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(lias. Hutehinsoii, 'SI, principal OÍ thc Quincy schools. Dr. A. T. Parisli, oá vid. medical' class '80, locates at Evart. Alfred Xoble, '70, is geal mpt OÍ the Sault Ste. Marie ship canal. The Alpona schools w i 11 be Id charge of J. V. Smith, class of '80, the coming year. The north wing of the main building- the oíd inuscuiii- is bcing fitted up for recitation rooms. Dr. Chas. F. Ditht, the newly appomtcd . i t to the profcs.-or of pathology, etc., bM arrived in the city. Cook, lit. '7s. hal been chosen tapt of the Manistce schools at a l,300 salary. He lias been at Union City for three years. I)r. Chas. P. Peligra, mcilical class '81, of Oviil, return U to Prof. Vanghan. The Ovkl luion ipmkl vcry highly of the gentleman. '1 TIC TTïtlKCÏ TïHJS. alC H t írtiHrt ttrr ftjtim}ation for the new eye and ear ward of the university hospital, and have brokon gnmad theretor. Prof. Robert Hall Tripp, an alumnus of Michigan university, and late of the chair of Latín in the Mate anirerslty "i Minnesota, rooelved nnd aceepted anappointment to the sanie chaii in the central university at IVIht, [owa. The New York Times erilirises the ncw department oljiolliical science, in thatthere is no professor' of " iru pnBlng," "caueus packing," "machine maklng,11 etc. Perliai-, thc Time U DOt familiar wlth college politics. If it was, il inight know that little instructioii is needed in thosc departments. The take to it son o' naturally. Miss Dr. Hcttie Deane, who for two and oue-half yiais bal been in charge of the roman! hospital In Detroit, with signal success. ha declded to lócate at Big Uapids Bate from the medical department of the Michigan university, and is a lady of nal social as wcll as professional merit. - Lowell Journal. What does this ítem mean, taken trom the Battle Creek Tribune? Is our dlnica) surgery a failure, or has pur bOfttted medí Cal experto played out ï We pause in the deepest anxicty : "Charles W. Coleman has been rafleriag from a cáncer in his cheek for a number of years, has been treated at Aun Arhor and by numerous physicians, all of whom liad given it up as incurable. Dr. León undertook the case, within two days the éftneer was dead." The treasurer of the alumni assoclation, in his animal report, gives the following ligares: " The total aniount subscribed to the principal of the Williams' professorship endowment fund is $27,374.75 of which there have been paid as follows : 1875-6, $588.25; 1876-7, 2,67S; 1877-8, 1,9OC30; 1878-9, $1,4:1. is; l7i SO, $2,i:!4.91 ; 1880-i, qi.i.u.n;, uu.i, -i n. -'ir. -h; Tlio expense for managing the finid for the six years ending June 1, 1880, was #1,037.03." The Saginaw Hcrald, speakiug of the new department of political science in the university says: "The aims of thU new school are notonly coniiiiciulable, hut the provisión for earry ing thein out seems to be suflioient. The branches Ipecifled make up a tolcrably complete body of iiolitical science, and i thoroiigh training in thein will be of inestimable valué, not only to young ineu who look forwanl to liguriug in public lifc, hut tothose who, while thinking that tho post of honor is the private station, desire to look with knowledsre and romprehrnnlon opoa the pmgress of their country. From the Cleveland Leader we learu that Prof. William Soule, of Mount Union college (Mt. Union, Ohlo,) has justreceived the degree of doctor of philosophy. Prof. Soule is well known to manj' of our readers. He graduated at the university, class of "01, and took a post-grad)Ue coursc the following ycar. Se niarried an Aun Aiborlady, daughter of the late Eber White. The "university book" locates him at Dover l'lains, N. v ; (it should be Mt. Union, Olno,)and credits him with only one year's services as professor of natural science at Caenovia, N'. , instead of thirteen years, as it should bc. Marine City Reporter: A vcry skillful and successful surgical operation pertainingto a vesiemaginal festuli ral performed in Algonac, on Wednesday, by MlsaMattie 1'. QughM, M. D., with the assistance of Drs. Mooie, of Alftonac, and W. H. Smitli, of 8t. Clair. Dr. Slocuin had been invited to take part in the operation, but declined to play "second liddle" to a woman, nevertheless. ncithcr Dr. Mooie, who isa gradúate of McGill OOtiege, Montrcal. nor Dr. Smith, who ranked at the liead of his class when in Htehlnn uuiversity, and who has lince not only been au unusually successful practitioner but bas received the commendation ot the x-ientitic preesand scholars of thc old world for his writing?, feit that they wcre rompromMng their diiinity by asiiting a lady inarery dillicult operation upon one of her own sex. Especially is this true, when tlie lady in qnestion is such a gedial and RCOOmpliSDed woinan ai .Miss Bnghes, who not only graduated from the medical department of Michigan university with a reputntion for superior scholarship, but is possessed of a courage and self ri'liance. an obliglng disposition and ladylike deportmeut, whieh at once coinmeiidu lier lo general favor. In thc above case this young lady physician took the principal part in the work and thus demonstrated by actual experlence that sotne of her sex at least are capable of perfonning tbc most dillicult and complicated om rations in medical practice (.en. (Jrant says: ¦'Wlienever one inun Rttempts to BMMSinate auother, lic ougbt lo bc nnng trbether be succeedi or not.


Ann Arbor Courier
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