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Wipe Them Out

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The Detroit Evcning News, ¦ iiw day.sinoc, ïiiimiitid the Detroit board ol aldermen had no right to use tlie people's moncy to buy cakes, cortee, beer or whUky for a visiting board of aldernien and otüer liicrli-toneO officials from n iwlglitKirin? city. As tlie city ooiincil. Jinlter bonus subscribers, and otlicr olTiciuls of Adriuu weit to pay a return visit to the City of the BtnlttÜM nest day, souie of the Petroii officials mude up a face t the Eveninji Xew?, and the chicf cook of the jaaKMng part}1 refused to furnish that paper's repreinnlallw with a badge entitliiifr him to a passport to the tcstivities; and OthenrtM sotight to snub him. 'l'his action sliowed vcry plainly tbat the News' strictuies rut in a tender spot. The principie of giviiifr visiting dignitaries and oflicials of a neipliliorin city a line reception and entertainment is a very pleasant one, indccil- to those participating. But wlieu it comes to lakinp the money of the people, raised by tnxation, to pay for the same, injustice is bctng done. "-- ¦¦"otoiine, takc tlie ïuoney of a hard working mechanic, t.h . ., . . ... in ten liours cvitv day to support liia fainil y, little weekly in payment for the roof that shelters hiiu ; to tuke liU money, with which to purchase the luxuries of the season, or wine, beer and whisky, for these rraml banquete, and extra occasions, is nothing more nor less than an outrage. Tlic principie is u vile one in any lijihtyou may place it, and the Eveninsr News never did a more praiscworthy act tlian whcn slic stiuck it one of her sledge-liammer blows. Let every man pay for his own licuor-, is the flrst step Ib wiping out of exhtenee ú tlrunks.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News