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Sity papers n the United States are editcd and published by wonien. Columbia college is erecting a library building to cost about $250,000. Over 10,000 troopa have alroady agwud to atteiul the Yorktown celebration. Tbere are Cmlti tliat a surveying party seut out from tlio Kansas state uuiviT-ity has been killed by Apaches. Prof. Dickie of Albion college is raWog $10,000 fora new observator}'. One hundred persons are to give the amount. Clara Louisc Kellogg in an interview ui-, vises American girls not to go to Italy to study rnusic unless protected by watchful friends and an ampie inconic. Out In Idaho there seenis to have ln a volcanic disturbauce on the 9tli. and smoke playing prominent parts, but 110 one went near enough to teil much about it. At last the houses of Lords and Commons have passed the land bill. By something of a compromiso the house of Lordi yielded and siinply eutered a protest against the bill as being unjust to landlords. The receipts from customsand rerenoe at the treasury have been unusually large so far thls month. Over a million a i.s received, and up to last Saturday liad i - ceeded the expenditures by $7,000,000. Hy so much the eurrenoy Is contractcil. Uy a canal across tbc península of M.uvlund and Dolaware, capitalists propoM to connect Baltimore with the Atlantic by a water route MM ¦ ipiles shorter than at present. To build it 120 bet v.Uo and 2C feet deep willrequire eighteen months, and about $8,000,000. The attorney general and the supri intcudent of public instruction havededded that a lady is eligiblu to a posiüon on the board of examinere. In Calhoun eounty the towiiship school superlntcndents electad OM) ainl the county clerk wrote iskinir about the legality of t willi the above aniwer. There is considerable excitenient u Xuw Haven over the lmlnr of the body of .Icnnie ('nimcr ujion the beach. It la :i mj'stery slic committed suicule or Aas murclerccl. Suspicion resta on two youiif: men who liad been on intiuiiitc terins witli her and they have been arrested. The iinjuest ill probably unravil the knotted StO In the late Gov. Bagley's ürst term of office be ealled attention to the fact tliattbe A M. S. H H. w'iws beiiiml I n tlio payoin the year 1869, In 18S0 general obtalned a jmliíiiient :_":dníüie road, and n tle he sMBk tl4fear('r received HJB8,V!i Mt of tlie amount, for Uie years 1873 It s proposeil luivinf; a grand temper&nce rally ut Lapo ríe, uüiuiia, nct week. tu the li of promisod speakers are the ñames oL Gen. Neal Dow, Gov. Bt. John of JoUnson of Saatóga, Geo. '. Baiu of Kentucky, .Sojourner Trnth, now 107 ild, and tnany others. The roadsgive luilf fare ratcs and the Sabbalh M-hooUof tbo district have an excursión. By October lst, there will be a continuons fine of rail oommontcaüon betweeu Detroit and Ifftrquett. Uy tliHt time the Michigan Central will nave puahed Iti braneh from Hay City U OJd Mackinaw and thc otlier end will havo Joined Marqui-tte and l'oint St. tgoaee. During tlie winter the ice will tnake it difflcult even for thc ron fcfries to cross, but then ] uid boggkgc can be transferred the ice by temñt. ¦Vork is progrUtiigon the tunnel to conn -r. Francc aiul EngUnd. The clMam tíoui the ciitrauce in England lo that in Flanee will be twenty tulle, and if no unexpected dilikulty urises the headinga which are hlHg woi ked from opposite enda will meet iu tho middle oí the chanuel in, perhaps ti ve years. To enlarge, ventilate, and line it with brick will takeseveral yearg more, to if we. Uve until ísül we símil then, in all prol'ttbility, 15o able to pass dry shod trom Eniíhind to FraiMe. OoncenrtngttM late E vening News excursión given to editora thfl Kteubinville Herald says: "We met a lot of Michigan editora nrently. There were oíd inïTyoung OOM in the ganp, aud they mrangai preuy well. They woru pretty rood clothes, no paper collar?, no red neckties, didu't chew tobáceo or drink beer, but carried i bottle ot 'dld crow' in their valises, and u wvkad edltion in their coat tail pockets. The nmrried men wtcloM tothe glrU, beciiusu they had lift their at home, and everything was lovely." The new systern of cheap postal orders about to be udopted by Postinaster General .) ames will undoubtedly prove very con venient for peoplc seiidiiij: money by mail. It II a pdtM order wilh throe columns of ñgqre- dolíais, tenS, and uniU. There are Lu o lorinwt lhe.-e out lor sumí not exceeding $2.50, the other for sums lest; than $5. Ik ii linied thcpostinasters willdesignate the amount by puuching out figure equivalent to the amouut desired. They can be sent in letters at the owner'.s risk and are not redeemable atter three months. The cost to the MBdsr will not be more than trom two to live cents, according tothe amount. A CUriOtn thing to note B the decline in the 086 of public libraries since 1S7. It tua nol inlv been the HM in ubioi Ij but alsu in tree librarte. At the Mercantile librar; in New York the eirculation bas fallen off 120,000 books in ten yoars. At the A-tor library, a free oue, the miinber of readers feil off. in ISBQ, 0,005. The best report eomei front the lirooklyn library which has shown only a decline of six per cent. At the IValiody instituto of Baltimoie the eall lor booksdeclined 2 pereent. from laat year. To traee the causes of tliis would be an intereating study. It may come froui theic being sucha revival of business demandiug increased labor aud thus leavM time for readiug, or it raay be that thecheapness with which the best books are now furnislied to patrous, enables peopleto bny and have the bookl themsclves in lieu ofgoiogto the libiario. Wc caiinot harbor the auspicion that our people are losing their taste tor Uter;itun'. ¦iimocrats usually when tliey eau buy ¦ome republican by offering him the nomiu maltlng tb old liners walk up and vote tu pur i new man in the party iu office above themsclves who have ahvays stood by thcir colors. This is how tlie case stands in Ohlo whore all is not comme il faut in the democratie rank. Bookwnlter never votcd their ticket until last fall, and did thatprotettuj tliüt ho was no dcinocrat tut hntcd Garfleld. Listen to the remarks of the democratie orgau at the state capital : " Bookwalttr is a sort of literary chap hiniself, and lubors under the belief that democrats on the wfcdle are very [ntellinnt Tlie fact is, thu man liasu't been a democrat long euough to know what kind of material his party is niailo of. He liasn't got acquaintcd Ui the beer and whi.-ky clement of the party yet, but wc have a faint idea that beforu he twcOBMa goveraot of Ohio he will know wliat itrauge things are imbedded


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News