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The Tax Commission

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The Lmising Republican says: The niciiiIkts of the new tax cominisHon. tpyoiated by Oiov. Jerome undcr an act of the lciri.slatare, oonrened it the capítol on Friday, June 24. They liad previonsly organizan by the clioice of John Mooie hs chairaun. No secretary waB appointed, and as the mmIod is called cliietiy for the arranjroment of preliminiiries and laying out tne work, it is not probable thiit an appoiniment will be made until tlic tall sesston, when the real work of the coniinissiKn will Im'íii. The followlng circular bas been prepared for general clrculatlon: LANKIKU, Mlflí lun.' tí Di-arSir: The nndcrsim'il. ihciii!mt ol the Ui oominUloii, appointed ander ¦ recent tetofthe legUUrture, re deeimui) of pitluTiutr Information and obulning .iii.'.'-t.Miniis upon the lubjeci "f toxatlon. Kortliat purpoee we reepectfully mquest mi toMMwertbc foUowingqneítHip, vi.: 1 Slioul.l ekunh property be tnxnl f 2. Bhoald propMt owiutl by h olinivli society in exceus 01 ¦ Oud amouut br Uxed (1 S. If you raawcr l--it queation in e afflnaatlve, tixu Ute what mountsliomUl ftxed ï'T exemption. i. Bkoald any penoml propwtj be exciipt fiiiiii laxation f 3hoaM the prwenl method of payiiia hiliwuy txM by kbor b chènged K u to rMiilrc puyment in moiipy ? t w ini pniortioti nf iMTsoimi property aml rn-ilits. in your opinión, MMpet I:ixa7. wiiat rnte of tatereM tbonld ka chMged oa delinquent laxes? 8, siioulii delinquent taxet becarriea by the itAtet or by the MTerml counties t. Shoukl p;rsons liiilile to taxatlon be requlred la ui 'asos to make ¦ iwoi stateMMMit of tbeir property f Lastly, stato briefly what defecto yon have obeerved in the preeent lyrtwnoftaxa'ion. in tliis stutc, and what duagM afcould be made to remcdy thoee tlct'cctó. l'ltasc answer at your carüest convcnience, and ¦lliliem JOIir reply to "Tax Oomïiiission," Lansinir, Micb. " kHM t IM1 11'


Ann Arbor Courier
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