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Diindoo Ledger: Dondee is the biraert little place In the .-inte of Michigan. Mlddlevillé (Bfliry Co.) Republlcan: Barry connty is raid lo be ahead In the divorce business, Bisteen divoroe oases havIng Im in cuininciicnl sincc May llt. r:iiiii Traverse Berald: Borne oí our contempor&rlea are publUUed by the square Inch. Qnality Isa secondair consideratlon bo that n eertaln number of square Inchea is glven each reek. Then they take ¦ i""t i-ule, mearan up, and debil tbeir subBcribera witfa so many sqa&re luche Baltle Crèek Journal: EngineerBUlings mWe ffiilüSfl. UP a ronater al taleabnrg tookafree ride through to thia ofty, bis Willg liaving jrot cailjrllt fust 11 tlll' pil ot. lic presented the fowl to .). M. Stowe, w!io bappened along aa the train pulled hito the depol liere. Cedar Spring Clipper: The suprenie courtoí Michigan haajuat reodered a decisión in a case in wliicli One man lent another ney wherewlth to pet np a corner on w het. The conrt held tlfctt a oomWnatlon entered Into to artificial ly atleet the prioe nf any neoessity of life was [Ilegal, and the loan In this case could nol be recovera!. Adrián Press: Qrscom say starving la a remedy for dyspepsia, consomptlon, &c. No doubt nf it. it will certainly pul an Biid to thoae dtseaaes it only the patienta' liave patieace to starre lóngenoogfc. The trouble about the matter ia thal Bome visi laiion of provldeitce usual ly steps In at the momenl ui triiiiiiph nud "- '?= off tbe patiënt. Lalngsburs News: A Muskegon man rscently trled bo borrow a wheelbarrow to ake tbe body of bis ebid to the ceraelery. rii is rcininds nsiiiai several years ago u Lalngsburg man borrowed h band-car and it nildnigbt,and alone, tooi the body of hls leas) rife to Owosao for Inlerment. HJe Is low .mj:r.i'd.n"-ain uid ilninir i.hqI...- - Otisvllie Telegram: Tbe wheat harvest ia ncr, and altlionjfli some havea bettcr erop ;han expcctpd, the yiïld in tliis nelghbor iooiI mav be s:ii'l tu be a vrry poor one. 3ome have reported to Hiis offlae a yield of I buslicl per acre up tö 5 hüshels. Many nave not had a return of tlnir leed sown, ivliile some plowed up ncarly all the jround sowed to wheat In the spring. The juality is above the average. Kalaina.od Telegraph: Secretar}!' W. .1. Baxter of the state bóárd of charltles is naklnzan Inspection of the poot homes tnd jails of the statr. lli-wcdl cunimcnds ihe obiawassee county poor house as the "eleauest, neatest and 1 ¦(, managed" of iny he has ever visiti'il. Wliat .will be t hink itiuirs ? Wliat Kalamazoi) OöUDty greatry ii ¦¦¦ Is i a poor-hoUSe to take tlu.' place of the miserable apölogy whicb now ejdi Coldwatei Republicana We were sbown last weck by Robert Milner a sample t uhai remalnod of a twenty-acre Beid of iats, belonghig to Mr. John llarrison, wlio resides about tour miles froa Oooatantine. l'lic army worm had stripped every leaf .urn w, ti, n,u i Imq - . i.;...s 1...1 tl... Kor., ctpli,The erop was estlmated at 1,800 bnahels, and in les than twenty-four hours after the appearanoe of the [est, not ¦ peck remained. Graas Lake New-: Mr. Lo the poor lndian, is (rotting In his work picking huckleberrles In the Lake Boperfer country and aa conaequence prices took a bigtambta on henies trom this lutitude. 'l'lic strects were full of diaappolnted Bellers Konday nifrht wlicn t was fonnd thal the prioe had feil off froa 4.10, the prlce Frlday and 3atunlay, to 1.76, the price paid Monday aight, and boyera were not very auxious bo purclmse even at those ttgures. Freeland Star: Sporadlo atteinpts ar iieinir made to Introadoe refbrm In spellIng, hy learing oat all siint letrc It wil b diflcuft to do this, however. hliaws pcpl aislo to lak up nu things. If reform in this inatr Is dslrabt, it must be ruwt thrn the lisiiür generaUon. Cbildreu can b taut sirapl apcHing, bkaws tha begin at thebgisVinfiand bavnolhlng to uniera i bui vers wil elaps b4 a grat advans can be made. Meiiwile, the nlil spelling is gnd enuf for IIS. Adrián Times: There appears t" be Conkllng republicana in New ï'ork tokeej) np the Hght on the ex-eenator and hia irieiid-. 'l'liey are united In the uphiimi thüt he is éead, very clead, hut, still thcy keep up their liisilade. Il wciuld seem to an outsider Üial t would I; jnst as vm'II to give the corpee of Conkllng a reat, and deal toe deroocracy a few blows, The whole repllblciWl party has gol wolk eDOIIgh tO do ii New ÏOfk to carry Ihe State tlils fall. ( !he8snlng Argus: The village olerk while notífying IlldlTidaala to take down their awaings and repair of huild tide-walka in front of their premies, recently, had it BÜghtly hinted tO him Iliat t hert' miglit be suih athhlg as sceiiiLT a iet i t ion witb about ;il)l) nanies uttached to it to be presented ti the leglalature al their nest sesaion to abandon the charter of the village of Cbesanlng. 'li wouldii't it be a wise' plan tO i Il Qeo. I'. Lewis aboul it; bemighJ allow t to be added to his new county he is trying to raake out of a part of Baginaw county. Wrmontville llawk: The tenor of tbc presa, promlaooüsly speakjng, indicates that we are on the eve of a new political era, and that it will bc inipos-ible for the two old part es to niake an issue on the narrow margin left of tbe threadbare issues of the past. The Bouthbeglns to ealic that the nnlon is well for them and nromeverywberecomei loyaí manlfestatíons (rom the Btates once In reiMlUoo. The north, iiiiek to observe and every rcady to mei I 011 itmicable groumls. extend their iiands, and are gettiñg more conservBtlTO than ever. Oaatisgl Bamier: The "boss gal," (according to the local papera) of Kalamazoo county, is twen tv -one. lias driven the Wood reaper on her fatbere farm flve seaaons, playa "meney-musk1 and "devil's dream" willi the irieálcst case, and can prepare a mea! whicb will "tkskle the palote of an eplcure." Iler brothers, of whom there are twelve OT fourteen, lounge about tlnhouse doinir nothinpwhilcshi' rushes thinps OUt doors and in. Somebody jilease .-end us her address. Aliebran Journal: Tha Allegan lournal will take pleasure inreceivingsubscripUons for the testimonial to Mrs.' Cartield, and loiwaril the same to Gyrus W. Field, 1 US üroiuhvay, New Vork 'city. Mr. Field, the origlnator Of this tund. announees thal :iiiv aun. uut will be received. from one cent up'to $100,000. A dispnsition has sprunjr up througboat tbe country to make this les limoiiial a popular ftind. The state of Michigan, and Allegan especially, ibould be represented in this sub-tantial expresión lor our president V wliii'h it nowseema will take the iorm of a thanksiving oller Ing. The Charlotte Republlcan tellsof ¦ new and novel teature to be Introduoed at their county t'alr: One of the must attractlve f atures ot our coming county falr will be thc eiti.cns Bpeclal pniniuiusotlercd in the depaxtment ofnivtaic which has been herctofore very iuucIi neglected trom the bel thal un lir-l-class niiisiciau.would compete or allow their Iriciids to do so in llie oieo air or in 11. ira I hall, as Hiere has been no other place provided. Rui this yenr there is to be little different arrangement! made and there ili be gpeo.Ial premiums oftered to those thal i-ll t lllicle lpon all Instrument of ranaic, aiso all oompetltors in vocal mu-ic, such aa songs, choruaea, quartettes, trios, duntta, solos and comloalities, sueli as persona represen tl ng duiferen) cliaraelcrs in songiind aetin, alsoa varicty of other alt. aetions loo nunurous to ineiiliuu al present. The u hule to be riven In Bampson Hall on the second atgbt of the fair.


Ann Arbor Courier
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