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No nuil y has Ik.'i n fbund tot tatet au uliicli plores aouiiiformly guo 1 'me. UN Laai Uovo. Suiíl .1 sufli in froni Jilncy tiouVle, wJiei i to try Kiduey-Wort. 'TU tr.v it, luit t will be niy lust chiM-." The min gol well. niid s now ii-íom i nc m ti nir tlic rcmeih lo all. Wben rterangement t' t lie stom:k !i mts iipon tlie kiclncv and liver briiiirn; üiwsae pain, KWney wort is the remedy. it removes the ctMêe mik! corea (lis,;ic. LKjirM 'vcry concenI) oi dry act ei]imlly - Ain. Cultivator. A (iirioslty. For soinc tin; (bliowing ientt'Hce haa si 1 as the thorteat Into liicli :ill the - oi the alphabet oould !¦ soni ".(. liray. pack wil ii my box live dozen ¦once UUIIIHIIII Ullf l-UIIVI lettert, á i tica ywiUemyi n-ccuily haproved on il as follows, usin ODly tiiirlytwo letters "Qnack, glad aephyn, watt my javeliii box1 Georgc W. Pierce, a Boston Iawyer, lias dow forcod tweoly-ila Ic.tcrs of the alphain-t into a senteiice of onl lliirty-one U-t:;s liclow : "Z. I riiy vlxen Jiimpa qulck at fowl." Complícate Diseaset. a prominenl frentleman in Corro Gordo county, luna, write iu thai lic (hidt Kulney-Worl to ba Ibe beat remedy lic eyer Iviicw tor :i coijiplit-iition of discavcs. Il is tlic spccilic act ion whieli it lias on tie liver, kidneys umi bowels wliicli ;- sucli cni-.iiivc poveta and it the tliouaiuls ot cares wliieh it s performlng whlcli gires t iis ereaf celebrity. Llqatd, (very n tra tea) or dry art equally efflciently. N. Jl. Journitl and ('oiiricr. The little ones wlll keep on iayiiig ihinj:. si-car old Ma ble is indiistrloiuly en liich lier n int lier had jnt cinptieil. Kourycai--(.ld Bobby !"oks at her a whilc mul theii Idurts out. -'Say sis, tloift yi.u wish voii codld turn it Inside out, so's you coulp lick tí" Cafes in whksfa the heart i wesk and Irregular in aetion are Boon rc-toied to licalth and r rulaiily liy l-'cllows" Syrup of Hypophospliitc-. Heno'-; Carbol ic Salve, Tli ! ¦; the worlcl for BruikBH, Sures, l'ecr, Bah Bheuái, Tetter, Chapp d Rauda, Cbilbliino, Coros, -i1 ail kimls of Skin Kmptions, Preckle? and l'iuii'lc-, ]{¦ -nr' you et Hknuv's Uabbqi.ic Sai.vk, aa all othera o lut iutitatrana and uonnierfeit. Prioe 25 cents. Dr. Breen', Oxjrs0u$e4 Utt ri the l ,-t reuiedy lor lyi(p-ia, Biliou- M t ':iri:l. ] IldJglietioil, ull di-or !¦ toinach, ¦.!.! Bes i 1' ilii blood, ki Jixy, liver, ki.i, :Nm's ('ATAKKIl SNÜFF eurcí all affectioDH of the tnucus meuibraoe of ili! bead ami ihroat. DR MOTTS A['Al PILL8 (M tbfl besl nal hai io. A I'ool Once Jlorc. "For ten yeaia iny wit'e vus confinod to her Ix'l by supIi a compliaatióii of alInwiiU tliMi no doctor could (eíl wa the matter or cure liw, incl I nscil ap i Msall fortune In bumbagnnff. si montb I Nk :i '. itli Hop Bitten on ir, and 1 ihouglit I duld be ;i íool once inore. I tricd iLbutmy folly proved to bê wisdom. 'l'wo bottli - cu red ber, ! li now :is w -l ! and siroiij m : 1 1 1 Daan 'i wlfe, and ii onal me oniy two iloH:n-. Bucb fiálf p H. W.Detivii. IBch.- Ynmfi Prof. Horsfurtl's BaklBg Ponder. Baron íjicl ir, t Iií eiiiiiienl Gernian lid: "The li:ikinu; Powiler ¦! l'rof. florsford, I liold io be one o( the tlesl and musí beneficént ínventions wliiili baa iiccu made In racent ti mi - Cure Tur Mulliría. Don') sit mu mul exposé youreell lo the nightalr and rt ntalarla, lnu it wmi do, i ar tlie IJon Halarla and Liver Pkd and Body :uiil Fooi Plasten. They uill eme yon. The wlmle trealmeiit for one ilollar. ror Mil" i' DniiTLiA Quclion. hether it paya to allow the flrst - ot distase io reduce tlic system, cauí 1 n i Í-T illness, and hn'c dOCtOT bill, wheii hopa and malt bittert will prerent and cure yon. Ask lora fM liotlle. i: MI SA(;inw, Jan. 12, 1SB1. Mi:. V. 1!. Mooke: 1)KAI! Sik: - Ahoiil the firsl OÍ 1 eceliil)tT I ;t taken witli a verf severe attack of rheamatism Ib both of mv kueei. I wat recommended to uc Dukc'I Caxpbobited Arkica. I can cbeerfully recomintiid it to eVery one trottüed with rheumntisni i k. BJLA.DT. Phyaiaaos elaiffl Hope and Malt Bitters are the best. '


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News