anti improvrmmtt for 1881, tOffetb'T with mwior qvalltiea in corutrueiion anti TnateriaU not dreamedof by tilluT Luakero. Fonr Bize of Sepsrstom, from 6 to 12 hum CAiacity.'ür stram or hortnptmcr. Iwo styles of " Mnunted " HnnxvPowera. 7Kfïi imn Kut of Wi-liTtrd 1 imbrr ,tlW,WW (fromlhriitonzytiarta{r..trir.l) couttantly on hand, frum whlcb ia built thu iuci )Euiarablo wtjUvork of our machineryTRACTION ENGINES ¦unit, 8, 10, 13 tlorttu Power ¦ FnrmrrH and Thrctthrrmfn aro invitíyi to Um ThnitüüiiK MaclÜJiery. OlmiUw h'iit fn-, Iddnn NICHOLS, 8HEPARD êt CO. Battlo Creek, Michigan 10M-52 TUTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TR1UMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of nppotite.Nausea.brvwols costive, I h n dull senRfttion in tho btick part. Pain under the shoulderbftBe, luUnpRa nfter eatiag, with adiainclination to exertion of body orrnind, Irritability of temper, I.ow spirita, XjObs of memory, with a feelíng oí" havlníf neflected some duty, wenrinoss, Dizzinesn, ÍMuttennK of th II eart, Dots before the ow ökin, ííeadache, H entiesaneaa at nija;ht, Eighly eolorud tTrine. IF THESE WARNING8 ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILL8"' spM ially adaptad to sutil caneSfOiic dose effecta NiichArhange ff fpelln an to stonih tbi nUmr Th y Ini-ifH) (lio 4 riM-ilie, nntl cause the bod9 t Titkr tu KIcmIi. Umi the nysteni Ís noiirltif4l.H!i! by tliiiToiiicirtlouiii tho Iltt-tl i, kuiu, lt-cular Slools are protiticptl. ' .tiits. :t5 TIurrn.T Wt., W.Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. ) llAiimr WHlSKKBfl cbftnnd lo a Olohííy i; i ' k by a Blnfï anpHcatlon of thta Kyk, It mis ,i natural color,Scta Intniituneously. ¦ aslpt ot0i OtTice. 35 Murray St., New York. (Dr. TCTPi m.m M wt TslufcU lnr..rmii.,n mí It.-.l,,!-. lif !,,¦ R..II..1 KKKK un .llUva.# 102-M4 mmsm&wt PRICES PEOPLE CAN AFFORD lo PAY. est :i in 1 iicwcst HBoctmcat of Buck¦'la¦l mul Etooeeaoriai. INSTANTANEOÜS 'aELATINE' WOEK Kor Buliii'N 1' le tur;. Best Car&Photographs, - $2.50 per doz. Best Cabinets, - 6.00 " 220 &. 222 W08DWARD AVE., ín ihiiii - - muí NM-N


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