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Baldwin's Ambition

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The K veiling Xews whicïi endeavors to keep np witli Um liim . is already figuring on the republlcac nomination tor senator, to fill Mr. I-Yrry's place. It announees (íov. Kaldwiu :is already entercd for the race and backs t up with these statements: When u man lias once had a taste otstsar atoria] honors he oever loses the desire for thriii. Wheu II. P. Haldwin falled to get ¦ the senator-hip extended bf Ole Michigan legislatura it was generally supposed 'that all hls uspirations in that direction had been fully subdued, and the general Rnppoeftton wii just as far astray as it (OU ld bc. The liltle nhoemaker has lots of IrieiuK lotS of money, and nothing to do. lust the qnalifioatioiM aecomnrj te the full enjoyinent of the dignitied senatorial posiïion. Moreover. Mr. Iialdwin has quite a iittle btMf of frtertda with inoncy - most of .. _ ..-. 1 - i ;-ü - -.... Thw never been quite stttafied itli nQ tailurc to be re-elfcted last Winter, and have contributed largely to an 1NFLAMMATI0N OF IHS AMlilTlON that prouiises interesting developments in lie inture. The old mendfl of Zacliaiiah ('handlcr - not his custoni house and postiffloe frieoda, bat those whote frienemüp was jiersonal n Itó eharacter - never liked Senator Thomas W. Ferry very mach. It will be icmenibered that Torn wal once an nllationist. The inflnential parlies in iiiestion remember tlie tatereBong faet better han anybody else, not even txeepting Hr. Kerry. They never had any coniidence in lim, and endured him only because Zach issured thera that lie had taken it all out of lis blonde associate with a very sharp stick. Mr. Buldwin suits them very well; in fact ie is one of them himself. Failiug to kill one man with an intlationist record, Mr. Oonger, with the instrument in their possession, they declare tlieir pur)-( touse it on Mr. Ferry twoyears henee. n othcr words, the WILL rCSH Mli. IlAI.UWlN's CANUIDACY for 11 they are worth. Mr. Baldwin is m 'M} 'Vit j !V"oï %%vM& ections to his owu candidacy when it is stade public. To do otherwise would seem 10 show on his part an Inffratttnde lor the favors be received durin the late senatorial canvass from his dear friend Mr. Ferry. But that's all rigrht. Politicians andentand it. The great Zachariah, in whoM mantle Mr lliilihviii was so sticcessfully bidden ft)r a few months, when he had no longer any uso ibr a " triend" made it a point to teil } i i 11 1 so. The saine I'rankness will possibly not be exhibiteil to Mr. Ferry in this in, but he will tind it out just the same. Mr. Baldwiu's frtendj lmve detcrniined to niake him a senator, and H. 1'. will be "in the hands of his friends," as a matter of course.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News