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A bew wheelbarrow factoïy i belng erected In Adrián, .icmosvillc is trying hard to capture the new lllMBe asyluin. 'l'lic Methodist ut hem kfountata are to erect a cliurcli building; non. si. rgQAM-and Kackinac now have dally muil eommunication, exeept Sundays. Iholera iufiuitum and dipbtherta are tak in" off eIm Omnd Elaplds chUdren rapldly. Benator Glbson, ofBay 'ity has a flg u-er on whfch Ulereare nowhangtng over 85 liirs. iñtr?Mi1lt'ffi'ffriífflHrWf1 BfrMir ftf": T iiiiiir. At Negaunee myrlads of grasahoppen swarru the biUsIdetj and are greatly Injuring the pastarage. The soldiers of Lapeer coiintv will be addreated hy Col. O. T. Beard, al Lapeer, 00 tile 17th mst. Ai Bywnon, n i 1 1 s - Co.'s mlll, Muskegtm, üre deetroyed $15,000 worth of lamber n tlie doek last week. Improvements on the M. K. ehiireh and pareonage at Cheboygnn oost (1,160 lilcli aiiioimi has been ralseri. Midland wants water works, too, and tlie Sn n s trying to myn the iiioney tberefor trom the poekets f Midland people. Qeorge Andrews, of Flint. haa a piano built in lsio, and it is claimed to be tbe old!8t instrument of tlie kind in Ilic state. Tlie Ibiiith Peninsular SSBOgerbund will lic held at Grand Rápida, from the 22d to 2.r)th inst. The program is an nttractlve one. Many placea n tbe state are nufferlay [rom diouih, noiahly (taneeee oounty, Aliena eoiinty. and ÜM eoiinlies lUrTontldllIg fach. Agreatglass hall toumameot Is to tak e ilaceaj Ho wel I August 9th, lOth and ilili, pones. A hifi band pioiie is what the Lapeer ople expeet tO i'tijoy AugUSt II. The . 'aro girls will toot their horm npon the i iC casion. ('harlevoix has been Incorporated three years, and lias ncver jrel levied n village tax, the llqoor lieenses paying all the expenses. Premiu np to the amount of $1,400 will be given at the state tirema u's tournament to be held at Coldwatur on the Ttlt and 8th of September. A state tempecance meting, to continué live days, will be lie'd on the fair groundg at Jaekson, oommencing Aiih-i 27th, and ending Augast .'list. Kev. W. E. Caldwell, of the Congregational at Rockibrd, lias accepted thechaplaincy of the Ionia honseof Cofrectton, and resignuil his pattorate. The new Sault canal will probftbly be opmed on the lOth inst. This will allow heavy draft reaaelg to pass. At present the Large vessels only c-ariy huil' a cargo. , ,1'resident MtElrov. of Adrián colkcfl. lelt lor üiurope a Tewclaysasro. and was preaented witb a of gold by theKuij(bt Templáis of Adrián, belore departin. In Adrián the (erman Lutheran clinrcli bel) rings every evenini; al eiffhl oYlock, as a ilgnal for all families of that Bociety to see that their chihlren arr wlthln theír bornee. The state school for the blind, al Lanttng, is lo have a new $12,000 steam heatlng appiratutpnt in at once. On the principie of ''in times of war prepare for peace" - (or the reverse.) TheMcthodislsof.MidiUevillc, BanyCo., have been "callingthe long roll" thla week, n n endeavor to pay up an old debt of ¦900 and raise enough more lo np the elmri'.h and buildings with. Tbc División street, (rand Rupldg, M. K. cburncli bas notonly had lts debt paid, bilt the society has raised 4,(M)0 with wliich to ]inl in a steam hcalinj; RpparatW, lurnish 1 slale roof and bnild a spire. Miss Oora B. Mlller, of G-rand Riipids, bas been engaged by the Mendelssohnqnlntet club of Hoston, "to sail with them for .in extended engafrement in Australia. Shc sails from San Francisco, 27lli Inst. 'i'i ; - i Main strect of Midland blowing nway, and tbc peoplc are trying lo devise fomething to uit on top Of the sand tO prevent sueh a diré catastropbe. ('lay and cobble stmic-. Two-thirds of the village of W'hilcliall, Mnkcf,'nn ('n. was destreyed by flre last Kriday, entailing a loss of $130,900, Wittl Stnall insiirancc. .Many families losé evervthing, and imieh snllering in Oonsequence. Tbe suldii rs and pailors of southwestern Michigan, are to meet In grand encampincnt at Diamond Lake, near Cassopolis, on the 84th, 26tn and B6tt) of August, Inst. l.ctV sec. Waslilenaw is in ccnlral Michigan ! uil li ! The Bllssfield eouneil has sclllcd with Dr. ('assiday. w ho brought snit agalusl that, village lor daniages, because of brcaking hi leg, allowing h'nn $.")00, cach to pay Ihcir own eosls. iMessrs. Ronan & l'arker, of Mojiroe, were Dr. ('assiday's lawyers. The COUnty seal wal rages with fury et In Wexl'ord "coiinty. Tbc latcsl inveiil m'i is the organization of tlx Bew townships in the touthern part of the oounty. ir ibis s done it is tuought Cadillac will liave enough votes on the board 10 be made thé coiinty sent. The Michigan slate fair Ibis ycar will bc held ai .lack-uh. ciininicncinir Sopt 20lh, and coutinuing ililtil ÜJtli. Entiies lor live stock may be made I o the sccrelary, J. C Sterling, prior to September l:ilh. Mosl Of the other cnlries may be made up In tlie linie of opening. The house di Alonso Derrlck, al Muir, WOS liurncd one ilay la-t, weck, and three of hls'children perished In the llames. The nldcst, blekte, a lad of 18, was a pupil al the ¦ late sehonl forl he dea f and d it ml i. at Flint, and al In une si'nding I lic slimmer varal ion. It Was a horrible aeeidcnl. At a meeting of the board of trustees of the sol uiers' and snilors' monument &88OClation, held in Detroit last weck. tbc Ircasurer presented his report, cOTerlng a period Of sixteen years. aiul the reccipl and cpvmliture of $79,000. A defldeoeyof $S.T7 in amount due the sculplur. Kandulph Hoger.;, was contributed, the monument accepted and theentire si-tt led op, The Detroit base bal] elub is soinething lik' a boat al sea. Borne days t will sail along with favorable, 1 ai r w iiiiN. and be happy as a BOU pie jusl man cd. Tiien agaln will come Itaruu, and adverse w IlldS, and the gloom will eiiial Ibat only known lo an uniiappy CÓlipfe secking a divorce. The Itullalo eiub seooped tliein I "i to I last Week Thursday I And tlien ihey seooped the Múllalos 011 Kriday and Saluiday, the tirsl time 9 tO 8. Harbor Springs nou has sevciitícn büslncs bou-es, bende two ohurclies, three ho telf, a good school bouse, and Dumerou8 other establishmeiits whieh go to show that wc are DB I luí load lo sucecss. ( 1 1 1 y a short lime agQ one business house - a trading posl for the Indians- and B little, old SCllOol house eould be seen hcre. Who says we are uot keeping up wil li adjoioing i" os In inoving onward lo prospérltyr - Harbor Splings 1,'epublicau. The ( 'harlevoiv Seul incl say Ibal wliat that place " needs. liadly. and mOSi have, is a iteam Bouring mil I. )ar acreage of eullivated farms is inciea-ing with slu pendoiis strides. and eacli year secs a largC inerease in grain yield ovci I hal of tlie cai previoiiv. Thcrc is business enough Fiere now for R Oonring mili and a ceilainty of a big thing in the future. Uring on soine of your boanled dollars and u-e Ilicin lor the permanent good ofour ton n as wdl as of yonrself. "


Ann Arbor Courier
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