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ij l ï II flLv 1 4 ƒ(¦ J I fl cv2 Battle Creek, MichlganW MANUFACTÜBEIiS OB" THE ONLT (iKNUINX THRESHERS, Tractlon and Plain Engines and Power s. ft ffc VC A DO of continwnui and ruccestfulbHsL k ff ILHIivnw, without cïiaiwo of name, u management, or location, to "back vpu ík ¦ l, uoJ icorrofUy giren on all our goode. STEAM-POWBR SEPARATORS an1 Complete Slrnm OntfltM of matchU-mtaHtttM. Fineit Trartiun KtiRincN and Flain Kntflnes ever secn In the American inarket A multitud of ëpecial feature and improvmmU for 1881. tOfrcthpr with tvporior qualitiM %n eontrueii.,n ana material not dreamed ofty othcr xtinkure. Fonr alzos of Separatom, fmiu 6 to 12 horwe 1 caí af íty, "yr ' or hor$ power. Tvo htykft of " Monntod rt Hor&-Poworp. 7nn CbCïCï et of Sclocted I umin-r constant! y on haml, froni whlch ié built Üiü incomparable wtxxl-work of out machinery. TRACTION ENGINESjjf Strongtitt,muat durabU.and efflctentever PjSl uult. 8. 10. 13 llorse Power. ml Farinrra and Thrmhermen m lnrlted to iliv.:i,(if;iu, thi matcMa,' ThniEluK MitlÜUerjOirculiiTH sent f nc. Atldress NICHOLS, SHEPARO & CO. Battle Creek, Michigan. 10.10-52 TUTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYWIPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. I !i;ip Mti,Nuisoa,boweln oontive, I'ain inthelTêad.with a dul) sensation in the back part, l'ain unler the ahoulderblade, Í'ulhun8 aiter atiiiK, with a dininclination to exërtion (.f buiy or mimi, Irritabilitv of temper, I.ow npirits. Lom of niemory, with a feeling of havlng negtfd sonie duty, weariiicHs, Dizziness, Flut te ring of the Heart, Doti before tha eyesLyellow Kkin, lleadache, Kentleasnoss at night, highly colored Urine, IF THESE WAENINGS AKE ÜUHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES W1LL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTTTT'S PILLS "¦1"Plllj'ptelto KIK'll rHH4's,Olll' dOM 4'ffct'tK M U' II U C 11 H 11 gtï if GMllag to attonish Ui. hnlTTerer. Ttiey liirmiw Ihe ApiH'llte, and cttase the body in Tnlif oti Kl4li. itniH thp ü.vstem fa oourUhfd. mul by tin 11 'l'onlr Irllonun the Oivana, Keirulnr Sloot are pro iliiit-rt. l'mvi.i.n :ta WurrnyHt.. ti.Y. TÜTT'S HAIR DYE. UitAY IUiu r pus rhanged to a (L(ssy Bj ai k by ; ilnffle applicmüon of this Dyk. It impiuis 11 initiirml rolor, ar-tr lustaiilaneously. i Mtit by tzfü ' f $1. Office, 35 Murray StM New York. (Itr. TITT'S 'MM W uf Vklu)U l..f..rmlln ¦H'1 k tkCful K.rrlit Hl nmlL-d HlfcL uu ¦llrUun. J , 1Q32-H4 ; MOST AETKTIC WOREE WEST ; PRICES PEOPLE CAN AFFORD to PAY. ! Iargist auil BMMM nMTtDMBt of BjuIcgrouiiclsanil tl ' INSTANTANEOUS 'GELATINE' WOEK For u.ili s Picturea. Best Card Photographs, - $2.50 per dcz. Best Cabinets, - 6.00 " 220 &. 222 W08DWARD AVE., niCTKOIT. - ¦ HU II.


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