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Leader: Rev. Mr. (fother preached hls lirsi sermón ís pastor ofthe Baptlstcharcl of Dexter, last Siinii:iy nomine. It m i vciv practical (lisconrse mi the relatloi ami (lutiee of pastor mil people. Hurón lodjre I. O. Q. F.. of thia villnge, lias (losen the folio wlng offloera for tht coiiiinjr si inonlhs: K.G., J. 1'. H.vcraft V.G., A.Deckertj Seo., CA.Uook) Treaa., Comí r, ,!. Kchni. The Leader oxplajns the ilcfeal i' (hi Dexter club by the Clielscna in thls way "We liavc (icen infonned llial only l'oiirbt the Dexter nina went to Ofctlse, whirl aciiiiuiís for their beiug beaten." Come to tliink ibout it, thut nmst Iiave liccn Hk maller witli onr boys wlien thev went to Dexter. lint tlie Dexkr club was att Hiere that day. Leader: '-Tlie A. A. base ball (dubcftine u i here Saturday and irot devpured, l( to l. Cali Ihe nel", Mr. ('(U.HIKIt.'' Ourboys (lldn'l leel wcll that day, yon tttrów. One liail a m tliunib, anotlier a ore loe, a tliinl had tlie cerebro sp'mal non-git-lliere ín liis feet, and tlie bot weather was .v demorallzing. We tntót oür excuses are saflífáctory. Clllp liaskel. - Harvest hands liae been receiving &-... -u peí' day. John Tuomey ln vtgltlng here. The Vínkle Bros, wralked tlie pope at Manchester on the lili, clearing (SOi 'lias. F. ('ralle lias jone to Mn-kegou, in Hie employ ufa M.('. R. K. brancli road. Lutlier Palmer, Who lias been dangefously II for so time la rectfverlng very slowly. A valualile lioise belongiiifr to Siunpsoiil', l,ina,dieil reeenlly biivlljT aeeidentally fíol huid ola ilose Oí pillis L! in n. Aller harve-t Ibe )i-xler boys propose to reorganizo thelr ball club and have a crack lirst II I lie. .Mr. .lenney lost 1U at the cin-its at, Aun Albur. Krank Tav lor is now ele rk big lor Hall A Hoyt. Vill Warner was quite overeóme by tile heat a . . ¦ i ,, i !',.hi iviuj ; I.ODI. A Sabbath school has been orgnnlzed ai Lodi l'lains, with Mr Isaac Alien as snpeiinti'lidenl ; Mr. K. (lover, Secrclarv; Mr. Ficd. liasell. Treasurcr; Mr. C. Ilerhcii, ('hoirister; Miss Llzzie tílover, Organist. School meeta at 1 p. m., every Sabbath. Olie boni's sesi.)li. Kvciyliodv come. - Sniiiie Observer. H v f.i;. s. lí. Pennlngton, of Lanaing, and Miss Kate Carr, daughtér of E. U. Carr, were nariied on tlie l.'lth, hy líev. N. A.Saxton, it the residence of Win. Barden. Enterprise: Wc have the hlstory of tlie Abinini, written by Win. (!. Doty, in type, ind shall pnblish it at onr carliest eonvenence. It will he; fouild iiiterestinjr road Dg, cspeeially (o otir villaje snb.-cribers. ('hip Basket. - S.Fltzgerald's family have fono lo tliè laki's. Carpebtera are ai work )ii the Lehn and Clarkaou Wocks. Jacob Sihatcr, lm til reo miles SOUth, w:is sim stroke reeenlly. Paweugera ti tlie uiinber of 7,11)0 took tlie Liike.Sliore cars' i,ank Dalancedsideson thoirledVér July llth, at fl ii, iii-i ii. u..,.,.,,.r ,fM wages fKB $2 to $2.50. W. 11. l'ottle s o put in a uew piale fflaH front in liis store. lev, .1. li. Gilman has arrived borne in very poor health. Mis. l)r. Sheldon has ¦en pending the present weck in Chelea, with her paréala. Rev. and Mis. Malhews have Olie to Uoinc City. Ind, Ltteuding thc [glnnd Park Öunday school isseiiibly. Mr. and Mrs. (!. II. Anthony lave one U Whitcw ater. Wis., visitinií 'elatives and friends. Mrs. E. S. .laynes ind Mis. Krank Spaíard, have gone 6081 to lie sea slinrc .MII.A.W Nichiilas Ketcheaon and Alba Poel were tnarrled July 4tli, by Jtistice Marlde - ;i white Poet Ketch-r.-n, Bh f Chip Basket. - John Dezter hut raited I fine baro The streets are belng iniproved. The Butler road i.s layiuganother alue truck Ih-iv. near the depot. Over 100,000 n,s. of wool has been piirchased by Milun buyers. Jliiiry Doran, aged 07 years died recently, ifter a realdenoe in the town&hlp of -io reara, leavtag a wlfe and three chlldren. ilurvcst banda receive $2 per duy. Dr. Mesie bas retnixied. Tbc Sun Ihlnks Milan necds more churches, and h;ivs th:t the ii. . ir nioorcviile Is Very nnpressive to H lUIIL'IT-. SA1.INK. Observer: Although Dnvenport &Bon, have boughtthe lire eoglneand ara putting iip the etutjne bouae, the hose lias not ja beun oidcrcd, and, l'urthcrinoie, will not ie, iiniil the subtscrlpüon toward said fnnd are pald in. U's a burning sbainu that aftet (mr citizeng have bad tuoh an nniiaually liberal offer made tbem. tlicv slunilil be éo ilow in dolng tlieir small sbare. Cbip Basket. - Mrs. O. M. Wood is recoveiinj; trom her extended llness. The wiuil markit s closccl, and evciy pound bas been Bhlpped. On Mis 1'ann west of tliis place. Era Kobinson 18 buildings large bain. Hussell and Ruel Mills have tbeir reaidences conneotcd by telephone. The wool dip Of l. V. AndtTson's, of Plttsfleld, amounted to 2,800 ponnds. Sheriff Wailace lalksol bulldtag bar small stores on li js part of tbr burnt ilistrict. Tlie new block will be cal led "Union block." Mis. Laura Wal lace lias retnrned to Saline after a yenrt absence. F. SI. John bas lost bis nlil t aniily hem by deatli. Only OM mcal niai ket in town now. Henry Handt h'is iettled with the iosarance companr, not recelvlng the l'ull amount for whlcb Be was nsuri'd. Iluirhcs and Wiirtl are to gpeak aere öaturday and Sunday, the 2M and illb. Miss Kiltie Heiley, aged 18 ycars, livinjr át J. F. Avere's soutli of town, ilicd verv siuldenly Sundav last. Work on the ncw engine house is progrenlng rapWly. Yl'MI.AM I Dr. .1. A. Watünir left last week Tucsday for u trip to Kuroic. C. A. atcs couliln'l spare tbc linie, mi bas bad to Peslgll bis place in the band. The ParaODI liros. now run the cotice roasten alone, iiaving purchased C.L.Hall'a interest thereln. J. & V. l.. McCollOUgh are to p'it in a ncw capola iii thcir tOumlry, tlie old onc havlug served i'-s time. Tbc .luly taxes uc duc, and thOfle who pay now will save percentage. Tbc treasurercan be found at ist at. bank. Frank L. Showennan bas obtained a poaltion with the E3frin watch oompnny, Blgln, 111., and bas lett for bis ncw home. The Commercial says that in regard to tbc devonrlng propoaftlr-n of our base hall dub: "Nol tbis way, not this way, iielghbor." Kev. .1. M. Kichmond, of tbc Pivsbyteriiin ehureb, is to vigtl Chantauqua aboiit AÓg. Ni. It s tbi' intenlion of the society to repair tbc cliurch edilicc during bis absence, and a cominitlcc to solieit lunds has gone t" work. Ypsilanüan: M. L. Sbiitts, supervisor of the Becond district, reoently vlalted hls sim, who is an imnatc of the kastern Asylum Bt l'ontiac, and is Mlthaataatio in bis pralM ot tbc management of institutlon. Ue spcaks n the u.inncsl têniisof Slipt. Hui d and his aMiatants, and is extravagant in bis adlnini: hui of cciy ananeincnl as wcll as tbc care giveu the nuforliinatc palii-nts. Commercial: The uomenon l'aik streel wcic cpngiilerably trlghteived laai Monday evening by a lóale r w bo Infeated the nelgliborhood. All the ddór and wlndnwi wefe loeked, and one man, urged On by bis wifc, OtNlered the tramp away. Said tramp reiiisi.i to go. lic roamed the BtreeU frlgh tenlni; detenseleiw vvomen, one of whom stnick 1 1 i il] a i;ood blow in tiic face. ('on lldereble merriinent wai had w hen it came lo lililí, t bal the "man" wasoiic o! the gentar sex om for a Uu le amusement


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News