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The fatlier of a fkmfly wil! make a tliree noutlis' trip, come lióme in a street car with lis overcoat on his arm, and his satchcl in lis hand ; lic will lind his latch kcy in his nner vest pocket, unlock tbe front door, and wnlk in just as the family sits down to a; his wife and mother-in-law will shriek with delight, but he will be as cool as a cucumber wliile he presenta his left ear and art of his cheek tor the family to salute; to the ohildrpn' ory of "Wliit have ynn brought us, papa?" he will uiswer : "I ïave brought inysclf ; isn't that enough? " and in ten niinutes he will beasking where he bat rack bas gone to, and what broke a ane of glass in the bay wimlow, and Uien ie will spend two liours over letters and bilis, while the family pose aronnd like young storks and his wife tries to have him notice little Georgie's new tootb. Títere being only one, it is in the majority, and that ufflicted family waits weeks to be noticed and told the news. It coinés in slow installments, by the help of neighbors and callers, and it is just a inan's way of doing things; bnt then how exasperating. Now see )iov a woiimn makes a trip of one week, and causes a whirlpool of excitement. First, there is always a trunk to ïave a new lock put on, a shawl strap to uy and a lunch basket. Slie goes away with these and coinés back with twlee as many more. She runf Qp the steps and rings the front door heil and rattli-s the cnob, ainl wiu-n the door opens there Is the whole family, and the cook, and she kisso hem all and nevcr lor a moment slops talk"Soglad to get home; mosttircd todcath, )Ut have liad a lnnliil lime- tWO tires and a runaway. and your Aunt Alary had a iit. - nearly died- ana I've brought you all omething; just wait UU my trunk comes. )h Jobn : aemr, ron't you ]ay the back nan ( Tin nti aid lic'll Charge me too much, M'sidc 1 haven't a cent of monéy left, and where'siny tivaik check ? üh inerry, John, 've been robbed ; no I liain't it's In the iinch basket, and oli,dcar, J've so much to uil; lt'11 takc me vcar, and l'vc been awul bomesick, hut I had splendid tune. jast niglit we neurly run into a ditch - witch openaad the engioe tcletooped- but he engini-cr liung on to the iteeriug appaatus, an.l erled, Til never leave a passenger aJlve !' Wasn't that brave of hiui, ilie ? Oh, dcar, l'in so tired, and moet tarved ; I won't bc able to say a word uiltll ge( soinctliing toeat. lt'suct hrd wort raveling." A man oould go round the world and not ce as ranch, or get through as mauy liaii)readth escapes, as a woinan who gcje rom Detroit to l'ort llunm lo spend a week.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News