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The Wyandottfl Herald snys tliey liad foiir funerals and u Sootch wedding in their villaje, mie d.iy lust weck. The Oxford (lobo uyt it 3 to bot to entertain visitors. and rhat people hou ld deler their visits uiilil cooler day-, ICMkegon Clironicle: Forty-two r,-Hs lamber laden, cleared thla pon Mondav' eairyniL' ul...itt 7,000,000 IW-t of I I,,,-. ' ' Iml.i.v City IIei-1,1,1: ],„l;1y rtv s ,r,)w_ ing inieiy and g able lo shP',,,,,-i tvro Banda now- the br;is band and band ot rowriies. The Charlotte Repúblicas gays the oat iiiidconi croplsgoöd In fcaton Cii and otbere say aboul BaJf aorsfi offlnt qualOxford Globo: Tliis is a big countrv and Ifoneaecoon bil to have a good erop anotner may have an abundance, and usually do have, so that onr peoplc are in supplV or tonMthtag to e;ir. The Adrián Times Ig in favor of uater works ibr that city if it can be done without haring the city loaded with a heavy debt. It favors private enterprise See ( lieUOygan and Cadillac. Oratrot Journal: Too mueh preéantlon both in regard to diet and exerclge, eammt' be tMken at thls time. Penong work4ns In thosun are in dan-er of belng Overeóme Iy heat and tbtmU not over-exert St. Jo. Co. Republican ; Aftt-r thoroujrbly conipuring notea, the elüzeiis of t hls as wcll n.1 ber tou ds, win. nttended the Diaiiu.ii.l Lake repute, have conchided that the proper name for Ifwaa the Diamond La'ie "regrotla." Heed City ('In ion : Tiiesdav A (i. Buck liriiiijriii home ItoatGraen township IfeOOSte ciïiinty, qdM :i iiiiiulH-r t,( pfeceg of mound pottery, found on the farm of J. N Swager, on the bank of the Huakesonrirer f"' ]-it.y U I „,.,„lv f,„,,;, ,„, L] ' l.uiii. Charlotte EtepubHcan: A fnttemao visitilin; inlliis city, wlm bas tüivclcl in all siclionsof the country, rpinarkcil in our hearing, recently, that there wore more goud. general lerrice horses here tbauanvwbere In the U. S. accordlng to bis obaervations. Marlette Index : James McArthurreports that he killed a rattlesimki; ncar Marlette in 11 harvest field, which measured thïee fcet and six ïnclitsiii lênjrth and runjr twelve rattles. It was probabf the Isrgesi serpent of the kind ever captureil dead or alive in tlns section. Stanton Clipper: NV are Kl.„l to learo Mnoe our last issue tbat whlle b aumber of the poorer famttles lost considerable of thelr effeets by the Vestaburg lire they had '¦mou-Ii lelt te make them o forUbte and t fortúnate resident at once provlded tfcem wlth imitable shelter. We are also Inforaed tlmt the woik of rebulldlñit has already commefieéd. Dowagiac Times: The (YHTf-sponilcntwlio writes us tur the best plan to nrevant sim known to fail) is to stay in the house during the liot weather. If he lias no house he can come down town, pet on tdWgoods box, and talk politics. Men who wear their clothes out at the seat tlrst, seldom nét sun strnck. Grass r,akp News: The Delaware iK'acli erop may fuil, Georgia peanutcronfail to materlallze, and the western apple erop not pan out a peck tothe county, but a wav ot pleasure must permute every breaat with an electric thrill when it is known that the pair erop wfll be an anmually heavy one. J wins are being bom in nntold iiiiinb.'is all over the land. Ogemaw Heiald: There is no better ilace In the world to make money and to got a home. Iban ia Ogemaw county. Young man whv will yon fooi nway your youth In the city, toiling from morn until íate at night, just simplv for your board aml clothes. Come to Ogemaw, get some good land, and work one half ns hard as yon do behind the counter, and in a few yea'rs you ill lie healthy, wealthy, and wise. St. Jo. Co. RopuUlican : The BCtehlgan Central Ruilroad company lias Ihm-ii su.-.I lonlamaitcs, through itsaent,('. M. QJLjflS. water, tor neglectlñg tofurnish a ca'ttlecar as arrecil upon, thereby causing an unnecessury delay, whicli took tliei-alile int Chicago on a dedinlDg market, thus caiising a considerable loss to the hipper. The attornevs tor rompJaimuit. s:iv thejr have evldence of negligenoe, to coHéot damages ¦ Michigan Farmer: The Martha Ifhltla mvrderia agaln belng Investlgaled al the instance of lier (Ütber. Martha Whitl.i ia the name of thegirl whose body, sewed up in a cotice sack, was found floating in the Detroit river, opposite Sprinwells. The evidence is pretty strong against a citizcn of Detroit. One party lias coinmeneed a libel soit ajninat the Kvuning ïiew for hlating at his c.omplicity in the nuirder and asks tor $10,000 damajres. It is probable tlüit the whole truth will vet be ground out blbie the caae geta through Ilie courts. Bay City Tribune: Hattie Hogan, a pert young Miss of Kast SagtObw, wül probably have the honor of beinji the tirst inmate of tlic Hlohlgao reform idool forgirls, located at Adrián. She was ainsttil under the disonlerlv act, and gave her afre as sixteen y;u. She has been taken Into custody once or twice before for redding in bad houses, and only Saturday last carne out of Hay eounty JalL She was sontenced by Justiee Key to the new reformatory until she is twenty-onc years ol age, and will be taken there should the sciitence be conflmed by the judge of probate. Tlic mother of the girl resides at Roscommon. Adiian Times: A Chicago paper says Michigan has a law by whieh any citizen who paya annuallv tl! smn of $10 as an honorary member of a military coni])any, is thereby exempt froni polltax and jury and lire duty. If Judge HowelI's forthciiiniiiiioonipilation was out, we eould verify this statement. But if it isn't a law, it oaiht to be, as many dtiaens would tbereby le Indnoed to con tribute to the support of ourstate militia. And the military board might, in time, be able to {jet and keep the Ixiy-. cliccntly eqnlpped, and not hare to pass round the hat to have the state propocly representad outside. The Battle Creek Moon man don't seem to scaie worth a cent. Henr liim : " We do not fear any threats of libel suits, lni.-icd lieads, sliootin-r, or Mythlng olse, tor they are altogether too coinmon occurrences itïi iis, and il ' any man wants to have a duel with us and can shoot quickeror straighter than we, heshall surviveand we will goto c(lit a Sund.iv school paper In soma other spilde, 'l'liis is no bluff, lut applies to sonic llirrals wliicli liavr liccn made recently by certain partiet wliicli we sh;ill cxO8C in doe time, and for whom we ahvays go prrpart'd. we slnill do our duty even though t lic liciivciis lall, so long as overa tlii)ii.-anl families and all our best citizens support Ui in our v'ew and the course wc are ponalng." Briahton Oitteen : Tlic piarued old plank roftd :ii laat itarvod o death - at least the porüoii ol ii that conoerns thls tectloD, for the company ia tsklna down is gatos froin N'civi lo Hotrell. Il is mMoAiUmI re leel likc rcjolclng :tl. tlic (lown-fall f :in enterpriat for want of patronage, imt in lili. Inatance we feel likc havtng a Jubilee, for the coinp.iny luis been tuUin;; the public fOT the lasi li-u yi-.u-, by MaJctaff it pay tol! ti riilc over :i rad upnn wliicli tlicy did nothlóg "f .uiy aoooont lo keep it In repair, and WblcL was in rcaüly 110 better 1 11:111 any if Uk unión rood. 'I'lie oaaM laapparent The tnitlir iia heen m lilit, and SO nianv Ikivi' ullcily nliiscd tn my lol I (and the gSBM wms so sniall Iliat tbe ruiupanv thought il was Bot wortli lawlng lor) that il lias dicd tbe iKitunil dt-ath Hip! hip! hunali"


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