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The Late Ex-gov. Bagley

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Last Wen we nnnounccd the deith of the above iiamed gentleman, luiMiiy skeiciiing his life in tlic Minitod time at our cominiind. Below we give an extended notice of liis Ufa taken from tlie Allegan Journal: "Anotlier of Michigan's long line of boternon lm gone to Tiis tinal rest! Jolin Judión H:igloy !¦ do more. Hediedfaroff Irom liis (ored Michigan home, on the Pacific coast, as the Occidental hotel, in San Francisco, wither lic had gone in pursuit of health. The telegraphic announceïiH'iit of Mr. Kagley's decease was not uuexpected to his Michigan friends, as liis conditien hag been known as precarious for about two years past. He left Detroit for California March 29, accompanied by his wife and daughter, Francés, visiting Monterey and taking niuch out-door exercise; but nothing could arrest the fatal disease of the beurt with which he suffered. After June 29 he kept his rooms most of the time. From that time on his disense assunied a most violent form, and he died Wednesday afternoon, July 27. (Here the Journal recites faets in regard to birth, marriage, etc, given in the Cou¦m last week.) Mr. Bagley began his political career by a service of two years ni",TTM ""rnl!1r of the board of education and of the board or ¦¦. É of ,, . , Detroit, at a timp wli.n tli. r,r ÜS.'riVL. --.v.v, uw m miuv nuul LUC 1IIM, IllCn Ot t)n city were cliosen to such pogitions. In lsw, he was appointed a member of the board of pólice commissioners of Detroit, by which body he was subsequently choíen its president He was for six years a member of that board. In 1868 .Mr. Bagley was choscn cliairnmti of the rcpublican state OOIBiaittee, and showed himself tobe a tboroofrh tactician anl familiarized liim-rll' witli the local politics of the state. In 1872 Mr. Bagley was nominated for governor by the republicana, and elected by "56,044 majority over ex-Oov. Blair, the democratie DomlnM. He was re-chosen In in; i Jlr. Bagley's administration as governor was a snccessful and brilliant one. He had a watchful care and solicitude over Uitstate educatlonal and charitable iastitutions, taking a deep interestin theirconduct and management Especially was this the case witli regard to the state public ichool at Coldwnter, the organization and operation of which was principally begun during his term of office. The state reform school was also by him relieved of inany of lts prison features, and made more of an educational institution. He also favored the introduction of ncw and more popular features in the state agricultura! college. It was under his administration that the militia of the state was for the tirst time placed upon a serviceable footing, while tlie state board of heath and fish coiiimission were organized. To Mr. Bagley is largely due the present system of liquor tax. Prior to his nomination for governor, Mr. Bagley seldom maile any public speeches but in the campaigns of 1872 and 1874, he appeared on the stump in various parts of the state, making a favorable Ira pression wherever he went, and tcqnlrtng inany admirers. He was mentioned for lr 8. senator lo 1875, '77, '79, and in 1881 he was beaten for the republican nomination for senator by a majority of only two votes by Omar D. Conger. the legislature of 1881 adopted unanimously aresolutiou reccommendlDK Gov. Bagley for a seat in 1 rt-sident arlield's cabinet, a compliment which is seldom paid by any state to any public man. Mach of the success of the Michigan ex liibit at tiie centciinial exposition of lsTti TM largely due to Mr. Kagley, wlio was cliairman of the state centcnniul board of managen. GW. Baglty wnsawarm-hearted, broadmluded, liberal, genereus, hospitable, public spirited, and benevolent man. His purse was ever open to relieve the wants of the poor and distressed, the widow and the orphan. His speeches, upon all public occasions, overtlowetl with wit and humor, benevolence and good-feeling, knowledgeand humanity. A Iricnil Indeed was he in all that the word implies, a happy, eloqaent and fascinating convcrsationalfst. II. waan earnest advocate of what he deemed right. Hlunt, out-spoken, and stahvart in hu politica! opinions, he was OM of tbc mort popular of the young public Men of Uk M.iti-, an.l liada hostof admircrs in tbfl lxaiitiful state wliosc gnmtk, pngfCH, Guae, and wcalth he had solarcly enlianced, l'otli in his character of business man and eilief majristrate. " " John .I.Bafiley will 1m' seen and heard in the eouncils M tliiw state no more forever. He has jfone to rest with Um diatinguisliod daad oi the state, with her herM and statesmen, with the ImmorUl I and Chandler, Binghain, Wisneraml Crapo. Hut his name and rneraory, like tlicirs, and Uke the graat daadi af Michigan history, a art of which he was, will live amnng u There simli '"' l)"1 ftw brouder oumeati in all Michigan than taal Inacribed Di hi phllanthroplc name. and eeneroui in aplrtt, bonesl nd Independent in thought and actlon, earn t in lus eonrlctloni ana sincere in bil frlendtblps, John J. BKjey commanded Hke the ronfldenee (rf hl Metida and rwpect "f hu bet. II. ¦ doiibti.-s bad Mi fitulta, Wiint hnraao belnf bMtban not( ;ire faiills of the ln-ml ud UieW are laulti ol atart. The tonner raay be ezetued, wblla the latit-r may he Ktoned. ()nr late well Moved (pTeraor ised t. inulta of the heail, aml none ,,i the beart Hta Kreet beart er beat ¦ (pondré lo all was nmnly. prneroiis. trne aml siiuvro, anl nevor yrt iMMed a phllanthniiiici.r humane appeal. In the deaüiof Qvr. Bajfley, .MUhiin has lost ¦ trM ¦! t'aithfiil dtiien wbohai iWr fouryear credltably tillinl the hlhest if the State, the tricnds of huinanity u ïlnn Iriciiil, aml his wil'c and ohlldren ¦ kind hiwband and loving htber. Llvine. "lif lored bh felloi men."' mu oead lus miMiiory is oberltbed y thein. Muy be re) In neaoè."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News