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Miig-azine Notices. Llpplncott's Magazine lor AiiRUst Ir a capital number for midsuiumcr ronding. The lllustrated artiolei aro "A Gllmpse of the Curnberland Border," by Miss lioso Klugsley,daughter of the late Canon Klngsley; " Tlio Home of the Giant Squld," by C. F. Holder, whlch lg a nautlcal piece; aud the continuation of Dr. Oswald's 'iilcrtaliiliiK series on " Zoologlcal Curioslttes." 'New Oround," by 8. M. A. Colllns. Is a sketch of labor and field life on a Tennesxee tobáceo plantatlon. " The Pension Office" and " New York's Fresh Air Fund" are tlmely papers; "On the Wrong Rlver," by C. F. Johnson, Jr., is the uarrative of au adventure In the Adlrondacks; and " Ilousekeeplng in North Carolina" is a bit of personal domestic experlence. "Captain Put's Novel," by Susan B. Long, and "Santa Lucia," by J. D. J. Kelley, are effectlve and well-constructed storle8. "Craque-o'-Doom" Is brought to a conclusión, and Is lo be followed by a new serial, by Bberwood Hnnner.wlilch will begin In the September number und run to the close of the yeur. j IIS Magazine of Art for July Is replete wlth good illuKtrations. It isa publloatton reasonable In prlce and always niled wlth an excellent table of contents. The frontsplece thls week is Alma Tadmea's "Sappho'1 reproduced In a flnlshed engravlng. Tüen comes Herkomer's "Missing" a full page engravlng from a pen and luk sketch by the artlst; The Salon, a descriptivo artlcle wlth four engravlngs; The New Natural Hlstory Museum nt South Kenslngton, with exterior and interior views; Our Living Artlsts, Alphonso De Neuvllle, with portralt and lllnstratlons; The Cenci" portralt; Plctures of the year, four illustratlons; TheCareerand Works of Flaxman, slx lllustrations; " How far yet ?; A Study on JamPots, etc, etc 13.50 per year; Cassell, Petter, Oalpln A Co., publlshers, New York. Kuslncss Local. Wines & Worden havo a very largo asortment of gloves and hosiery, very cheap. We have just received a large line of new carpeta in the latest pattorns. WINES & WORDEN. Wines & Worden carry a very fine a.san.n,.n4 „r uiwiim, cusMiueres, cloakmirs, dcniins, shirtings, tieks, flannels, &c. Black and (loiored Cashmeres and BuntingR at WINES ft WORÜKN. Sprinp dres fjoods in large varieties at WINEil WORDEN'S. One of the most desirab'te assortmcnts of rpriog prints, very nice, at WINES & WORDEN'S. We have one of the largest a.ssortnients of bleachcd and unbleached cottons in 4 4, 42 in., 5 4, C-4, 7 4, 8-4, 9-4 and 10 4 ever in Ann Arbor, at satisfactory prices. WINES A WOUDEN. If you want a good gent's shirt, cheap, gO to WINES WOROEN'S. For one of the best assortments of laces, edgings, neckwear, &o., cali on WINES & WOUDEN. Silk and linen handkerehiefscan befound cheap t than at aoy other house, at WINES A WORDEN'S. Black silk, colored silk, triraiuing silks and satins at prices that defy competition at WINE8 & WORDEN 'S We sfll a good Huek towel for five cents. WINES 4 WORDKN. Table Linens, napkins, towels, curtainn and curtain fixlures at WINES i WORDENS. We are the only house in Ann Arbor where you can 6nd the genuine "Broadhead Jameatown" oiohairs and alpacas. WINES &, WORDEN. . "POR SALE CHEAP Füll CASH. SPRING fllc.(i One Two-seated Platform Spring Wgon, wltu thlllf and pola. 1 Open Mcht Side-bar BugRy, 1 Fine Top 91debar Buprcy- Entiruly New and of Best MaliTlal and Workmantthlp. Inquirc al H J BROWN & CO S DRUG STORE, CORNER OF MAIN AND HURÓN BTRKETS. 1IH8. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A llltlMllkl'.ll Competent to Cut and Fit. Apply at 22 Kabt 11! IION STltEET. 1047-IH OIDLBY & WIIEGLER. yO RENT. A IniiiNf aml harn, No. 'Jfi Wllliam Ktrcet. Emiulrc ut theConniRB oilicr. tf rpO RKNT. A HrHi-lMM lloiiac nt ijsOO por yrar, OM inile out of tlie city. Aldn-iw Box 0( Arm ArArbor. "POR SALK Olt TO RKNT. Two blor-kn sonth of tlw univcrwlty roundd, a li in with tli ree lotn mul harn aml frnlt. Knqiiirr on p rcnM Mirii f KKStJ J. B. STKKKK.


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