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All aboanl ïor Co. A's excursión to Putiu-lï:iy, tliis mom Ing. A gnod, lively shower, thut's what the gardens and fielcls want. Alii. Kitredge is to re-buüd hts barn ierently destroyed ly iire. The tent meeting nct Sunday evening will bu tddreased by Prof. T. P. Wilson. W' vrlll forgtve the Ann Arbor ('oukier. How du you ïlkf ilils?- Berrleu rtpilugs i:in. 'Tissueeter, by far. "Oh, wliereare you golUK. my pretty inalil?" "To sume HhoppWig, slie xweetly sald ; "Ah.i whbret" 1 uskfil. In gliul surprlBe; 'lOU, aüywhere.where Uny advertlüe." "Sid" Millard lias n ncw act whicli is faf in adv Anee of the "uinbrella ai't," in point of ajfiüty of i'xecution. -- ? :.l:iv Jainng Dooeaan, for 18 years :i rwidenl Of Noithfleld, ditd ol' cholera morbiis, aged 7.' years. Si nu body haa been stealin;Thad TlKMiipbod chickem again. He lost 30 of tbcin rimrstlay momlnf; of last week. Hesidents in ihu vicinlty of the corner of 1-awreneeand Thayer street have [etition-il t ti' (¦iiiincil lor a street lamp. Coinpluinls are numerous beeanse of the sluw progresa made In erectiiig tlie new brtdges over the Huron. Who is to blamet Our pcople slioulil not forget the fact tliat tbc next pioneer nieeting is to be held in lliis city. The date is Wcdnesday, Sept. 8th. The Ann Arbor ( Oi kikk hu been designatod by the auditor general as the paper in whicli to jiiiut the delinquent tax sale list. We learn ilmtthe nienibers of the flre departmeut propose to give an excursión m the new road to South Lyon before long. _____ Deputy Marshals Wilman uul I'orter iiude 2H arrosts ilui'iiig July, and thelr combiued ierrlcei therelbr amounted to I46.0S. - OftheTS papera deeignated by the auditor general to publisli the tax sales, 50 of thetn are upon the exehmge list of the COUBIKB. A new brick and plute s';iss front is about being erected for the óld Sutherland store, on Main street, by its new owner, C. H. Kichmond. Louis D. Taylor and Chas. W. Wagner liave taken the agency for Cunuinghani & C'o's bicyeles, and will open a school soon, ior practice. A new ordinauce was passed at the coun1 meetiiifí Monday ewalng, eatabHihing tliegMde of Aluin street, from Catharine to William street. If the piïee of coal keepsup to ts present unreasonable altitude, in all probability wood will be tlie fnel tised at the court tuis winter. A fine stone sidewalk is being plac il front of Mack & Schmki'sstore. The sanie Umi ofl walk was laiil on tlie Liberty st. side last sumraer. On coiuplaint of his father, a young lad named Alfred Exinger was sent to tho lmiise of correction at Lansing, from tliis city, a few ilays go. The financc committee, througb its eliairinan, Aid. Keech, reported theexpenditure i'$90t).5;, vhtehwu lUowed by the eouncil Monday evenülg. Anothcr certain indieatioii tliat awf ui destruction is awaiting this earth. The aign of peacc in the heavens, the rainbow, hun not been seen thisyenr. One hundred people from this city took udvantage of the cheap rate8 on tlie M. C. K. K.- 85 cents for return ticket- and visítéd Detroit last Monday. ¦Another move bas been made in the diTection of the much needed street signa. The general fond committee has been ordered to receivc bids for the painting. i,,ur ex.clanges are lalklDg about the yellows 1 LpeSeheïtbe P60'1 tree8 ln "i'8 loculity ave the -blue" this year.-StanUn Clipper. Even that beats the peach trees in this loeality, for don't have anything. Lenawee officials propose to prosecute the ministers ud justices who fail to report to tie county clerk the DUUTiaCM at which tiiey offlciate. A wanilog to some In this county. The council has been petitioned to aplM)int N. ij perci, ftg )atrolman for the "Ui ward, at a salary of $1 per dicm. His w:itcli to continue from 9 p. m., until mid"iSlit of each day. The Michigan Central ïailroad recuived more freight during last montli at this iK)int, "wn any previous July In its history. A good argument for tlie muoh n ceded new pot buildings. The Daily News has a teleplionc, and receivcs items from Ypsilantl over it. Tlie ¦"eiuocrat will also be telephonically conJected In a íew days. Kverything, most, " nin by lightning nosv-a-days. Speakln of the propodtlon of tlie Milun m to conitniet a tri-oanty fair, tobe eW at Milan, the Adrián Press says: "We fill'll oppow atlnec-lcgged hIiow. Huilt "P anothcr county, Mr. Sunny." vJrg!1ÍnO,,"1 a ""ellnemeanureU ome ' thtti" " ,, i ," v T"1 tllr"" How amueiw',1" ,?ps"a"u OwunweUL Mr. "lc h '¦,lnett bmuBht severul Uilks lo tlim 'iifhV .ll meo"'-ea eleven ft-ct aml nlnn A milll brought one stalk-it didn't take ' verl-of corn to office which mea. M 13 ÍM 2 How is that forlilghest? 'lili: Kcck furnitiire company has let tho contract for its iiew buililing to Daniel .1. Rosa. The building isto be 40x58 Uci i n size, aml tbe contract price is $'2,17., to le built of wond and covered with iron. The new cornet is said to be nbout 100,000,000 miles away frotn the earth, but approftchlng it at the rute of 3,000, 000 miles a day. So figure the thing up for yourself. Whizz ! Qruhl Boom!! Smasbed all to pieces ! Aid. Fleming is to have charge of bie sale of the oíd bridge on l'outiac Itreet Hope bt will sell it aoon and get the ncw 011e up In its place, the Iron and timbera for which lmve alrem'.y twen ihtpped, wc understand. Whcn Stephen Falrchild Rl'rjvatl in Detroit last Friday, he handed his valisc to a colored man to carry to the hack for him, and hwn't seeu either since. He losl alwut #2.5 worth of clothing by Uie transaction, we understand. County Clerk Clark has received an offloial note from Mrs. Fullcr, president of the board of control of the state reform school for girls, stating that the school at Adrián will be open for all such persons from and after the lst inst. Nearly 100,000,000 hairpins are made In the United States annually, but up to the present time a woman has never Meoeedftd in holding more than forty-soven 11 her moutli Wben doing np her back hair and talking bout her ncighbors. A new and interest! ng game for the drawlng room. or for an eveninv's entertainment, is called eyepeeping. The run consists in trying to guess the unknown owner of u eye vvliich s shown to tlie ipectaton Ihrough o hole In the eurtain. We tiotice that in somc of our cities the nsurance agents will not pertnit the use of gasolinc stoves. In otber placee the agents reqidre thoseuslngthetn to procura permita. IIow U it in tliis city ? Are any of ourcitizens e&dangqring their Insurance igooriintly? _ ín his recent visit to this city, occupylng the pulpit of the Baptist chuich, on Sabia! h. Ifev. Dr. Haskdl Mcoreda haiulsome collection for tlie new Baptist church in Ann Arbor. J. S. Jeness gave liiro $50.00 for this laudable pui pose. - Ypsilanti Commercial. U-g-z-h ! Just think of it ! Uva luns are a new nntl certainly a novel ornament for ladies' wear. A Cuban lady at Saratoga wears a famous beetle, with glowing eyeo, which grow green and gold as she touches his black back. She feeds him on sngar on„o, wÜMi lie brought with her from Cuba. The Courier-Journal, of Louisville, charges that Guitcau was bom in Ann Arbor, Michigan. If assassinatiou can be justitieel at all, here is a Michigan nian's opportnnity. Down with the CourierJoonuÜ man ! Down with the blarstcil liyphenated agiregation he prints!- Adrián Press. From 43 acres Messrs. Waterman & Kon. roe of Pittslield, had 8G0 bushels of wheat, an average of 20 bushels to the acre. They disposed of 300 bushels at$1.10. If these yields keep coming in, the doleful Storiea told by the farmers will be taken as wind, desigued to créate i corner on this needful cereal. The Saline Observer, in giving the item about Chas. Blackmar, whose liouse is on the county line, told about his eatlng in Washtenaw county and sleeping in Monroe, hut forgot all about telling where Mr. B. voted. Perhaps this is a genuine case of repeating. Appoint an investigatinjr committee. The first summer entertainment of the Beethoven gesangverein, last Wednesday afternooH and evening, at fireman's park, was a great success in every way. The park was beautifully illuminated In the evening, and thousands of people erowded to the grounds to witness the exercises and have a good time. Andrés Hillaer, a Germán in the employ of Luick Bros., feil oft' the scañblding of ' Keck's new building yesterday at about 11 i o'clock, a. m. We understand that he wus engaged in carrying water for the , men, when he missed his footing and feil. His injuries are thought to be quite severe at this writing, Thursday, p. m. The Aun Arbor city band have Changed their open air concert niglit from Wednesday to Friday. The following is the prograrame for to-night: 1. S.Oscnr Ryder, march D. L. Downlnc 2. Wild Roses, walt?. Anon 3. Sacrel March, "Ring thebells" Llglity 4. College club qutck step Beyer 5. Soldier of Fortune raarch J. Resch. 6. Mixed Candy Unkuown. The report of the city recorder for July showed tlie general fund overdrawn $1,880.44; general Street fund overdrawn, f-] 1.03; Ist ward fund on hand, $192.45 ; 2d ward fund on hand, $709.24; 3d ward fund, overdrawn, $ 522.55; 4th ward fund, overdrawn, $28.04; contingent fund, on hand, $747.47. cenietery fund, on hand, $790.00. The Ypsilantian says the Couiueh is mistaken in its statement regarding the condition of the eastern Michigan agricultural and mechanica! association. That paper States that it has never been unsuccessful ilnancially. If that is so, we were misinformed last fall, that's all. But we still think the county ought to be anlted in the fair business. We thought of speaking about this last spring, but it slipped our mind, and so we refer to it now as better late than never : "A great many people are at a loss in destroying the destructive wornis found on currant bushes and cabbage. The surest remedy, and at the same time not injurious to human beings, is white hellebore which kills them without fail." The clouds were very tantalizing last Monday. They forined in deep phalanx, the thunders roared, and it looked for all the world likc a heavy storm, but only ¦ few drops descended. All about us went the rain, but the parched earth was not moistened to any extent here. A little sprinkle, ust enough to scare the colored folks in their celebration, was all that was given us Evart II. Scott, of this city, has charge of the territory embraced in the southeastern portion of the state, as a commissioner to make a collection and exhibit of the fruit producís of Michigan at the coming meeting of the American pomological society, at Uoston. Collections received at the commissioner's expense prior to Sept. 14th. At east five specimens of every variety should be given. Wille the proper official who has the matter of cutting weeds in charge is about t, he better take a walk along Detroit st., and North street, and a few other streets and view the harvest of biirdocks ready for the sickle. Burdock burs are about the neanest things imaginable. There ought to be sufllcient pride about every citizen to ceep his own premises clear of weeds, but here isn't. The editor of the Saline übserver is vrong in his inferences. The local of the 'i hibr did not get left on that excursión o Port lluron, but he had to wait three ong, weary, dreary, miserable hours in )etroit, for those who were left, which tidn't effect his naturally sweet temper, ai ugar and cream effects strawberries. Beides he can sympathize witu those who ïow rejoice. Tli Xiyla City Heraldía tha only state paper that ,!,¦ ,„,( hahlt.ialiy ,teH i,J ,SS un The ibove inay not be a delibérate falsehood, luit it s a fulsehood just the same. The Oouribr ncver has taken a line f rom the I'nsi mu! Tribune without proper credit. We are very sorry Unit we oannot - mie lor that paper. Tlir ¦ pavement ilecorator" was here last Momlay niglit. On the stone flagging to the north of the court house square, he drew several very ilne plcturea, MWMlg tlicin belQf i picture of "Commodore Harry, the first Amerieancominolore," a piasIer east of Napoleon Bonaparte; "Hopeless," a sen ricetefa, and two or three otliors. The pictures u,rc drawn with oolored crayon, and denoted a genloi whloh shouid bc ibiivt' streot-begging. The state military board baring ehraged tlieir deeWon aotoewbat, and allowed the six coinp.uiies atteadlng the Yorktown celebration $1,000 cacli for their expenses, Uompany A has decided to enter the ranks and compete for the honor of attendlng. We are pleaseilto note this chance, and have faith in the ability of our boys to succeed in the competitivo drill. It would be an honor to our city to be representad by a military company at the Yorktown centcnninl, and Company A would also be an honor to the occasion and their home. And now Mr. Potato Bug has met hls match. A littlu brown bug ïnuch Ichm the slze tlian tinpoUitopest hasappcared, wlilcli settllngon the potato bug sueks the lifc out of him.- Berrleu Bpnugl Kra. We certainly rely upon the word of the "'¦-' "-" '¦ ¦ iniilit liis assertion in this intanoe. A professor of bugoloy told about this little brown j-bug. :i long time ago, but we havent seen any diminution of the quanthy of potato bus In this seetion. They are as plenty and as fierce as ever, and no enemy works their destruction exeept paris green. Something new in tlie line of out s thus told about by tbe Clinton New: '¦ 't; ware shown, a few daya slnee, a handi'ul of i new variety of oats, raised by Van Giesou brothen. Qeo. Van Gieson sent for tbe seed to the agricultura] department, at WMhingtM, threc years ugo, anti from tbe few quarti of seed thus obtelned, he will have over a hiindretl bushels tliisyear. The oats are rory largo, and t is clalmed tbat tlitv will yield at least teil bushels more to the acre Hkui the varieties generally raised here." If this item is true, it is extreraely important to farmers, and gardeners, and will do away witli the tleadly poisons now made use of: "Acounty farmer writes tliat lic has found carbonate of lime tp be as good as paris green or london purple m desiioying potato beetles. A few pounds dusted from a dredging box is enough for an acre of potatoes. The.more widely this is known tbebetter, for tbere bas been no sucb ter ror atltlctl to fann life of late years as tbe introduction of deadly arsenical poisons loto use." The Big Uapitls Current is unklnd cnoiigh to doubt tbe true story, about the manner in wliich onc of the Courieu's compositora ruihed to the belfry to sound the alarm at the time of tbe recent tire near tbisolllee. Howcao yon, sir? The compositor, tliestairs. tbc oaalngg, the bair, the bell-clapper, all, all yet remain as eloquent witnesses to the trutbfulness of our assertion, while G. Washington, bis batchet and tbe cherry tree, have long since perished. It beats all how people will jump at fiction and reject the trutli ! Wliat a Hkd commentary on the degeneracy of the age! Tbere will be a teachers' institute for Wasbtenaw county, held at Manchester, commeiidusr on Momluv. the 15th inst.. and closing the Fritlay following. Tbc local committee will consist of Prof. J. V. Roblnson, of Manchester, who can furnish any desired information. These intitutts are becoming very popular witli teachers and of great practical benefit. The new school luw makel ieveral things requisite in avarding certiticates to teachers hereafter, and these topics will be especiully dwelt opon at tbis institute. All teachers or the county who can, sbould make it a p int to attend. A valuable borse was taken from tbe stable of Nelson Sutherland, in tbe 3d ward, last Monday nigbt. After a fruitless seareb of two or three days, Chaunccy Orcutt found it in a pasture, a short distance this side of Dexter. It seems that Orcutt had a horse in tbis pasture and upon going to look after U welfare, found Sutherland's liorse there also. It is surraised that some tired tramp who didn't want to walk to Dexter - to cali upon the Leader man - "borrowed" the horse. Such work is far from funny. It is of the same species tbat took Kodwell's borse and buggy off a few nigbts ago while he was at the tent meeting. The millincry firm of Gidlcy & Whceler have been haviiig linancial tronblcsfor the past week or ten days, and one Albert W. Stevens, agent tor Marshall, Field & Co., of Chicago, experienced considerable difficulty in wrrlng a wrlt of attachment apon their stock of goods, to satisfy a debt of $180 or thereabouts. Arreste and counter arrests, big words and enormous threats have been hnrled about in a surprisingly swift and inartistic nianncr, but up to the present time nobody hus Uien permanently disabled thereby. Several snits have been Ingtitated by diflerent parties, but it is probable the breeze willquietdownshortly and the whole altair beamicably settled. The gentleman spoken of in the following item, taken f rom the I.ake City Journal' is one of Ann Arbor's oíd youngsters. Ye local distinctly remembers the time wlu.ii Warren Jackson handled tlie bircli in the grammar school room, and how he used to "interview" "Don" two or three times a week, quite warmly. Those were lialcyon days - for us boys who didn't get "interviewed :" "Ourold time friend, 'Don.' MeIntyre of Cadillac, who bas just returned fnmi a two years residence in Tucson, Arizonia territory, gave us a genuine hearty shake of the right duke' on Friday last. Mack hus lost considerable of the 'bay window' he used to so proudly sport. Qoeaa he's been to work excavating the 'pay dirt.' " ??- - If that isn't cheek. Under the head of " Ypsilanti telephone exchange" the Ypsilanti Commercial publishes a list of subsoribers, containing the names of at least thirty-eight Ann Arbor people; all, in fact, who are telephone subscribers here. It is sald that a toad, seeing a fly a foot or two distant, will run out his tongue with lightning-like rapidity and lapitup; but we hadn't any idea that one city could gohble up po readily the inhabitants of a neighboring city. If Ypsilanti cnn do this on the completion of a telephone wire merely, what In creation would she do if the street car line betwecn the cities werc complete? In that event vre are afraid that the " terrible architectural monstrosities" on our OMnptM wouldn't effect the gagglng propensitles of her throat in the least, hul all would go down in a single gulp. Perhaps in this is a solution to the Commercial's puzzle: "What shallwido to build up OOf town ? " Go in for a narrovv-gaue, dnniiny. sticet railway between the Uvo cities and unlte them in bonds of steel. Who knows but some day these two cities may yet sing, as sweet-hearts have often sung beforc: Come tak e my hand. glve your to me, ad rultliful wo wlll try to be, Aml theu we'M uil rejolw, rejolre, And tlieu woll uil rcjoi..' ! Where's a fan ? Another new pest, ncw at least to the people of thls section. )ian appearal in the early corn. Happening in a neighbor's eorn-field a few evenings since, we picked a of ears, and in the top of n'eny every ear would be fouml a great green worm, about an inch or an inch and onehalf long. and all aronnd it the corn would be eatenaway. In some ears only hlatraoki would be lefi, bnt tliere would be no hole at opening visible through which he conld have made his exit. He is an UBWekome stranger In these parts. A jolly lot of Rood natured people wore rejoicing in our city last Friday night over the completion of the Toledo & Grand Trunk railroad to South Lyon. Last Friday mornlng the last spike was driven on the road connecting the two places, nnd in the evening, at abont 9 o'elock, some 200 excursionists arrived in our city from South LyOB, aecompanied by the South Lyon bami, uiaking the first trip over the road. But few of our people knew of their eoniIng, consequently the receptiou was cntirely impromptu. The city band was hastily got together, Frank Hangsterfer shot off some tire works, and thmi catered to the wants of the crowd in a very aooeptablfl manner. We are told thatthe iron is being laid to Wixom as rapidly as possible, and that it is hoped it will be possible to complete the track to Pontiac before winter. The Washington dispatches of Aug. 2d, hu the following little story to teil aboat comets : Cornet "C," or Schaeberle's cornet, bas not yet become visible to the naked eye. The weather bas been so bad reeently that but few observations have been observatory says that he can descry a'v' distinct tuil. He thinks the new cornet will be a very nteresting body, as it rises in the north. lts rlght assension is also increasing, a niotion which keeps the cornet near the horizon, where it is difflcultto see it. Prof. Eastman thinks it will be visible to the naked eye in about 10 days. By tbat time it will be seen in the north-west in the evening. No observations have yet btn made here of Encke's cornet. The old cornet "B" is fadlng awmj, and the qaestiOD of the splitting of the nucleusand tail may never be deflnitely settk-d It would surprise, It wonlil grieve, ave It would craze some mothura In Kalaiuazoó lf tueycoiilüseethelrdaughtersand thecumuauv they keep after nlghtfHll ! }IuDdrU of lliei.i too. Molliers, keep your glrls at t-vt-ning, or accompany tliem in tlielrgoinirs fortli lf you regard their welfare or your own pencè of inliul.-KalamazooTelegraph. Wbat is true of Kalamazoo is true of hundreds of other cities besides. "(lh, T am not afraid to trust my gjrl, anywliere," Is the rejoinder of many a mothcr wben asked how she dare let her daughter enjoy such f recdom of goings and Coming. These mutTTéia il. ..1 ..ut, ,atiiic!, when It is too late, that their conlidence is mtoplaeed. Many a fond mother has dled of a brokeu heart, just from tliis very over-conlidence in her children. The boys are equilly guilty with tlie girls. It would be not only a blessing to the youth of our land, lf they were held in greater restraint, but would save parents many a hcartache. The greatest blessing on eaitb, wben carried to extremes, becomes a curse. So with too mueh OOnfldence and frecdom of the actions of our children. It has a atrong tendency to send them to the bad. "There's no danger of my boys or girls ever doing anythlng to dishouor their parents," has caused the ruin of many a youth. Parents should know where their children areevenings. It is the only safeguard against the i saloon, the brothel and the gWBbling heil.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News