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Ayer'sCatharticPs FofilltoPirpoiMofaFuiljfy Ar ('ostlveneH j.„ 7 1v"I'Pla,InaiId'' E) ' 'ywntery, rooi gT"" l Ml achanrtB'tb,C' %lm U ¦ ' ¦ '", UreTc Plalnt, Drop, , Tumors nnd Sak Rheum, Worm Goiii v rlKln,a8ttli.1,1,r,,ill,amip11rlfyl,'.gt,''lfí the moit eonfonlal porjiatlve yet n!?' Thelt sftkctl huhriantiy ,how how rauct th?T 1! oth,r PIB,. Tbey are „fe ,nd pR., bat powerfol to cure. They purge oucthtfo.T'1 ÉMH of the hlood; thoy (il,nulate the lJ!ïlk dlscrdorcKi orKa.i, into uctlon, and thcy imparu! and !,„„¦ u wl,„u. t„,I1K. T,,,,, Fun " very day comphlgu „f cvi.,y hody ,,„, fo% and danj-crou diecoie. Mo8t skillful pha -f '¦, rlergymen, and oar bost ciiljT1 crrttflctci. of mr.-, perf.irmcd, and of greatW? derlv.d fr„m thee PUL. 1Uf are the bT beet physlc for childrcD, becane mild u rffoctnal. Belng ugar coatid. th.y are easy lo tj nd bclnc pnrcly veKetaWe, they are entirel,' PKEPAKBD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Practical tod Analytical Chcmltta. Sold by all Druggints and Dealem In Medici. - 10X-1073-6w The Leading TíySFaníjGjíisfe OF MI OH. Whcuv Uiting the c,i, ,i [,,, , . mak HEXN'S BAZAlft Formerly Russell Houm Haiaar, whichitno. LT'oirnu'"''1"'1"1' "' form ÍS ALHAMBEA LOLLAE STOEE. These twn wcll-knnwn placrs of nu,lic pr0qre have recanthr bae cwwolidiW ug, munaKeinent. aoj wc dire to QaU afKW, tenuon to our larg:e and well selecte,! linco( Toys, Fanc7 Goods, Jeweliy, PUU4 Ware, Whitney CMldren's Carriagu, Velocipedes, Espress Wagons, c.( 4 Which we will continue to sell at popular pnces. An early cali is respeclfullv MuStaï H. HEYN & BRO., HEYN'S EASAAE, 92 WOODWARD AVE., líKTICOIT. nuil. 1044.T] VEGETABLE BALSAMIC I ELIXIR I a f ure cure for Cougru, Cold, I Whooping-Cough, and all Lunl Disease. when taken in teaaon. I People die of consumptlon timpy becauM of neglect, when the timeljr ue of thii remedy would have cured them at once. JTifly-one yeara of constant use proveí the fáct that no cough remedr hat ttood the tesl like Doiriu' J.lixir. Pric SSa 60c. andtl.üOpar bottl. Tor Sala Ererywhar. Dr. Baxter's Mandrake JBSlTTLR Will cure Jaundice, DrspeptiaJ Liver Complainta, IndigeitionTl and all diseases arising frorn Bil-I iousneas. Price 2$ ets. perbottlc. I Fot 81 Kverywhêr. IIKVU V Jk. JUUWUnit ÁRNICA AND OIL I LINIMEJSTTI for .71 a ii anti 11 fait. The most perfect liniment ererl compounded. Price 25c and 50c. I Tor 8Ip KTB17 whr. (.rent iinprovenientl Perfectly harmloi tv cluthesorskin. Try it. Directioas siaipJij KesiilLs ni:igie:il; savesnearlyalltherubbu uti__ wTtremaih Innuw in OKPICK OVES CASPE2 UMttï'S 3E0CEST STOSI, COK. 1HKON AM ForKTII iT. orlli Rrilixli Eiui' (of Londou and Kdinburgh,) ('fiptul i.%mi,(iuu. Gold. netrolt Firv umi FUurlne Int. C Ch AOKrlK 00.0ll. SrliicM l.l In. 4 onip'y. f Ma' ('-h Aft l,i,li llowurd In. Co„ r Mew Vorh. Ch Aoecls 51.HOii.mtti. Agriciiliiirul Iiiiii au ¦ CompT WATKUTt)VN, NEW YOHK, Ch Ai!t I.200,000. Losxes liberally adjusted and proniptly P"' TT _ AP 1 loar Ut & MIU10NS OF ACRES " " lor iale In ths k I C COLDEN BELT A M 1 of luw, bj uie Lam I v wJ V UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, of u rlcli Noli as tbe un #Tr "? on, wltb Kxd markets aat and " Tor DoripUvc and Illuttrated B"' -ith Map; Sent Free, Addrtu LAND COMMISSIONER, -Kansas Dlv KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI iotr-fó _- 8TKPHEN Pil ATT. High and Low Pressnre Boilers Of all klinN. S.vliKK i'll'l l"'!.i IKON WORK. SM. ÜIO and 21 Oongr wett. betwei u I blrdaud !¦ '" -v(11 ¦ oi.tuftir ll.-palrlii(iü.iu". UIv.'U aii.l KiiiUrrltJg, sale. llD


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