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' Ki IIa.sü. No Farmer or Teani'itiT slimilil bc without Henrï & ¦ JOHyq'ypty A M ) 'Ml r.lMMF.NT. It b inv is oitlier on niiiii Bingen mul Sjpeaken should use Dowm' Kuxiii, na it removes lioarscnesa and increast's t lic power of the ( If you tlelrc nty cbeeki and a fui complexión, piirit'y tl)t' blond by Uie I HaXTKU's M AMlHAKE Bm JfZ pAKINGlffl Mmlf trom l'rof8ur lloraforti' AclU Phnsht. 1(eroiiim'iHl-(l hy lpnillnp phjdlclanft. Mk UthliT liifcuil, laki . el.., uii.l In healthler tliau onliuary llükiug l'uvtI.T. In ran. Sold at a ranonablo prlrr. The IlortforU Almauac and Cook Kouk x-nt frett. Rumford Chemie! Work, rrovldftiri-, R. 1 I ,k. St. , C'hlcajto. 1048-7 T pnt-d hy tbc atraln of ¦ W nrrRrituiM ¦ ¦ . .lulauta andme 11 B ¦ Hop Bitters ¦ wast., sm Hop B. rnlmQlnw Hnilnffvriiw from n m¦ dlacretlon or dUmpa ¦ tmn ; if y.m nar¦ i .1 . - ¦ :u: ¦ : ¦ , i:r.TTni fr-irti ¦ poorlwalUiorlu.tniixliBW on .1 of aickJ " H o pg Bitters. WhncviT y o o are. VNk Thounand die anwhaocv.r jou feei ¦ 1 nuullyrrom ome 1 1 1 at your jBtom lm f or In of K i d n e jr h'unsltiK. Ddlaease that untit rniiiilnliii, ¦ H br boen prev etiu-d wnh..utiní, JH1 ¦¦ tliaely Hol tk.. Hop Jt HopBltters Bitter. B' SSÜSiJïi'.', I II ¦¦ ¦! I O. I. C. ' ¦ is an absolute .,,.Z fcliii H I I r blo fin for umi of opium, roo win bo niTTrnn obaccS.or -urc.l if y..u uk. II i(l narcottc. Mop Bitters M Ntt ,""""" Soldbydroire;.7„nuk,.ro' never s1"11"1 '.'kieTou? IpAII T"" II ha AIL -f i-. snved hunXMtwtrr, x. T. ¦ _ tl red. j AT..r.nlo, QM. ! 1049 c e m does WUV9B ¦ WONDERFUL ff f [ M CURES! tBwQ BlUr.n.c It act on thr I.IVKK, ÜÜHKI.sB and KIDXEÏS t the name time. I Boaiult oloanaas thmyitamof thopolaon-H Poua humor that devolop In Kídnoy and H Hpation, PUes, or In flhenmaUam, Nouralgla, Hj nTorvoua Duorder and JTemala ComplAlnta. H SIE WHAT PEOPLB SAT : Q Engoni B. Btork, of Junctlon City, Kanaaa. W ¦Jf'. Kldner Wort curd hlin after regular Phj U ¦¦¦lclatia liad been trylnf for four jearaT Q Urn. John Árnall.of fFaahlogton, olilo, kitiH ¦ nerboTwuirlvpnuptodlfl ï-y four promlneut U ¦ physician and tliat L waa afterwarda i-uretl bj ¦ n Wort. M B. H. B. Ooodwln, an editor In Chardon, Ohio,Q Hsayi he wal not oineetod to Ut.., beintr bioateifH PI barond bsllef, but Kldnej Wort curedhlm. ¦ H Anna U Jarrett of Routh Ralom, N T MycLj ¦ ihttMTgn yeannuirrln{fro!n kldni-y troubloaH Paiid other compUcatlvuii wu endud by Ihu u.t of M UKldneT-Wort. H John B. LawrenA of Jackiton. Tonn., nufferedH ¦¦for ynnfrom llrer and kldnoy troublo andH U„,,r ¦'In "barrel of otljor moulclue, "D ¦ Kldnejr-Wort made hlm well. H Micha! Coto of Hontgomery Oentpr. Tt.H UniirrredelKhtTeariKiltli kMtn-r dlffli-ultj aniiB ¦ vu nnable to work. Klduey Wort made himll ¦ " well as ever. " permanentlv cures ? kidney oiseases, liver complaintsj HConstipation and Piles. ¦ t-lt liimt np In Dry Tecctablr Tornt In M ¦¦Un caiis, oue packatrf of wlil. ji maKaalx oaarUP Qof mMIrtnp. Alio In l.lquld Furn, ttt F ¦ ermraud, for thoae that caunot raadilr B J HcT" It aflt wíl tibial eülcienav In eilher torn. Wt M OET IT ATTHE DUUOOIBTS. TRICE, 1.00 Q I KI.I.S. l!l( IIV1!ISO(., I'roi'i, I QrWIUnendthedrypost-pald.) n RUSOT0Ü, TT. Q HffrUf i'Hieneral Dfbillly.Suk fff MW ll'iulxrh.-. nilioasne. ¦¦¦¦ lyP-lln, Inilispstion, , an.l Llvcr ('oiiipln lul hr mirii irimWIHj and permanently and wltli the least ei (K'nse? Uflll nnly need to take 1 1 0 I's A X D i Í1AI.T BITTERS, whlch " ICt dtrertly un the Stomach, I.lver. KldnCT, and the Klnod. renonfiiiK the sjfltom and destroyinK diseas?. Aa U jron alway coBtlnna working Ij AM day and nlgbt wltbout aldlng 1 ' tI1 nature? IIOI'SAN HALT KITTE1ÍS iiourinh. h rcnvl hen, and HUpport th.1 rntlrf sjMeiii. Mnot eall exix-nMc iJ.K-t'.r! whcn . Blek. but us. BON AM) MA1.T I1ITTEKS, and ave time, nionry ;ind iilfIerfnK. ¦ ¦f" hl NOT a ltcriTase, buta I eomio8ed of 4 word. i TRAÍ1C MARK A 8heaf of brly B1.ACK label, KK1) Aak for Trial ltuiil. . 1005-1057 THE mPROVED j EVAPORAfÖRSJ Pinico betler _ , jg nd JELLY."-'"B5!3SbÍ vitb leas fuel and labor than any othor appintnt. Wil] cvindenHO Soivhum Juice thiQ any evaporator in uee. The best spp&ratua known lor makiiitf Jolly frora weet eider, ThoaBnd In uno. Svnd f or deacriptivu circular of Evap1051-6,'i SÜRE REWARD! CHEAPHOMES ix ncnsAi, HALF MILLION ACRES SIPUZEILTIDIID FARMING LANDS FOR ALK BV fiw? tó (ê Indiana Railroad Gompany. Railroad Completed Through Center of Lands. I)o itot n Uosi or South mi 1 1 1 jon learn what Michigan offtrs [ntelllgent farmers. Ton cnn do Ijcttor vlth lesg monry nearor bene. Lands ricli, dry, and -oiitiy rolling. Timbered malnly wilh Bogar JWaple, Hmk Elm, Bas8W00d, Akh, Itcicli, Hem. ]ik, c(r., and irc wéll natorcd bj lakei, riran and lirooks. Stroni; snils, line rrojis, lioalthy cllmate, schools and i luirches, bitelllyeiii Kinilatioii, inaiiiij from Eastern staics and Canada. Kor Books, Kap, Me., iuldi W. 0. HUGHART, I.AM) ('OMM1.SSIONEK, GRAND RAPIDS, MICK. TITI.1-: PÏRFBCT. HB-tON SöOCTrËWARD!" WE wlll pay the abovc reward Uit any case ol Llver Cotnpklot, Dj t llcadarhe, IndiifHition, CmiHtipatiou or ¦¦ cannot f ure willi Wvrt'n Vwetabje Livor I'lll, when tbo dlrections are Btriclfy complk'd wlth. Tliey are purely Vceetable, iiiid Derernill togiveutlsfkcttoli Sutar Ooated. Mge hojes, eontilniig .til Hm. 5 C(.nt9 Kor by all dni ,rc cif eoonterfalti itnd imfMtloiiH. Tho uenaine rrmniifiicturrd only by JOHN C. WKST & CO., Pil] Maken," 181 A IS W. Mndlson SU, Chicago. Free trial partíate ent by mnll prtpuld on receipt of a 8 cent f turan.


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