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Battte Creek, Mlchlganw MANDFACTTTJlKttd OF THE ONLY GENUIX THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Enginos and Horso-Powors. Moat Complete ThreaherFactoir i Establlshed In the World. ! 1848 f UI" rO af n,KtiwunAUfC'f'llhjL % f M iimimin-nnTit, or loc&tlon, to "hoek up" tA BmB brood Ltirranly givtn on all our gooda. STEAM-POWKR SHPAKATORS w" Complete Slcnm OutfltHo tnarchtsn mialitu. F,ntl Tril ctiun KiiKinesamllMuiuKlucinea ever Been In the Ameri ari markuL A multitud O apeeial feaium atvl improwwtmU for W8I, tOff-eth'T with luptrior qualitütê tn nmttructí"n and mataríais nut dreftmed of by othtr makers. Four b1zo of Sepsrators, f rom 6 tu 12 borne CQpacity, or ftMX or horêepafr. Two BtyleH of " Mounted" Horpo-Ioweri. 7HÍÍÍÍ fïfiTi Fert of riclcctcd l.iiinb. r BUV)UW (ron ír lo út yaan iVii) contntly on hsnil, from whica la biült Uui lucoiuparable wooU-wurk of our maobiaery. TRAGTION ENGINESjf Strtmfftst,morffÍKrabl,andeffleientever L3[[ tuad4. 8, 10. 13 llorse Power, f ¦ Fnrmrr and Thrrnhrrmeii in tanrtted to lovtiiñte tbS ttatrMa, Tbraatunir Uadüóury. ClrcuLirH Ht-nt biso, AdttroBH NICHOLS, 8HEPARD & CO. Battle Creek, Mlohlsan 1030-62 TÜTT'S PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TR1UMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of nppetite.Naunea.bowel costive, l'aiii in thoHëkd.withiKiull piiBtion in tho balt part. Pain under the shoulderblade, fullneRB after eating, with adisinclination to exorticm of body or mind, ïrritability of tempor, Low pirita. Loas of metnory, with ft f eling of ha ving neglected some duty, weariness, Dizziness, í'lutterinK of tho Heart, Dotsbefore the eyc-. Kin, Hcadache, Heatlessncss at iiiüht, highly colored Urine, IF THESE WARNINGS AEE UNHEEDKD, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUV1"8 PILLS iri enpeclklly adapted to mh-Ii osMtone dosc efTects Hiichuchaugu of feeHiig nu to itHtonifth tin nuffferer. 'I liuy Iiiei-im llie 1 pMtlCe, and cause tbe body ti on Klfuli. tbus th xystem la iionrlli-l. aiul by thflt Tottlr Artloauu tb llul I ¦ Orvnii. Rif ular %tMl are pruduri-il. ITiiY S, eral 35 ÜIurrjj NU. BI.Tf. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. KA Y lltlK ur VH IhK KKfl Cbailgcd t) ft (ÍLítMHY Hi.a k !y a Blncls appllcauon of t hls Dyk. Ii tiiipHi is t natural color, acta Instuiitaneously. i NUl I,T npiM 0B l.-.-.-1'.l uf l. OfTlco, 35 Murray St., New York. f Dr. TITIH 1 IM tl. t 1.1. .1,1, l fn mi Hu ui k lful K.rrltiU -Hl I llrd IRKK o .Vi,[ iayj mwsim&m PRICES PEOPLE CAN AFFORD to PAY. Lurgest and atmtti HKHtnMnt of liaikmilaiul acceiBories. INSTANT ANEOÜS 'GELATINE1 WOEK For Bable Pictures. Best Car d Photograph, - $2.50 per doz. Best Cabine t:, 6.00 " 220 & 222 W08DWARD AVE., ¦ ¦ I 1I I - . Mllll lu:a;-i!i


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