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Tiiriv ome talk of erecting a city buil. WeU, talk is cheap. Advertising is like fishing, the more ¦nes ytm put out the more you catch. - A pwifying house i beiag oonètraclpd at the jrns works, and ¦ ik-w meter is to be put in. ______ The tent of the reform club s betng pitchctl oh t old jail square, where meetings will be held Siuuliiy. The Brighton base ball club are to ])lay n gaine ivitli the DexU-r club, at Dexter, toiiiiirrnw. Baturday fteruoon. The Hjfbt infantry club of Dexter are to play a return game of base ball witta the Ann Arbor club in this city next Tuesday tfiernoon. The juvenile band are to go nto the excursión business, giving a ride to Toledo, l'ut in-B.iy and Lakesido, on the 27th of lilis ui. in, ii. Owen B. Coyle, i' Northfield, who came to this county Boraê two years ago from California, died hst Friday, of dropsy, aged 88 yeare. Dr. W. W. Bliss, the physlciaq who has charge of the president's case, is the same Dr. Blus whp amjmtated Prol". I'. IJ. n.r' leg while in the artuy. The busy bee society of the M. E. church held a social lasl Tüesday evening, and took in about $10, which is (ilute cncouragiiig to these constant wolkers. r,n,:i! papers thrmrhout the state are cautioniiig the people respeeting bogus SS gold pieOBB hearing date of 1880. All tight We'll look out for them. The müiithly sociable of the Methodist (huren will he held on Wednesday next (Jiily 27th). Tea at 6 o Vloek. A general iiivitatioii extended to all. The court house lawn has had the plantain and other noxious weeds removed, the -'T . '-;""- "" 1" n.i- ;ut d.iwn. an.I itlooks Nper dent. beitec therelbr. Tlio little Daily adoioniahea the jicople to look out for the big issue of the Mews." hai, more ejitsï " Trepare boot-jacks! " "takeaiin!" " let 'er flicker." "Scatü" The Ann Arbor city band and reform clvib propose to unite In an excursión to be Kiven Tuesday, the 9th of August, to St. Clairand return vi:ij)utroit and ste.imer. The iron for the remaining mile of track betweea Uda city and South Lyon arrived last Slonday, and we soon expect to ride over tO that thllvbie bui. " All ahnnrd " A young lady n Illinois saw one of the " snide" advertisements, "How to make an impression," In a papor, and Mot 25 cents to find ( ut. She was tokl to " Sit down on a pan of dough." If there is any truth in the statement that where flies are plenllful tliere is no danger of cholera, that (Usease WÏU gire this country a wiiltf berth this year. Flies are extravRgnntly plentifn]. Red, white, and blue to the Iniflated means union, and matrlmoni&Uj inclined young people now use for postage on love iiu-ivcs a t wo-rent red stamp, and a onecent blue stamp on a white envelope. The annual plcnJo of the Sunday school of Bethlehera Lutheran church, will be leid next Ttureday afternoon at nremniTs park. The usual exercises will be given, and u uniisual good time is expected. Several of the self-mutilated frauda who have been begging from the good people of our city for the past fow days have been arrerted and either "sent up or made to "diffout." Our justices are not mild with them. Anangements are beinpr completed for tM annanl excursión of Company A to PttWn-Bay. The boyi have been successful in all ükeprevious midertakings, which is a sufflcient fruarantee to those desiring a ¦lay of recreation. ¦"He was a long and faithful meniber" feelingly saya a co-temporary in its obituwy notice of ¦ deceased citizen, which remart prorokes a smile from those who knew liim as a consistent mamber aiut a 'nan below the average heiglil. - Por llie past two issues the Berricn Springs Era has come to us bighly perfumed with a compound syrup of hypodOOock and doublé concentrated essence of assafetida. It is a plensant perfume- at a l8tance - but supigests sickness. The greatest man la lie who troubles liimM least about tlie verdict that may be P&ssed upon liim by his enemies, but who jtadi in doins good, honest work, to the best of hiMibility umlerexisting conditions, "its owu exceeding great reward." The Reothoven Gcsangvercin will liold a ratid iiciient ){clicf park, on Wedncsday, August :d. in the afternoon, from 4 to 8 o elock, tiü be concert and amusements, iQ the evening the park will be illuminated :'i'l the dancers wlll make merry. Kveryliody U invit.,1. The Philadfiplna Times has begu.i a cruwk agftlnft ptgaVet smoking, andsayg that ""¦ PracUce is kllling thowanO. of ywmg """ everjr vea,-. Ther, U no particular oc';ls for "'"'y about tlie matter. The class of young men who smoke clnred can be spared. The post offlee offlciak say that there are A Toyod?' 1U " '"""try Witl""" "tion. f' A brancli of the letroit mutual nsurancc company bas been organized in tlii city, and is Offloqred as follows: President. O.M. Martin. ,Ir. noretuy, F. Pistonus; treasurcr, Mk-hael, Etteabj trtuteeaj F. Pistorius, M. Steeb and J. Meycr. David Gates, of the 5th ward, uliilc cutting hay with a mowing machine last Monday, fell from his seat. and before the horses could be stopped had two toet cal il'. umi received levend brulsei abont the thlgh and hiis. He was attended by Dr. Breakej'. The Kperricor of Livingston county who refused to levy the dog tax, and stood trial tbereon, has had to pay both a nne and w-N f salt, the rapreme court declarlng the law constitucional. There are several supervisors in Washtonaw count v who have not levled said ta Ihis year. The average boy cyes the young applet as tliey on the trees, while the apples are as cool as encotnben about il, knowing well their power. Doetors should enoourare the propagation of early apples. 'l'ncs wit li few leaves preferable, so that the fruit will show offto better advantage. A smoke stack now looms up through the rear roof of the old Baptist ehurch. The entine and boiler are in position, and the manufacture of the Lanrley electric light will soon commence. The dwellinjr house adjolalog the ]iroix'ityou theeast has leen purclmsed, we understand, for the use of the foreinan. Ilarpei's Slaiaine, in speaklng of a practical education, tmthfully aays that "the educated young American who bas not .. yrtffal . T tï..., t... .. t,....l .. ï .- iwurse oll', as to his money prospeots, than the young Anieiican who has no college education at all. Dlg lic cannot. and to beg he is asliamed." We are iuforuied that the farm house of Mr. O'ISrien. near Cornwell's mills, about two or three miles up the Huron.was destroyed by fire last Wednesday aftenlóon, together witli its . enliic contents. In the house was $1,400 in cash which Mr. O'Brlen had received a few dnys previou, and which is a complete loss. A proposkion is being considered by the people of AValsh's ((irners. Whitmore Lake and Bfunbarg, for the erection of a telephone line, connecting those places with this city. The telephone company want bet ween $75 and $100 a mile paid In when the line shall have been completcd and in good working condition. The (H-weekly mail route from Ann Aruor to Brighton has been discontinued, and a daily route from Ann Arbor to Hamburg and return established. The "'"" " ¦"¦ ' „„„,„ m -.i...... doaing at 8:4fl a. m., and returning arrivés it 7 p. m. The new anuuigement went IntO effect Wednesday, Julv 20. The few bees Unit bvecl through last Winter have been very succes-ful this tammer in torlng up heney. M'liite dover has been plentiful, and the tlowers Iiave all seemed to yield an unusual amount of the roodly sweet. The great loss of bees lthe severe weather last winter bas roduced the crop considerably, however. According to the Milan Sun some of the giddy ones of the temperance meeting management, received a severe reprimand. We quote : "The temperante rnéetingft hare were accompanied by dancing in the oommencement, but the last meeting closed with the most withering speech against dancing ever heard in Milan, given by the rafbrmed man, Mace Long-." Joseph Eisele, father of Anton Eisele, the Detroit street marble dealer, died at his residence, on Second street, last Mon das eveniiiir. of oll n.i Eb .-..„ su old, and had been a resident of this city about l.j years. He leaves a wife and three children, grown to man'8 estáte. The deceued was a soldier under Napoleon Bonaparte, the great. One of the chief results of fame is having your name spelled wrong. Mr. Schaeberle, assistant at the university, Laving discovered two comets, now has his náme spelled "Schabuly." "Schaberley," "Schaebe," "Schaeberley," "Schoebole," "Sehwenberle," "Zchaberlie," and otherwise most shabbily.- Detroit Evening News. A horse owned by John Finnegan, of the Ann Arbor Agricultural works, was driven off by a tramp from in front of a farm residence, where it was hitched, a few miles out of the city, last Saturday. The thicf ravi' his name as Alfrod Birmingham, and being captured by Chief Clarken, was bronght before Justice Winegar, who held the piïsoner for trial at the circuit court. The Grass Lake News has the fOUowIng notice of the gentleman who has purchased the interest of M. D. L. Branch, in the finn of Hall tfc Branch.of this city: "Mr. W. A. Jloslt.'}-, who for the past six years has been station agent at this place, has sent in his resignation, to take eltect September lst, at whieii time be will remove to Ann Arbor and enter into the grocery business with his father-in-law.1' Postmaster Clark tells us that the (handler, whose name was given in the old concert program published in the Coükikk of of the 8th inst., was not Bruce Chandler, of Chicago. It was John Chandler, wBo was leader of the choir in the Presbyterian church here a long time, and afterward moved to Coldwater, where ba was postmaster for several years. Bruce Chandler, lie claims is a much younger man. Otis E. Haven, eklest son of Bishop E. O. Haven, has been agaiu retalned as principal of the schools at Evanston, III. The following item is from the Chicago ínter Ocean : "Prof. E. O. Haven, superintendent of the Evanston public schools, was surprised by the presentation ofthate.xquisite piece of Rogcrs' historical statuary, 'The Council of War,' a gilt from the graduating class of the Evanston High School." The central Michigan trotting, pacing and running circuit will hold a meeting at Marshall, on August 9th to 12th, íiicIiisítc. A large list of entries haa been already made, and a long list of prizes is ofl'ered. Sweet music by Michigan's champion band - the Eaton Rapids- will be furnished. Excellent accommodations provided, and everytliin will be done to make the meeting a pleasant one to visitors. For any information desired, address N. J. Frink, secretar}', Marshall, Mich. Last Friday morning Thaddeus Burd, was found dead in his bed at his boarding place on Detroit Street. Mr. Bard had been a drayman in the city for the patt three years, coming from Plymouth, Wayne Co. The deceased was a brother of the late Zenas Burd, of this city, and was about 70 years of age. Coroner Clark held au inquest upon the body. Drs. Breakey and Oeorge holding the post-mortem. A verdict was returned to the efl'ect that death resulted from over-heating. He was buried the same afternoon. The Saline Observer quotes our article relativo to the fact of no births being reported from Saline village, and adds : '"Tis not the fault of our inhabitants, Mr. Courikk, for by glancing over the ' births ' in the columns of the Observer, during the pastmonths, it will be seen that Saline hal contributed her share toward increasing the population of Washtenaw county. It must thereforc, be the fault of the omeial wkOH - - g!""- - - - ¦ - m lviiy ii s Id make Bucb reporte, and we leareltfor Urn toexplain." The gentto man roferred to now hai the floor. Last Thuis, l;iy the driver of one of Hangaterfer1! cc wagons was la to dinner, In; ïofi the team In front of the store on Main streef, without hlteklng, as they bd been acouatoaMd to stand In thai mannor. But tlmt prored to ka un " off" day, ai.ii io the horsea Btarted to run away. They run luto a light wagon, also of Hangsirri'.T's, before they had gone tar, whlcb oompletely demollahed, and werd oaughl before doing farther damage. The vehicleran into was made a complete wreek, li"vevcr, and uil! cost Frank the profit of several egg-lemonadet to repair. The liaaOD News tlius kindly notices Prof. Boaf'i i liange of business: "Prof. P. !! líos,., fonnerly of Hu Michigan unlyerrity, has aooepted the position of chemist In a manufacturlng oompany in ('liica-o. at a much hlghet salary than he reoeWed while in tlie employ of the state. Before departing for his new field of lahor, he was presented with an elegant autograph album, prefaced by kindly expressions of respect, sympathy and friendship, and signcd by the entire graduating class of '81, of over 90 mnnlicrs; also by 50 of the class of '79, who had been pupila under him.'' The arniy worm has made its appearance. in some portions of our state. If any of om readen should be bothered th them they might do well to try the following, riTC" fld by I'iof. A. .1. Cook, of the agricnUnral college : "Iwould ugjtett that the Carmen, in addltion to the other meth" i t es London purplc or Paris rrcen. Mix atableepoonfluoi ponan ml";, lotn Of water, and iprlnkla on the border of (tolda toward rhich the worms are , proaching. Sprlnkle a strip two or thred rodi wWe. I think this wonld poiaon the i insects and save the balance of the erop. Farmers, try, It." -. , We should jiKige tliat the otitside prtges of tlic (Oimiui wei-o made up in a hurry laai week, by the way añ anide in the column "from our exchanges," taken from the Eaton Rapids Journal, telling about prettygirls, exhileratlng river rides, handsome bouquets, etc, got mixed up witli the St. Joscph EtepubUcaa'a arücle glring ¦ glowingdescription of wliat terrible visions appears to the man who tompen with Mihvaukee Sewer water and roin. The Republican and Journal areprobably both puzzllng themselves to this moment to tind out which wrote whlch and who wrotfl 'tother. But botli art oles are all there. wniC1MPreSr.ntatlve Allen, of Ypsllnnti wlll deüver the prailoii A.ig. 1, at Ib èelebr. Kr i,hU?v Vor of IirlIisl' "auclpatlou. hiederick Dougloss is ezpeoted to altend - UhelTOygau ïribune aud Lanslng Bepublioan llicsi' papers have given us a Uc„ ,„,,;' day. "Uritish emancipation" has not taken place yet. At least, there are Mvera] milltom of people held In bondage in Irclan.l. thatthe worid would like toseeemaucipated. It would redound to the everlasting credit and gooá name of Great Britain to take the step, too. But to our subject. The einancipation day to be celebrated in this city, August Ist, next, is that of southern slavery, not of Jamaican. And there will bean immense attendance of colored people here from all over the state, unless present apptarances are very deceptive. " e local " has a distinct recollection of ttteading the red ribbon excursión to Detroit and Port Huron on the 30th of last July, and doubtless many more of our people have a like remembrance. We also reraember the conduct of the captain of the " City of Detroit" in puiling out and lcavIng soom 300 excursionists at Port Huron, on the return trip. We recall the occasion' our people may more fully enjoy the following Item, taken from last Friday's ' t ' . ..I. ntf J 1- _ __ ¦ m TÜOQgaodS have considerad Capt. McKy. ol cldenl ; bnt Mis dom was broken yesterd&v morning lu Cleveland. He sleppedTx, , e,?, edTytanecf ' "'"''" "'B eUKi"e UUP Thousands héreabouta wonldn't have wept vpry bitterly had said walking-beaiu knoeked the protrubranre on liis face conliniiiiig ,is nostrils olear off Had it cnunpted op hisears.oreavedin liis nioutli, tbey wcmld not hare salted their cbeeks wlth briny tear-drops. Rcvenge al ways comes to those who walt paüently. It has been just about one year sinoe our people lirst and last met this captain. And uow we want an agricultura! fair to be lield at Mllan, this fall. Let It be a trl-county fair, for Monroe, Washtenaw and Lenawee couuties. Wtiere thero Is a will therelsaway and it has been demonstrated that Immense m'iW 'ls„cim flnd 't enjoyable to vislt Milau.Of course Milan's ambition in the fair lino is laudable and praiseworthy. But, Washtenaw county is already divided. The regular county organizatiou liolds its annual "meet" here in Ann Arbor. 'J'hc Eaitern Michigan Agncultiiral and MeChanloal society, which takes in the eastern tier of townsliips of our county and a portion of Wayne county, liolds its animal "meet" at Ypsilanti. Financially botli are failures. It is impossible for so small a territory as a county to divide up and hold linaneially successfnl exhibitions of agricultural productions. It is but a verification of the ndage usually applied to the States of the un ion: "Unjted we stand, divided we fall.' Hilan better come into the regular county oran ization, now tliat railroad coniniunlcation is had, and help niake one (OCOeasfUl county fair, instead of huving two or three minor shows, none of wliich can amount to mach. The Louisville Courier-.Iounial states that Guiteau, the would-be murderer of President Garfield, was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The C.-J. may be correct, but we shall not lay any claim to the rascal. If Chicao even hints that shc harbored the paternal and maternal ancestors of the monstrosky at the time of liis birth, she is porfcctly wclcomc to tho notoriety. One thing is proved beyond question, that the detestable thing was at one time a pupil ia our high school, but is very siDgular, not one can be found, aijjong teachers or pupils, who have any recollection of him. The writer has interviewed several who must have been in his classes, but not one does he find whose memory reaches back to the wretch. The Lansing Kopublican hu interviewed Mr. I). I!. Briggs, then 8iil)eiintendent, Mrs. Abbott nee Miss Merrilles, then preceptress, and Miss Mize, then teacher of mathematica, all of Lansing, none of whom remember hira. So he couldn't have beef a very remarkable youth, or very eecentric at that time, or he would havelefta mark on someone's memory. Last Tuesday afternoon, just before six o'clook, one of the composltors of the Courier office, liappened to look out of a north window of Ihe composing room, and noticeá flame9 issuing from the roof of the ham of II. KUredge, a few rods north of this building. The way he flew up stalr and rang the bell wag a terror. The stair casing in teverul places is charred and the jialnt Dearly the wholc length of the liallway is blisteredby the friction, of his swift flying anatomy; loeks of hair snapped off his head as slick as if the barber's shcars had cutthein, so iniich force wasgivcn then by the aooelerated motlon lie obtained. Great drops of melted ore hang from the bell clappiT wlieie lie lirst took hold of it to sound the alarm. But he startlcd the people after he got there. After what HWBed liked a long delay the stcamer was placed over the Courier office cistern, and the work of pumpftlg commenced. The Huron cngiiie from the lower town got up here ¦ 1 the lirst slrram on, however. The ban couUiiieil sevcral tous of hay, uid -iiiiii! carpentcr's tooU, :ill of wliicli Ml burned. The loss is Mttafttod at $1, OOG, witti $500 insurance. The fire Is siiid to have orij;nateil froni matches in the hands of small boys taking their ürst lessons In cigaret smokiag.