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a ( niKh, Told or Kore Tliroat ¦rt frcqnently results tu an íneiimltli ntmptiim. BbownTs ihai, TmooHes an ii i, in ti, i, I 'Iiiiih, Brom-ltitis ¦ Catarrh, Comiump¦ Throat '''.¦ uta. For (hirty years the Trochen hae Ipcn recoinmcnded by anii nlwave pive portect uigfaction. Tliey are not new or uní ried Imt liavi' ed ly wide and oowUnt vise for nekrly no entire gi neration, they hTt aitained W'll tneritea rank aiiion? tlu ÍPW Mnple remJtaf ' t'ln apt J'iilJi'iSpeu.-'i-a n! oclearand t-trenvtli'-n tln1 I 1-1 at twenty five IiiiiT H Mothcrs! Mutlicrsü Moihei i !! Are yon disturbad tl nitht ;ind brokea of' your rest b a siuk i-liM snffering and cryimr witli Int (icruuiatiiiL p:iin ni mili' s' , -"i ;i once and bottle ofMRS. WÍNSLOW'S 800TH[NG BF.RUP. It wil relieve the poor IímI mflbnr Inmediately - lfprni npmi it; thora m ito mUulte aboot it. TInot a inothcr on car;li who bis ew i it, who will not tell you :u once that it will regúlate the bowels, and eire rot to the mothcr, and relief and heaitfa to tho child, operating like mniric. It u perfaotly safe e in til cases, and plsanant to tl'e , Hinl h the prescription af ooe ni the (iMc-t ar-.] i pnysioianí nd inir-o in tho United Sute Bold ererywhere, I OW PILES ! PILES!! PILES!!! A Snrr ('uro loiinil Ht Lt. Ne One '('(! siiit.t. A iiire cure for the Blind, Bleedlnfi;. Itcbing And Ulcerated Piles has been disco yered hv Dr. WilKMM (an Indiim rcini'(l i.cull'! Dr Williams' Indinn Ointment A single box haí oured tbe 'oi uiliI .;o ymtga iliulliij tivr minutes attr api aootliing medicine. Lotions, [nstruments, and Elertnarioaclo mor harm than good. Williams' Ointifteni absorba the tumors, alhtystlir íntenoe Itchlog at níLTlit after getting warm In bed), seo s a polü nstanl and painleaa relict, and la prepared only for Piles, ItchJng of the private parta, nnd notWngebe, Kead whal the . J. M. Cofflnbsrry, o( Clereland, saya aboul Dr. Williams' üi,lian Pile Ointment: "1 haye ud acores of pile cures, bul t affords me pleasure to mv thal I bave never found any thing wíiicli gave fiuch Immediate and permanent relief a Dr. w lUUma' ludían Oint nt." Kor sal.' liy :ill druggUtS, or inailed mi recelpt oi pnce (1.00. .1 s. E. DAVIS& O. Wholesale DrugDetrolt, Mich., Agenta. 1029-81 I'. ir -:ili l' II. J. BllOVI N & i Aifrnis and Canvnssrrs Kake froi wlling goodí for E '¦¦ Rldeoul '.. 10 Barclay gtreet, New York. Bend for thelr oatAlogoe and terms. 1000-M II 5 'PROFES Ts 0 R [j pAKJffiffl RklPOWDEM Mtl from i'rofrgríor ilornfurds' Acil Phoaphato. Reoommended by Irndinjr phyuiriiin-. j Makex liliter ltiscuít, raken, ti.( hm1 Ib healtliler tliun ortlinary líukiuK ' dr. In can. Sol-Ï at a rraonal]i prio. Th II crsfri antl 4 ook Jlook cnt fre. Romtord Chemi ¦ ! Work, ProvidDf, H. 1 tsd 83 Lake St., ('hicajío. Itjou are a mÁnB iflfyouaraH Wr ¦ ' BB om ' '' iH ¦ enedby tliortrain f B tn ¦ S Mvoid W nlírht worh, i ¦ ¦ MiniuWiit -! and uttu ¦ toir )t,i;ii i i vt auu ¦ I Hop naitters. ¦waaU', wm Hop B. ir you are younff and ¦sufforiníf from any IntoO i"' (i i --1-! i'i H t)n ; ir yu aro mar.¦rByounír, suífiTint? from ilthorlanguifihBinK on a twd oí wtkjwn, nly on H o pB Bitter. Whrvv.T Tounre BNb Thousands díe anUmt .. r Hyrtm ¦il fonn oí K Idney f PI haTebpenprem..l wíhnu: ,jrabytimt'ly uw of toko Hop XLIa HopBltters Bittere. B k ITftTP yon flQH v Tou wi 1 1 t I 0 niTTTfin tobáceo or Hop Bitters K [HN I NEVER UrCUlM. Iti It mny - . .. hop Brrms Mj.VthSil.FAIL ¦. saved M Bothirr, s. T. ¦ dreds. SÍS t..m.i.u, Oju 1018 c e m in tiiiitu LiqiiD oii iiuv iobu H ¦M That Actn n( tile same timr on uro tes síDssrs. m [IWHY ARE WE SICK?j ¦ 1 Recautê M fltow praí organi toWm U f.iní cloqged or íorpid, and jioisonouiW I ¦imor#ar' thertfort orad into Iht Nood M J (íaí $houldte expelled naturally. Q [ WILL SURELY CURE Jkidney diseases, n liver complaints.u Ml'II.IV COX8TIPATION, l'KIJÍAKY P M BI8EAKES, FEMAI.i: U 1 I. M -M H, I AM NEKVOCH 1I8OI1IE1I8, H&y amsing fret actkrn of theu organi autfU ¦rfíorty their poteer to throw offdiftaie. Whj íiiffiT Billón ptlns nnd nrlicil jBwhjrliirnicnto.l wlth Pita, f nnstlption? U Á Vihj fl'tgMBBWl OTcr dlnrdered Kitlniyul W Pj Uhf indure nfrvou or irk hcd:if)icíl I il Vu KIIÍNi; Y-U'OBToihí rejoict in htalth. Q I Itlflputuptn lry Tretable Form. In tin WÊ ¦lcai)tt packa(;e('f whlch makea six quarta ofH ¦ ¦ n)r,!i''iti". AIhí, In Ktqutd Form, Tcry oncra-l lJ tralrd. ! thoHo ttiat rannut n adily (reparu 1L.FI S t"It acta wíth equal efllinry in eitlier WÊ U (iET IT OF YOrU DRÜOOIST. I'RICE, (1.00 N H 1VELL8, UIClUKDSO.t ro.,rrop'l, M M(Wlllendthdrypopaid.) BnoJügro. TT. fl 10g7-?9 IJ J%iaf ' " (.('iit'ritl Orbllity.Sii k . i lIwWW y,,.p„i„, liMllfireHtlon. i añil LIVCT í'olupllliiil I" 'V and pennvnently aml wih ttio loivrt cxpc 11' lm "'' '"'" totfcí IIOI'S AND i J l I.T H1TTKKS, ntH l.lvfr. KithirM. ;m,l ttit1 Illooil, rnOMIlitl.'t "I, h"tf1ll U a a ¦ you lAwiyt contlnQ %r!:lng I ÍN lhtv an' Blffct without aldinK nl' ii.-itur. ¦- M) 1IAI.T I I IIITTKiO noiiri-h. -irensllieii, '¦' huiMxiii '!"' i ''' M b ten) Mll.'t i ¦!! i i i.k. i.ut M HOl'r. AM MAI,T IIITTKKS. Ud limr. monpy nni niiHrrfitU' A ¦¦ i NOT a lt vern ¦¦ bul n I I icillr. Ht-m. iubt-r Che HHii.i CCOipi '-'"I of 1 '- 4k TRflnP 'K ""'"' '' '¦'rlry i i W InHUC IflHrilV. i,i,,wn in bottl. ' ' BLACK label. REU i.ttrs. Aak for . ,,.,. Tiial llolll. . é 10C5-10.ri7 8500 EEWARD ! SVK will py the ¦ rd bf uriy . ,lver Complalni, Dj , Incli'eBtloo. C'i! -lipüiion or o cannot carc villi Wet ¦ dlrecionp are itrirtlv romplied % ; t h. '1 hey are purely 'cüclAblu, aod suar 'oated. trj{i 'or nlc by uil tlm . m; of connterfoiiM and Imltatlon. The íennlne maDnfactured oniy by JOHN C. w I ST & i 0 . "Thi Pili Maken," ixi V; 183 W. NI idiaoi St., Cl pont hy m:iil ] - tmo.


Ann Arbor Courier
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