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Girls As Barometers

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A great discovery in the lieltl cCkreather prophesy has reoentl; been raade by ProC atacgregor, of the Koyal society. The pul - li&hed record of hig experimenta is extremely iiitercsting and they certainly give us good reaaon tobelleve tbata satisfactory Bubatltute for the barometer has at (ast been I'iiuikI. l'rof. ÈlaegtegOlf telU üi lli:il bis altention was attracted to tlie useofglrla foraeiciitiiic purpoaea by overhearlng a yoiing lady remarle that ber "bang would nol keep crlmped in damp weather.' Upoii tbtohinl )m Jaft"wlJa'Qlnffrer n perk ¦¦: ixnetá.moiitlis and involving the use of 307 girls. He began by taking a retí haired glrl witli a luxuriant bang, which he causetl t be crimped wlth great care on an erening wheu the atinoaphere was particular]; dry. The next moruing the bang preseñted a Ijcaiitifully "frizzed " appearancc, bilt as toward the afternoon thealrgrew perceptibly foggy, the professor expected that the bang would los,. ta erlmpidlty - to use a scientitic term. It clid nothingol thekiiul, and so lar as. he cóuld see, the statu of the atmosphere bad no effect on it. lnstead of being discouraged by this failiii r, l'nif. Macgregw 'Berge Vered. ttocCuTred (O liini that the color of the hair iiiijjlit be an Important factor, aiul lliat red hair might retaln its orimpidity in circumstances where other hair would lose that (jnality. Hétherbiore orfleréd froin a charity school three dozen ornhaned jirls of from twelve to Blxteen years of age, and of assorted eolois in poiut of hair. Twelve of these were black-haired. twelve wen; bróWn haired and twehr werc red-halred. All of these girls woir lianas and were in every way well adapted for gelen tífle In vestigations. By a long series of caieful experlniehts, he proved that op the upproacli of wet weather tue ban'8 of the brownbalred girls, yrithoul exoeption, beeaine timp and straight, that a like effeel was produoed on the banga of ten of the twelve black-haired girls, white the red-haired girls were not a partiële inllneneed eitber the. 1 i ¦ i ¦ i i 1 1 1 y the dlynesc of the atinospliere. Further experlence npon the laiües of every age from J í to 40, gave like resulta, and the conclusión that the bang of a browu liaired gul is an infallible indicator of tueapproacn of the wet Ar dry wi at lier, niay be nnhesitatingly aeceptcd. 'l'lie professor also diseovered that red-luáred eirla show a peculiar ausceptlbility to elee tricity. When a tliniidersloini i Inewiiig their bangs become stiil' and brtetUng, and in three instanees, when the professer tried to snioothdown a bristling liang, he iieeived a violent shock in the región of the car. He is not prepared as yel to say that, the preaence oí au unueual amountof electricity in the air can ilwaya he detected by tlie uae of red-h al rd girls, but be is Btfonrfy inclined to think that further investiga! ion will prove that such is the l'aet. In view of this important diacovery, Pro fessor Macirregor recommends that brownhaired girls shall be suhslitiited on board all vessels, whetber naval or mercantile, fur tlie present unt rust worfhy barometer. He pointe out that, in the merchant service where a steward is at present carried, she should be required to be a brown-hain d WOUMWl witll il balifr, and tliat BRJT IHglect on her part to ennip lier bang every nighl wliile at sea should be punished as a mlademeanor. In the navy pecuüarly sensitivo brown-baired girls shoiild be einployed, and the professor iuggests thal they thould be ki'pt, in glass case-, open of coiirsr, at tlie tbc top, so lliat they would run no risk of being injured. The lirstcost ofagtr) is, of eourse, lather more than that of a baronieler, and il isexpensive to keep her in order, but this is of no eonseqneinc oompared with her valué as a weather indicator. Wc eau now onderstand why nature areated girla with bangs, and it is to be boped that there will be an end of the foolish oppoeition which so in.-.ny thonghttes men have made tothe present atyle o? banged hair.


Ann Arbor Courier
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