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Blissfield Advance: Four barber shopt in the vfllage. Next! Hades. Michigan Tribune: The editor of tlio r Wyandotte Herald was rtreck by lightning a few dayssince, andstill survives. Btrange i that somt' men's cbeek 11 get go hard as to ehange even the eourse of ughtnlng. Masón Democrat: Wlien yon sce a Masón girl with her head bandaeed up do nol mw, tootbache, or any likc complaint. Slie is only tryinjf to coax her "bang to frtz." Battle Oeek Moon: There is a rrocor ín Marshall so mean that lie eatches fllea on hls counter, holilfi tliem np hv th. Umi lega and looks in the cracks or thelr feet to see il' they haven't been steaHng sugar. Lansing Repnbliean: The Michigan wheat erop may fall short 14,000,000 bushels, and yet there is no (langer of st.u vation, tot the potato erop promises an enormotu yield, and tlieacreage is much greater than that of last year. Leelanaw Enterprise: From present aipearaooes it is quite evMeal that North)ort village property wil! soon take a rieclded upwarü tendencv, and that ouf little villaje may yet rank among the favorite resorts of northern Michigan. lialdwin Star, .Tuly 14th: Kihtyseven Imslieis of wbortleberries- nearly twoauil a half tons - were shipped by American Expresa from Baldwin, this mOrnlng. The berrles are unusiially large and fine this season, and the erop immense. Pontiac Gazette: It is well enwigh. il boys must have iïin, to jilay ii-.u-iUiii jok- on ine nnother, but hnrdly becomee reverent Ameriean youth and brilïïant early manhood to crafk thelr jokes upon men whose gray bairs should proteet lln-in Stantoo Herald: There ooomr the rery liighest authority for the statement Iha't l. lirj.trt. Iwa mmmm4 in K -iMKHmlrtt.s not require the musqujtoe bars to be closed. This fjets one bone of contention st-tilnl to the infinite BaUsfaetlon of all the parlirs. Ilast inijs Banner : The iiearty synipalhy of the whole soutli tbr llic DMUdeal is one ol the most eiicoiiraging sigus of the times. From all quarters of the country come rei joicings that the president lives. The north i and the south are in full harmony on OB i point at least. i Sault Ste. Marie News: Thirteen side' wheelers, seyenty-one propellors and seven' ty-three sailing vesscls wero locked-tlirougli ! the canal last week. On Saturday ten ' lockings were niaile in the forenoon imw :iging a passage ot Unrty-six minutes, mak big a vory busy forenoon for the boys. Wayne Co. Review: Ye heated term agalo encotnpuMth tn, andyefrural houM wyfe no tenger brinjreth discomfort upon lier househoUl by causing tire? to bc builded upon lier owri hcanh, but ealleth upon lier friends and accepteth invita'.ions to partake ye gude things provided by tlie sweat of ye neighbor's browe. ...iMord Globe: .Mieliini. is very lortucyclones and the like, sueli things being almost entlrely unknown in tliis cllmate. People will do well to consider these things, and when they contémplate emlgratiqg to the west, betterstay Ingoodold Michigan, wliere storms nevel come; that i-, o UI rip snorter?. Albion Recorder: Battle Creek was shaken fim center to cireumference the otlier day because a man waaseen walking n public with his arm around his wife. This was a grave breach of the established cnstoms of Battle Creek hnsbasdB, whose arras are generally around some otlier fellows wives, according to the reporta of the newspapers. Wyandotte Herald: ïhere s a land of tears and bitter wailiiij; - a land most like that dear one Dante knew - where wanfaced Niobes, with dark robes trailing,. in BBd procession move, brows bouud with rui'. It is il land peopled with willcss mm - tais, eonipared with them tlie viifíins live were wise - and it tl writ above its gloomy portáis: "Wc do not think it pays to aivertise." Albion Republiean : The Athcns News is no more. This so encouraeed Kev. M. Vr. Hork that he has determinad to .-í n - ïlalii-d 'a schooi at Atlicns some linie in September. A large hotel is being reniod eled for the purpose. Mr. Kork was a very successful teacher whlle at Langing, and has probably sturted as many boys on the "royal road to learuing" asany other irntii in Michigan. The Adrián Times plumps the bulls eye: The castern papers are, sinee the New Ulm disaster, graveiy advfsjng the prairie people how to Imihl their houses. And much those lellows kimw alioutit. They ought to kuow that the house ¦ man lives in who farms on the far west prairies is not a matter of ohoicebutof necessity. It Is not what he would like tci imiM, what he oufrhtlo Imild, but what he can scrape money enougfa together to build. .Monroe Commercial: Ar-ho-wiii-co liii'.s fair t have a rival in many a little cottage olonff the beaeh where favorable pointscaTi be ibund for thelr location. Kach sucoeedtng seuson increases the (Iemand for Slimmer pottafai near the lake; and it mlght be a prolitable investment (nr some enterprising person with an altractive beach, to erect small cottages for rental durlDfl the heated term. A small hotel would found an e[ually prolitable COUoamitant, Three Bi vers Tribune: The editors and publishers of the sixth and seventh coögivssional districts are organlztng awoctalions for mutual impioveinenl and ]ileasure. The matter is being Uïlked of by the press of the third district. An organization of this kind will strengthen the state asoOlation beíides proving pleiisant and valllable in itself. Is there not sufllcient enterprise in the foiuili district, with its half a núndred jouraalt, to orgxnlze a dlrtrlct msociation ? Allegan Tribuno: It is a remarkable thing that the newspapers, and the people in their conversation, show no fear of anarchy, or even of scrious dlsturbancé, if both Oarlicld and Arthurshould die within a week, and there sliould benooue to take the presidential chairiinnirdiaUly. There 8 a perfect conlidenee that the country would go right along smoothly till a presiderrt could be cnown - thanks to the tntelllfreUcC the moral sentiment, and the patriotism of this nation. Centerville (St. Jo. Co.) Uepublican : It is surpassingly strenge luiw little respect sonie people have, and how unthinkingly they nianage to throw all their tl It li anil diit Into the streets, atter go miuli cue was taken to keep them clean by the overseer of highways. A mere glance in fronl of the residenres ol' these parties ill glve onr an idea how little they caiv, thal they belong to that class - we vers golng t sav that Ihey were born tired, and utsltked workinj; and keeping things in order. Gratiot Journal: Tltsurprlsinglystrange that more men in moderate eircumstiinces do not join some cbeap life insurance oriranization, something liko the Kights of Honor, for instance, a lodge of which ia in successful operaflon in this vlllage. Only a few inonths ago, II. G. Chapin. editor of the Tuscola Advertiser, printed at Caro, died very suddenly. He was a inember ot' the KQlgbta M Honor and a few days ago his wlÜOW reeeiveil a eliecK for 3,000, the full amoiint for whieli he was insured. Kalkaskian: Another singlar ruction is reported in Traverse buy, about fmly redj from the mouth of the Hoaidman river. It was witnessed bv I larn nuinlier of MOple. The Hale .-avs: 'l'lie QOOtmOtlon lasted lilteen or twenty minutes, and was lufflcient to bring up large qtrantitlcis of sawdust and edglngB, throwlng soma of them ten teel ulo Ilie air ahove the face lof the water. The water presen tei the appearance of a boiling caldron tl. i Jdilnmand other debrt. tLblin bou and endlng over In a marnier tl?nt Wa truly surpnsing. liatllc Creek Journal : The enst end ha ¦"¦v'-liy n ..xl.ibition which n my h, , „ any flne day on the pond. for it Unothlne Z Hi, . 'T Islt"8 tImn tlle ordliiary leigtb.and ? furnished wJtbpar-lpcksand , . ,.....,,„ „„ouisiu use ai iiieuwnèr" '1" ¦" A squareframe lits on over the boatirith wbeel boases on eltbéí etde. a '¦nink tarned by the person ooc ipylnï th" 7":r-1:" 'l1 ' '- Place of ateai.3, d ¦ araband scarlei paint, awnlna ovchead, ana Dag. proskiu a vwy pretty picture Port Huron Times Kvidenees that Mr. ooUuHlt,.,- norainatfcn for Sovernor of Olno by tlie democratie convention of that state h aa pbtaioed by the free use of mooev pontínneto multiply. It is known that a large sum was draWn by üookwalter's agent, Ballentine, from one of the Coltimbu bantoon the eve on the convenlion and thereis little reason to doubt ihat it was placed where it would do the most good in securing Bookwaltert nomlnatlon. Booku aller is described by those who kiiow liini best as a man of aorduate vunlty, wilhng to pay for honor, and a large portion of the demooracy are mud. diagmted iritfa bit aomlnation. Detroit Conimereial Advcrtiser: Not nianv years ao tlie titlo " fi-ir-ui-." ...... :ijmli..J ...hii insiiltingepitliettotlie natives I Frailee. AdvaBCIDg civilization and epicurean tastes liave it last made these amphibioua creatures an attractive addition tolhe eui.-ine of ;ippreciative househnlds. In severa] pafta "f the eountry, regular froga farms have been establkbed uotably one at EHgih, 111 wbere frogs esPeciallw adai.ted lor tlie western markets, arerataed. 1 Me subject of canolnff fros U now betag serioiisly eonsidered, and the inscoverer of a proper procesa tor preparing tlie eroakei-s win no doubt make a fortune off lus nvention. Shiawassee Journal: Uemarkable is the story of the affllctton of the poet and wit John G. Saxe. In 1874 his daugliter I.aura aged 17, died of consumption. In 187, nis daughter Sarah died after a long: and painful illness. Last July, his mother died and ui the fall, lus wife. worn out by her attendance upon her in valid family, died oí syncoje. jMjflit weeks ngo a third . daughter, Harriet, died of conaumption riiree weeks ago, his fu vori te daughter-inlaw, wife ofhlsson John T., diedat Albanv, and 19 days atterwaids John T., the 00, was himself foiind deud in bed athis home All thut is left to Mr. Saxe of a once uniisually aftectionatc household, Ís a son Charles Ü., of Albany. St. Joscph Traveler-IIcrald : Wliat a dJfierenoe in people. One gentleman steps np like a man uul paya liis snbsorlption to a n.;vs)M1(.T, ,,i.n iPfjjBfprtmíug liimsee vou suoceed in your enterprise, and 1 thinkone of the best ways to this ond is to pay for it promptly in advance; another says: " Ifs enough to pay fora thing when yon get it, and I don't propose to pay iu that way," and so. ni;uiy times, the newspaper man, not to a])p;ar mean, and to aecoimnodate, will wait and wait on suoh fellows as the latter class is composed of, and soine times he ;eU liis pay from theni, and maiiy times he does not. "There would be more live stable newspapers in tincountry if jiuople generally would purgue the p:iy -promptly-in-ad vanee plan of dealinir ith publishers.


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