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Uucklen's Árnica Salve. The Biest Sat.vk in the world for Cuts, Hruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fevcr Boret, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, G'orns, and all Skin Krtiptions, anü positively cures Piles, It is Kuaranteed to pive perfect gatisftetlon or money refonded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by liberbach fe Son. 1060-1101 cem rutmoN. ' A i rrHln na" - 'n ' Jnie Z3d. 1SS1, ui.a rrSB lo Homaln Dalley , or Searer. for Uie Hum ot mie huudred aud forty dollars, payable niur iiiuiitliM fniiii Ita date wtth une at neven Ier i-eiil., and stgned Frank Duocan, was glvun without eonsktoratlon obtalned by f ruin I nuii falbu representatlon nml la vold And uil perseas are hereby cautloueil agaluxt purcliasing thu miiih". fiatci August 7tli, 1881 FKANK DUNCAN. Al ¦ ri W A NTKD to take eiclnaire f Agpncy In Ann Arbur for our imnU I Lace, etc, (the verjr bejt); commlsslon ; permanent; no risk; only endorsement reqalred ; seDd for samples and term. 1050-1063 J. B. HULINU & CO.. CbiCMO, UI. THE AI ARBOR BAKERY ESTABLISHED IN 183S, BY DEACON REUBEN HALL Who made regular trips wlth hls dellvery wagon as far west as Nlles, and theo dld oot meet wlth as mnny people In hls long weary drives, as hls succesgors of to-day during a single foreuoon, whlle dellverlng goods. Look for our Adrertisement In a few daj s. HALL MOSELEY. 1081-86 Estáte of Jaeob Hang'gterfer. QTATK OF M1CHIOAN, Coanty of WiahUQw,se. At a sesalon of the Probate Coart for the Coanty of Wxphtenaw, halden at the Probate Office, In the city of Aun Arbor, on.Tuci'day, the 9th day of Auguat, In the yeur one thouttand elght hundredand eibtyont'. Preseot, Williaui I). llurriuiati, Judgu oí Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jacob Hangsterfer, ceccased. OtlherilM lianttturfer tind Johu Wllliam terfer. exaentore of the last will and testament ol tald deceased, come lntu coart aud represent that th :y are now prepared to render thelr dnal account aa ïttch exeentors. Thereupon tt Is ordered, Ihat Wednesday, the seventh day of September next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be a!HÍned tor examinlnz and allowinL sach arcount, and tbat the devlsee, leatren and helrs at law of satd deceasud, and all uther 'erpons tntcreHted iu sald ewtate, are required to i[p(--ar at h fcucion of Bald coart, toen to be bolden üi the Probale Ofllce. In the city of Ann Arbor, in ttald couiity,and show caaae, ii any there be, wny ttie aid Hccouut abould not be allowed. And lt Ie 'arther ordered, that nald executors give notlce x the persons Intereeted in cald et-tate, of the penlency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by 'fluiiiK a copy of this order to be pubitdhed In thé Ann Arbor Courier, a newepapcr prliited aud circuatlofl In iftid coiinty, threeeacceMivc weeke previoue to sald day of hearing. (A true copy.) W1LL1AM 1). UAKKIMAN, Judk'e of l'robntf. WM. O. DOTY. Probate Reeiitcr. 1051 5t LÏTTLB MACK'S PR0CLAMATI0N. 2O PER GENT, OPP ON ALL ¦EK (MUI. EYKRYTHIXfl MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. We are overstocked with Summer Clothing and it Must be Sold for cash. Come while the stock is full.


Ann Arbor Courier
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