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Mt. Ciernen is full of visHors. Adrián, too, wants water-works. The Camuliana in Flint are about to get up a liicrosse team. This la commencement week ut tlie state agiicultural college. Mason Iong, the temperanee orator, is leeturing iti the state. The Hon. M. S. Brewerhasleftllolly and gone to Berlin as consul. Traverse City woric will tje in running order by'the firstof Deeember. The nld veterans expert to Imve a good old time at a reunión in Dundee, August M.-iny slories come to us of brave filits made against forest fires in the north Woods. The dust from the ruw milis on the An Sauble hasdriven off the graylingin those waters. The Dundee Lcdger speaks well of Rev. W. George's sermón to the business men of that place. The new state ffgJi hatchery is to lie ehanged from Crystal iprings to Paris. Mecosta Co. Ann Eliza Younr, No. 10, is mnking a ecture raid along the northeasterii Bliore iftfae state. Althoagfa tiii is now the sewon for woodcock, tlii'y are so scaree that nol niany are shot. Sinoe the opening of navigation the ake Saperior mines h:ivc ghlpped 809,028 ons of iron ore. The Adrián of malitia do not -t know whetlier they want to go to i orkfown or not. Muskegon sharvshooters are Roing to ry and hit glass balls íicxt wnk. Better hat than pigeons. Regent Blair, of Jaekson, lias been nilcd to dcliver the oratton at the int Next week the fourth Peninsular Sacngerfest will be held at Grand Raiplds. , Qood talent w:ll assist. Rev. II. C. Northrop, of Northvillc, is ipending the summer at Petoskey, where e is building a residence. Because the subscribers of the Ithaea )emocrat have failed In doing their part i kat paper is taking a long rest Petoskey will now receive considerable ; 'ree advertising as thirty-íive Chicago ' ors have just passed a week in that place. Crowds of people are still at Bay View. ! 'he camp meeting is over yet many stay tere to fish, hunt and recréate themselves. Mr. Ward Ingersoll is the editor of the i hiawasse Journal. He filis the place left acant by the death of Mr. John N. Ingeroll. At Buchaiian, on the 2-lth, 25tli and 2fit.h ist-, the Soutliern Michigan soldier' assoiation meets í'or a reunión. All M. S. are nvited. All kinds of tournamcnts are now takng place. Base ball at Fowlexville. Aiu'. - - -¦ , xiwe ai uiiarlotic, lüfh Last week a twenty-four pound aannotl uil was found near Detroit by sonic worklen, four feet beneath the surfuce. An 812 relie. KO teachers are npeessary to teach the ïfunt nlnd lu Detroit. All but eieht are ïdies. Salaries range from f30 to $150 er month. Mr. C. R. Thompson, a [. .-.„;„ ent m liant in llattln Oreek. had a farfij "ƒ!.." rop upon hi8 fore finger of his riglit land and ampútate it. The Detroit, Mackinaw & Marqúese R. ,. is making contracts to ship irou ore 'rom Marquctte to Point St. Ignace after the season of 1882 opens. Marriage seems to agree with the men in Marshall. They beat the single ones in a game of base buil by a score of ]9 to 15 in four and one-half innings. A pauper refused to woik onc warm lnv at the Coldwater poor house. The keeper thercupon shut him up in a cell for Bv days. The pauper now sues the keeper. In Battle Creek thcy keep some pet snakes at the high school. A pretty boa ... . . UiU LUVUJK.U IUIU UHJ Il Ij you lind him, please catch and return with care. The population of Grass Lake is ini ing alarniingly fast. Every otlier day for twt weeks there has been au arrival of I 7 to 10 pound baby. Families are moving in rapidly. We are glad to learn that the f.mious old crew from Hillsdale are training, and will enter the national regatta, at Washjngton, in September. The other clubs entering will Mr Ilii'm because of their pust briiliant record. Last week, a captain, in Alpena, save the whistle on his tug so mueh exerclae that scveral dogs suddonly left the country and several females, thinking t was a wild cat calling for its breakfast, made a break for the cellar, where theywere pair Last week a horse in Adrián became frlghtened at some camels and attempted tojtimpnn iron fence. It ouly siieeeeded in impaling itself, and had to be killed. The owner being a poor man, a subscription was immediately raised for him. Thethird annua] meeting of the Noithwestern press association COmtnetoCes at Cadillac next Monday evcniMir. Bestdea regular business they will takc an excursión to Petoskiy and Tmverse City. Huaillar and extra papert will rcad and a banquet with toasts figure s attractions. Companies frciin the followlng cities hare alrcady slgnlffed thelr inteniiim in be present at the fiiemen's contest to bc hdil in Coldwatcr, Sc]jtcii]l)cr and II; Kalama7,oo, Charlotte, Marshall, Battle ('reek, South Uend, Dowagiac, Quincy, Dlllsdale, Joncsvillc, Elkliart, Decatur, III., St. Louis, Mich., Holland. The cheese factory at Dundec finds that ten pounds of milk make one pound of cheese. To make good cheese requires a preñare of 1,000 to 8,000 ponndi for about twenty-four hours. At'ter buing made it takes three weeks to cure. They make about 2,400 pounds of cheese per day, and each cheese weigfaa about 40 jiouml. An entor]wising geniusis galhoriug in the filthy lucre in the outnern part of thp state by a novel way to kill potato bugs. He sells jiackagcs not to be opened until ready tor use. AVhen the rijíht time ome the package is opened and two blocki "l wood are found, witli áfrectlons i" place the bug on Mie Mock iind niash it witli tinother. The Ogemaw Herald says that onc of Plummer'.s worktnen cauic in trom camp. Sundaj', with a large pieee of meat in his throat that hc had attempted to swallow the day before. When lip attemptod to drink water it cainc out ot' li is nnsi: aml lic eould eat nothing. After some trouble, a doctor Buccéeded in pushing the meal down i tito tlie man's stotnach, and the ]oor fcllow mi so moob Mhwed hc nU hc wiinted to buy that "riimrod" of the do!lor's. The Kdmorc Journal bas been sucd tdr libel, but it is not at all scarcd and talk sassy, tlnisly : "Vmi may lay claim to characttr on the grounds of beauty, and you ure a verv fair specimen of whisky plekte, but adultery, llimilwillim and ]crfidy ure your characlcr. Touell. I lic thfnga ycm have iworn to would liavc ienl vu to stalcs prison long ago, and slill ymi claim to have a cliaracter that could be iniired. Takt' DOT ailvicr. IViucl]. and liave your character insured. There is only one thlng you will have (o usure it aainst, however, and that is lot, and not dry r t either.


Ann Arbor Courier
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