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Shan'! 1 Tak a l.liic l'ill .' ííe, ilun't it mul muí llic ri.-k of iiiÍmiii, liiil when bUlioua and ('onstp;ii('il jet a packageof the celebrated Kidnev-Woit. anil it 11 spivdily Cllre vuii. U te natare's ctmI remedy for oonñlipaliun. ftDtJ lor all kilin-y Mld livi-r di.- pconiptly on these great afgana and so restores bealth, ttrengthaiid vigor, li s put ii 11 liquid and dry fonn, botli acting with eqaal eftlciency. l'rice 91.00. Seradv. l'nit. lli'iirv Draper haa lupceedwl Ib pliotogniphintc gretit uomel tn Auriga - tle r r. t Buccea ol tbe kind mi reconl. l'nr. llrrortl's l.aUiíu Powder. Baron Llebig, tbe eminent Germán ChemIst, saiil : "The Bak ing Powder of Profc Ilorslord, I hold u he one of tbe weigh tic-t .iiid iikisI beuefloent Inventlona which been made In recent linu-." larc lor .HmIiiiU. Doa't sil nut and expióse foursell u tbe nigbt.air and wel malaiia. hut it y ¦ u do, wear tlio Liou Malaria and Li ver Pad and Body and Pool Plasten. They wllTcure you. Tbe wboie treatnu-nt tor une dollar. For salo by Droggists. A ({iiostion. w Uethei it payi to aUow tbe Bnt ttagei of ëtefax1 to redaos the lystem, cansina a Iniii; illni-j., :nid kipt diirlor liills, wlirn hops and niait bfc(Till prcvint and cure you. Ak fora t'reu Ijottlf. K IHT SA1.1NW, JUU. 1, 13S1. Mk. W. B. Mookb: Deau sik: - A bout the flrst of December Uikcn with a very scvi-rc attaek ol rhcuniatism in both of mv knci . 1 ni recommended to ue Ii rc'8 CajcphobATKD AllMCA. I Ctll clHClflllly Ifculnnicnd it tu every one troubled with rheuntivUsm M B. uiivnv. lirjj-M Ho 1 Scciirc llciillll. It .wem.1 btrange that anyone wili luffm frotu durangemeut broufrht on bf Bwire blood, whun BCOVILL'8 8AR8APA KILLA and STILLINGIA, or lil.ool 8YKUF. will restore health. It i tim best blood poriScr ever disooTered, effectually curiiiK Scrof'ula. Svpblitic disordi rs, WeakneAH of the Kidoeys, lüryMpeljM), Malaria, all Nervou-s imd Debility Bilious Complaiota, Diseaaes of tbe Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Stouiach, Skin, etc. It corrects indiritiim. A inle bottle will prove toyou ita nierils asa health rencwer, tor it acts like a charol. BAKKllS1 PAIN l'A.NA(i; lUres pain iu Man and Beant. Une uxUrnally uud iuteroally and fiud relief. DB. EOGKR'8 VEGETABLE WORM S YRUP Dttaatly dattroy worm and rtmoves all wnniliwm Pysioiani cUim Hops uud Muit Bitten are the beat.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News