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lloMiircii and Kiest. Whon a board of eminent physicians and chemists announced the disco very that , ...un.lii .-;wiiic Vl'li K1IUVVII ruii.uvi. remedies the most wonderful medicine was produced, which would cure such a wide range of discases that most all other remedies could be dispenced with; many were skeptical, but proof of its merits by actual trial lias dispelled all doubt, and to-day the discoverers of that great viedicine, Hop Bitters, are honored and blessed by all as benefactors. - Democrat. Good Advice. We advise every family to keep Downs' Elixir always on hand. It is the beat remedy for coughs and colds ever oft'ered to the public. For clcansing the systein of all morbid niatter and warding otf d9eases, no uiedicme possesses sucli efflciicy as Baxtek's Mandrake Bitters. As a Liniment for horses Henry & Joiinson's Árnica and Oil Liniment is uncqualed. It cures Sprains, liruises, and Lameness, at once. Locáis. Wines & Worden have a very large asWe have just received a large line of new carjiets n the latest patterns. WINES 4 WORDEN. Wines & Worden carry a very fine assortment of eloths, cassimeres, cloakings, deninis, shirtings, ticks, flanncls, &c. Black and Colored Cashmeres and Uuntings at WINES WORDEN. Spring dress goods in large varieties at WINES 4 WORDEN'S. One of the inost desirable assortments of fpring prints, very nice, at WINES A WORDEND. We have one of the largest assortments of bleached and unbleached cottons in 4 4, 42 in., 5 4, 0-4, 7 4, 8-4, 9-4 and 10 4 ever in Ann Arbor, at satisfactory prices. WINES WORDEN. If you want a good gent's shirt, cheap, gO to WINES & WORDEN '8. For one of the best assortments of laces, edgings, neckwear, &o., cali on WINES & WORDEN. Silk and linen handkerchiefs can be found chcaper than at ai;y other house, at WINES WORDEN'S. Black silk, colored silk, trimming silk.and satins at prices that defy couipetition at WINES ft WOIIDEN'S We sell a good Huck towel for five oents. WINES 4 WORDEN. Tablc Linens, napkins, towels, curtains and curtaiu fiztures at WINES k WORDENS. We are the only house in Ann Arbor where you can find the genuine "Broadica.l Jamestown" mohairs and alpacas. W1WBB & WORDEN. rpo RENT. A flrat-rlaiM Hoiiae at ?6O por ycar, one railc out of the city. Addrcsü Box 0, Ano ArArbor. "POR SALK Olt TO RBNT. Two Work south of the unlvernlty eround, a honHC Witk lotH and liarn mul fruit. Kuqulre on the premist-a of lliöif J. B. STKKUK. "pTOTICE. The stockholdcrs and dlrectonc of tlie Keek Kurnlture Company havlug voted to tncreane the ciipltiil stiK'k l'rom $36,000 to $!0,0l0, a pori umi of the uew Kloek U now oil'ercU ror unie at l:ir. The compnny, on lts present capital lias palil over tun per cent. Blnce organiuition. and It In expected that the new stock wlll py not less than elght per cent. per annum. The salen of the company for tlie ftrot six monthn of 1SHI ainounted to sít.sii lo ;iH Hm imsiiit capital waN lound liiMiitilelpiit to proprrly can y on the buslnesfl. It ha alno been dnclded to erect a new building 44x100 for Mm IshtiiK and Ktorlng u'nxis. W. I). Harrimao, Ii. Oruner, Jog T.Jacobs, Moses Seabolt, J. J. Kllla anl (Jilas. 10. HIhcocIc ur' (llrectorB of the company, and partlea can rafto t(i lliem for Information relativo to tbe coinpanv'a xUwdlnK. proHpectn. etc. HubKcfiptloiiN for Í1U.IKKI of Mil stock wlll bo irc.ivrii hyiii,. Srcr.tiiry Hl Ann Arbor Harlnn Dank ('MAS. K. IHHCOCK, 104H i'i Hec'y and Treas.


Ann Arbor Courier
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