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(.ciicral llaneoek gnitig to ' is Uu iruext of Mr. T. B. Muigrave. Mr. .1. Montjromery Seari, f lic Wealfhy Bostouian, is building a beauüful suuimer residente it Kar ITarbor. It s tfl whaa ftotalied, $lo;,iot). Mr l. I. Saney hal etVen a-nother nulowinent of $50.000 to a Georgia College. 'J'liis completei the ram of $170,000 whlch be has itlnu the lul fin monttai beatowed President Gat s wtll not be obl i Ihrougli tbc Williams College entrance examinaffon next month. Thty will unter on a certificate trom their tu tur. Y Vi I Judge Tournee is ssid to be arranging a new play with Mr. Steele Mackare. The tiilc is not 3'et nnnounced. JndgeTourgee is (jtioted M Mytog that lic liever Iets Ltl bookl be raad unlil they are oompleted, and wfaen they are flnUheü be nevcr rcads theni bimselt H niakes niany revisions in his 11SS. One favorite cbaiiter he rewrote seven th; Of the faslilon in wbich the late John Burnside, of ev-Orlcans. bou'lu bis handsome house in tbat etty the st. Louis Repúblicas says that Mr. Burnskle wentto ¦ larfie entertainment, at which bc met .lames Robb. who died near Cincinnatilast woek. ilr. liobl) owiied one of the linest reWenoes The honse was Imllt iv 1, ,. l; si.le nk.-d Robb whal valúe he placed on his house. Robb replied: "There is notan Irisliman in NewOrleana rich enough to buyit. I ask 000." Burnside put his har.d ia liia pocket, drew out hls check hook and Immediately liargain was closed. Mr. Martin Fariiuhnr Tupper's tender appreciation of his own glory is Ulustrated by a story told by Mr. Laboudiere. De-i ryinj; on a llif(hlaii(l stcamer Mr. O. W. Dasent, the happy Tupper pleasantly ob'I to bim: "I perceive with piepuure that 1 am not the only distinguubed mao on board " A correaoondenl ctf the Phllailelphia l'ress says tbat ten years or so ago Mr. Tiip]er went to the Britisu Muscnin .panied ly a hobbeklehoy of au overi:rovn boy of sixteen or seventeen. The proverbial poet asked to 8ee the principal librarían. Ailinitted to that offlee, be aked that a place bc made for the lacl whom he had brouht with hiin, and whom he desired to see estabüshed in a government office. The principal librarían eourteously responded that he wonld have pleasure in entering the lail's namo on the list or appllcanta (br appolntment to the Uweum, luit added that thcre were some hnndred and tifty names.,already down, so tbat it wonld be some time beiore his turn woold come. "I do not wlsh him to walt any urn," said Mr. Tupper, "I ('.eslre that he be appointed at once." The principal librarían intimated tbat things must take their recular cour. "Butl have said that I desired him to be appoiuttc! at once," said the proverbial philosoplier. "Perhaps you do not know who I am. There is niy eard aain. 1 am Martin Tupper!" It 3 needless to say that the boy's name went down on the list, but did not k-ad all the rest.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News