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¦VTOTICE. The HtíK-k holdtTK aiil director of thf Keek Kurnlture Coinpany IiuvIiik votel l lUOTMse the capita] ntock from $H".iii u Iso.iKn, a portion ut the ijfw siock U uow oflered for aftle at par. The oompany on lts presen! capital lian pald over ten per ceifc orutilsatlon. and It In pxpecld that tiie new ütork wlll pay uut leex tliim i'l({ht percent per iiiimiMi. The sale f tlie compauy fir th tlrst Ir month of Iksi amounlad lo tfr.wi.IOninl the present cnpltai was Jonml Insutücleiit to priperly oarry ai tb e huelneBH. II hu alao lieru de'lde1 to reet a new building Jlxiu ftw rlnIshniK and HUirlng gxá: W. n HHrrlnutn, L. Oruner, Jw T Jaool, MoHen seiiliolt, J .1. F.IIIn aixl Ullan. B. II are dlreotorN of (ha iumpany. and partle can refer to thein br Information relatlve to me fompanv'i MtandliiK. proHpect, etc. rlptlons foi 810 i f tilín titcK-k wlll be reoelvwl bytbe Secretary at the Ann Arbor SavIncsBauk CHA. E. IIIsi'i X'K. 11M8-4 Hec'y and Tre. LMMIO PR0CLAMATI0N. PER GENT. OFF ON ALL IMËR Hl. EVERYTHIN MVKKEI) IN PLA1N FIGURES. We are overstocked with Summer Clothing and it Must be Sold for cash. Come while the stock is full. T EI'ORT OF THE CONDIT1ON -O TUK- ANH ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, AT ANN AISBOK, MICHIGAN, At the cl of ImkiIiko, monday, Julj tli. A. D. 1HHI, Made In accordanre wlth Sectlons IS, I, and 67 ot the (temml Banking Law as amended In 1871. RKSouacsa. Un and Dlcnuut9 J2il 077 02 BoudH and Mortiau,. irfij V. 8. i per cent. Bunds ntrrd m Overdraft „ 7,i n iit-vcniit' Hwmpi 49 Q(j Kurnlturo and Future 8.880 s Blllülii'daiiiilt g7 ski Uwe from Nailoual and Sute Kankii 57 1S7 7U Sllvercoin and NlrUelí 1,403 .% Legal Tcudurand llmik Note 3U.962 00 Total tü 1,74286 UiBILITlIg. Capital Stock 50,000 00 Surnlns Pnnd „ 10 000 00 JulT Dividend „ ,174 00 L'ndlvlded Proflo.. „.. 5 OIO 61 Duo Depoüitor 4ZIM 2S Total ¦ t501.742 86 I do solemnly gwear that the above tatement Ís true, to the bent of mr knowled?e and belief CHAS. B. HISCOCK. Casbier. Subscrlbod and Bworn lo before me, thls th day of July, 1SSI. 1047 48 L. GRUNRR. Noury Public. PERDON LÜMBER YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufactnrer and Dealer In SACINAW 1. 1M.-S Hl Kit Mlllill LATH AND SHINGLES. We lLrlto al! to gire ut a cali, ana examine ooi ¦tock before purchulng elaewhere. ALSO AGENT FOH JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SBLLS PIRK BRICE. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KBKCH. Hupt. JINSKY & SEABOLTS BAKERY.GROCERY 1ID FLOUR AND FEED STORE. Wf keep conauutly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., POR WHULB8ALK AND KKTAII. TRADI. Wa ahall alio kuep a anpply of 8WIFT A DIUBEL'8 BIST WHITE WHKA1 FLOCR, DKLHI PLOUH. RYB FLOUR, BUCKWHBAT FLOUK, COKN MBAL, PBKD. 4c, c. At wholegalu and ruUll. a general atock ol GROCERIES AND PROVISIÓN comtaotly on band, whlch wlll be aold oq aa reason bK'turme as atany other honae In toe clty. i'aun pald for Batutr, Kkk. and Country l'rodno generalij. laroood dellverud to any part of the city wlth ut extra charge, yr K1N8KY 8BAUOLT.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News