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ETerald: Burnet Stefnbach, of thla vülage, tlirashed one day last week 500 busliels of wheat in five liours for Samuel Tueker. l'hla wheat was raiaed frojn tweuty acres of ground. A big yield. Herald: The game of base-ball tlmt was to have taken plaos last Toewter, l)i tucen the fat and lean men of ('hrisra wm i OtUuie; Tin: rai men were on tlic ground and claim they got nine steps Mead of the lean mu. Herald: The inlmbitants of dMttat have aot the cumping-out lever. We note tlie following families who went to different (Mcea ter camping recreatlnn last weck: Al va Freer family, .1. Bacon familv, G II. Kempf family, Col. E. Babcock, laniily and H. S. Holmes and wife. Chip Basket.- Mr. L. G. Ixes. wbo lias been somewhat sick, is recovering. James Uutler's hor8e got in sucb a lunry week as to spiïl him, his sister and his lnrtd man out on the turf. 'J'hey all survive. The new wbeat is about icady lor bOSltHMS. Miss llaincs. of Leslie, will teach in the gnimniar di'])artmelit of the union school. Iiev. Holmes and wife are looking for cool places üp north. DEXTKIl. Hcv. t. R. Shier, of Saline, cxeliangeíl pulpits with Hev. Cunpbeil, ontheft. roe i-corganizing society of tl. ""¦' uuren nave not yet 6ecuied a pattor. l. ast Tneads twehre j,,iiy pain took a journey to Whitmore. Ofcoona they had " time, a.s tlie boys and jjirls had :ill persuaded ilicir intlmaa t let them "ro iicnr the water." "Unclc Dave" Blandían!, of Dexter lui been over to Grass loeking at 1 '" uii(Kciiiicil Lake house, with a view to renting i, and the News saya be j?U1 i'ii-i' it ït lie can i-t it at u reasonable rental. Last Frlday. Messrs. Briggs, Beal and Hll, trom Dexter, accompanJcd by E. E. liial, of Ann Arbor, went out to Portado lake to tish. Tlie llttle wigglera dld not want to "go in out of the wet," so wht BBIi they biought home wkh them tlmy lelt out there. MANCHKSTEU. Enterprise: Three plate (?lass f ronts have heen put into stores in this village within the past week- W. II. Pottle's store, .1. J. Clal-ksou and C. Lelin's ncw bulldinm being the places. Next Mooday the State Teacher's Institute will meet at Manchester. At tlie hotels and private houses board will be réduced and in all other waysProf. ItobinsoM. who bas charge of local arrangetnents, will make it picasant for those who att(-ii(l. H isexpected to hold until Friday. Enterprise i The assault and battery case "I Klienccr I)avidson a'uinst Jos. S. Wood and Vinning Kelly was tried before hfq. Perkins, yesterday. Hou. ]:. 11. Norr "ri-"rca! -- "infaii ..! m. rcvi, tor Wood and Kelly, biu the latter withdrew. Mi. Davidson exhibited bis wounds and testilied regardlng the affair. A judgment was rendered in his favor for $3.) (lainages and $10 costs of suit. Chip Uasket.- The apple erop will be light in this vicinity. Sonie of oureiti.ens are Indolging in hearty shakes. Rev. Wm. Palnier is attending a reunión ot the family at Stonington, Conn. Miss Tarr la busy showing a lare mimber of little boys and girls how to warble. The Gemían Workingmen's Society intend to have a ' ge Kid time at a basket picnic, next Tuesday, at Pleasant Lake, in Freedom. Mr. Kelly i is off to Band JBeach, and Mrs. Kelly is visitiwg at Napoleon. News is anxiously i awaited about what is to beeome of the D. II. & 8. W. It. R. One rumor says it is to be sold to the Lake Sbore, another to the , Grand Trunk, and a third to the Wubasb. Tho sympathies of Manchester people are with the Grand Trunk. SI II, A N. The postofllce is to be made a money order one. The minister in charge of the Primitiva Methodist churcli was taken ill and went awav. Sun ! Tlie wife of Henry Hrunt of Samari:i, while in an insane fit feil 20 feet and was only slightly bruised. "Anti-monopoly, from a gréenback stand aolnt" wm discusscri last Momlay by Mr. A. Wriglit of Detroit, mul Mr. Oderkirk of Milan. Sun : The land for sucli occasions will be iürnished by our Milan people, and we will benefit that society as well as they us, by tbis means. Sun : Prof. Eugeno Gregory has been employed as principal, for anóther year, in Milan high school wbich beglns the middle of next month. Sun: Grain buying s again beginning to enliven. II. M. Buit is buying a car load per day. Dealers in other points seem to be also ready for the uew grain. Sun: The proposition tliat Milan unite with Ypsilanti in that fair arrangement wc will accept, providing that lile fair of that asspcjation tiicy will promise to hold in Milu next year, and one year, at least out of every three thereifter. Sun: T. F. Leonard, of the Leonard Houso, at Ann Arbor, with two of his Ann Arbor l'riends, drove to Milau to Ipcnd the Sabbath day, which thcy kept "wholly." One of these gentlemen talks of establishlUg liimsclf in the hotel business In Milan. Sun: Otherwise, we feel that an opportuuity for great success by an ndependont oraniz ition is opened before us. You see we can have f uil sway along the liutler K. R. from Detroit to Adrián and along the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Grand Trunk from Toledo to Ann Arbor. SALINE. Obseiver: And now Mr. A. II. (llover is ahcad on tall corn, as a stuik whieh ba left with lis this morniug mca9urefc,12 feet and Ui ree inches. Next. Chip Basket : Toomany fruit tree agenta nround now lo miike moiíey. Prospecta of a bilí corn erop. The streete are reeeiving patent min from a sprinkler. The Observer says thut quite a number have been out fishing and some caught fish and Rome dldn't, quite likely. Ann Arbor parties are going to build us a cistern next month. Observer: We learn that two brothern who livo not a great ways from thiB place, got into a dispute while rldlrig home trom towu a few nights sinoe, and not being able (o DMkfl the matter satisfuctory with words, they concluded to "fight itout," so they drovetheir honwapto the tenoe, juind out and went at it. Af ter a few nutrida they again got in the taggv and drove home. llow s that for "brothcrly love?" YTSILANTI. ('hip Basket : The bicycle fever s beginnlngtorage. Grwtt eathmlmn trrer the telepbone anltlng Ypsilaiui and AnnArbor Union services are belng luid. A contract for printlne is a bone óf oontenttou between the Commercial and Benttnei The student at the Normal li.ive awurdcd the piinting of the Normiil News to the YpalIftntlan. Mrs. I). HayeS, Ellen Have-, AiMic Preston and Ada Norton are paising ihcir suuimer Idle momenbi ai ChaKauqua, ('oniniiMcial : Mis. Dolby, ncar the LOWell niill, lust. her thinnb'last Satunlay n a curiiiiis iiiaiincr. A cliild was holding 8 borse, feeding in the yard, by a halter. Soetaft tlmt the horae was getting restive slic took hold of the huiler strap whieli jot wciiind around herthumb, rhen thj borte gave a ijuick Jerk, taking the thumt off u Clean as thowfa it luid been done with a knilr. J)r. Hutwill was Miuimoned by U-lephone and the wound dressed within half au hour after the accident happened.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News