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Plouaut nttu yetterdaj. Olie weck more of play tbr the children. TIn' liiij ichool building has beeu repainted. Tliere was a Conxregutlonal lawn picnic yebterdaj. Tlie pólice teil the boys uo more playing ball ou Sumluy. Tlie Baptists had a picnic in Crossmaii's grove on Weilncsilay last. Ilev. W. IL lïyiler wil] return iu time to oecupy bis pulpit Sunday. A ball club is being organizeil to beat the clubs iu neij:lil)oriug towns. The members of Zion Lutheran church elect ollicers Monday eveniiifi. Dr. Hose has gone to Boston on Important business for his employer. A temperance convention is to be held in Jackson tbe last of thu month. Honday the first reg-ular traia from South I.von bniUKht tiftcen passengere. Sarrisoo Boylao has secured the contract lor pnintiug tbe gtreet signa at ten cents iarh. The "Epieoopallaiia will have .1 picnic at the Qertnan park on Thursday of next weck. Mr. VapDeventer has secu red the contract to put up telegraph pples to Soutli I.yon. The pulpit of Zinus cbarefa will be fllled" nt Sun.l.iy hy Kev. Xiethatnnier, of Lapórte, Ind. The minutes of tbe last meeting of the board of regents are now bt-ing printed at this office. In the llrst week in October will be held the animal county agricultural and hoiticultural fair. Mr. Ilnuscup foriner editor on the Daily N' " ¦'¦ ¦ ' ' town yestorday. He hails f rom Fort Wayne. Our thanks are due to A. W. Atnes for il sun-fish which he caught at Whitmo're Lake, Wectnesday. Mr. J. Keroizheimcr of Kulaiuazoo, fortueriy in business here callel at the CouuiEit otlire the other day. Mr. Tlioinas McKuniGn, a resident of N'orihiiild since lsül, dietl last week and was buried last Monday. Captain J.W. Comuiett, one of tUe early s ttlers of Clncago, ïs visiting lus sister, Mrs. 0. Af. Loomis of this citv. The concert glyen l;i-t Wedneadagr evenSug to Mi. Laag was well attended. It WtU held u M.eunerchor Hall. Tlic colored tirethien are still on the war lth to Bad out who tricd to break uptheir iiKincipation day attendance. The Livingston Rcp'ublican's Brighton correspondent 1 authority thatStan.Smith f tliat place has moved here. Or th.uiks aio due little Eva Marx, who by her frequent calis and button-hole taiDeta Ughteoj editorial labors. The new chairs t be used in the opera house are of üght colored wood and ron, and the seats fold up out of the wav l'lie subscriben to the telephone have been enjoylng teleplionic concerU from Vpsilanli aml from places about town. 4.1 8 Gemían picnic, held not far from Defler, thta eek, tliere was a general inelee. Nobody killed, but several hurt. Tlie new block being erected by Mr. Keek is ilmost flnishcd. It will be the handsomest business block in the county. - The Daily News is about to move into iew qnarteo. Tliey hare rented the MMNBI formerly occupicd by J. Q. A. Sessions. M.ssis. Louis 'l'iiylor and Chas. Wagner opened their bicycle school in McMahon's huil Vooday eraning. They sell the i Ifi r-ttn}. Mr. Cooley hai arnnged for his courses i the univ.Tsity for next semester. He W'U remata ontil the OMnlng of the col'-'ge year. Next TiiosUay Mr. Braun, administrator, Wül sell the (inning utensils upon the ÍWnh of the late Win. Freer, In Superior township. Mr. Moss Peitina, who was on the CbronteJe Uit year and is now in New M city. seuds iis au interesting letter tlns wook. We want to cali attention to the very Intoresttng essay „,On the Sinii Bible, "ritten by Mr. Heury M. Goodell. It "is "ii Hjc ür.-t paf. Mr. James Kitson, brother of the late Charles Kitson, came here from London to see about the estate and will remain here and be naturalized. The cigar stores had quite a ruu of ciwtomen last Satuwlay evening when it was ;""""inr-c,l tliat the Detroit club had sluit out Chicagoes i to 0. Tae Beethoven Óosangvurewi and Juve"'' band, witli other, Kave a concert for lll; "'' l1 ' Mr. Lang, of the second ward, la Tucsil.iy cvi'iiin. The correct, metbodical way in which WUllaw K. Tólchard, aq., dlwhargas the Utleg 01 hia office as treasurer of the uniNl'-ii.v, li h terror to evil doere. Ito. Dr. Pope moves to Albion this Ww, but the ill return every WednesJ ftw Mme time to see to her patlents KwfeaghtenrwgMta luro to study. 1 H i v.íty quiet about the couirty offices About the only time the treasurer hu %ajtliing to do is in the winter when the saloon keepers py for their licensea. The lower town people will havo to be in a condition to walk straight, for whilst they are repairing the bridge, only a narow foot bridge connecU theiu with thia side. Farmers are very busy now threshing their wheat, which is generally proving better than anticipated, and ploughing in preparation for sowing graiu for next year. Ypsilanti and Ami Arbor each have telephone exchangcs and as they are connected, the good people of these two towna are trying to flnd out which is the branch of the other. ?? The weather had another relapse last Frlday. The thermometer did not rest until it had looked over the 100 notch in the shade. Oh, come to Anu Arbor for a summer resort. Last week was a busy one for the contractors working on the bridge to Lower towu. They actually drew six barrels of lime and eight stones for a pier. Let the good work go on. Nearly every evening the fire laddies practice with the hose cart. They run forty rods and if they get the time down low enough they will go to Coldwater next week to compete for the prlze. J. J. Goodyear, on Wednesday, rnised tho curtuins and disclosed to the view of pMMK-bjr a verv neat and tastefully arranged drug store. It is well stockwl and will undoubtedly soon secure a good trade. We have received a postal announcmg tluit the Poor-Poore fumity wiH have a gathering In Newburyport, Mass., Sept. 14rh. We expect the family out on the Ypsilanti road will send delegates. 'Bon. Perly Poore gives an addreas. C W. Tufts of '80, was in the city last week. Mr. Tufts has been teaching at Slieboygan, AVisconsin during the past year, but expects to travel for a Boston publishing house duiing the coming year on a salary of $1800 and expenses. The members of the Methodist church have the very pleasant habit of going en masse to Whitmore Lake every year. Last VVednesday about sixty of thein took the annual pilgrimage and as the day was cool and pleasant of course all enjoyed it. Mr. Albert Pulcipher brother to Milo Pulcipher, died in Clinton last week. The funeral was held last Saturday in the fifth ward, at the residence of his parents. He occupied the position of teller in the bank at Clinton and was respected and honored by all. The Beta Theta Pi college fraternity holds its convention tliis year at Chicago on the last two days of this nionth and the first of next. The chapter at this university will be represented by Mussrs. D. A. Garwood, W. B. Cady and D. E. Osborne. Work is being done in the building formerly owned by the Baptist church, but now used by the electrical works. The engine bas been set up and connections will soon be made, when they will be prepared to make the entire machine for electiical lighting. Last Wednesday Mr. W. R. Henderson and Miss Mary Bach were married. at the residence of Mr. Phillip Bach, on Main street. Only relativesand intímate fricuds were present. They have started for a trip down the St. Lawrence aiul aiuongst eastern summer resorts. There bas been nothing of importance going on this week with whieh to fill the columns of a paper so let us talk about the weather. Since last Friday when the air was "hot f rom Tartarus" wo have enjoyed cool weather but no showers. Vennor's wet August set'ins to be hanging flre. It is rumored tliat Mr. T. C. Green of '80, during the past year a teacher in Kalamazoo, took to hiraself a better half on Wednesday last. We have this from good authority and congratúlate the lady, whose name we could not learn, on haviufi: obtalned a good husband and a happy home. The Ann Arbor Csubiek dlscovered that the ralnbow Uas uot been seen there thü year. A fellow at our rlglit hand says tt must be because Au ii Arbor is go far from "Ood's eouutry."- Allegan Tribune. Well, my friend, if you can get aheud of us on rainbows, when the students are here, we surely can get ahead of you on other beaux. The followlng is the programme for the city band's open air concert to-night: 1. "The Prlde of the Regiment "- Quickstep „ „„ „....E. N.Catlln, Üp. 4 2. "Sacred Mclody "- Qulclt Man-h :). Oarnlval of Venlce- Waltz 4. ¦' Centlanella "-Andante and Polka „ Henry 8. Krankenüeld 5. Brudder Uardner's Plc-nlc- Medley Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, returning from China, landed in Quebec on Thursday last week and are epected in Ann Arbor soon. Mr. Crawford bas been in the employ of the Chinese government as a civil engincer and Mis. Crawford will be remembered as Miss Henriques formerly of this city. Very little business was transacted lust Monday night at the comrnon council farther than to add to a committee to examine buildings on the east side of Main street and see whether they wero safe. The porties owning them were notified tliat action would be taken next Monday evcning. In the big tent next week Tuesday evening„there will take place a social entertainment by home talent, for the benefit of the Ilose Co., to enable them to go to the state tournament. Local pride should secure a good house so that the flre company may go to Coldwater and bring home the prize. The new bridge acrogs the Hurou below the city is completed and now presents a good and eubstantial appearance. The builders will take a reet of a week or two then they will attack In earnest the crazy wreek at the foot of Broadway. Uutil it is tinished. no passage for teams eau be had across at that place. The Chicago Fair, Sept. 12-17, promises to be one well worth attending. It is to give an exhihition of live stock, agriculture and races. One of the novelties will be an equestrienne contest on the l-ltli between two ladies of this country, and on the 17th the winner of this is u ride against the Champion lady rider of Ëuglaiid. The premiumns of the fair amount to $50,000. By an error last week we announced that Mr. Fred Sorg had secured the job of frescoing the university hall. It is Mr. Oscar Sorg who will do the painting and frescoing. He also has secured the work for the Kpiscopal chapel We have been shown the plans and designs drawn by hini, and eau say they will te very neat and tasty. While in Reading the other day we had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Claude Martin, son of Wm. S. Martin who was an old resident of Dexter, and Mr. Thos. Ewlag. They are together in the drug store business, and own stores at Reading and Cambria, where they are doiiifi thriving business. Mrs. Ewing, wlfe of the late Alexander Ewing, of has bought a pleasant liome there. At tlie picnic umler the twepicesof tha I'atruns of Ilusbandry of Washtenaw County, to be lield at Whitmore lake, the ITUi Inat, ÜM South Lyon band and jubilee singers of Salen will furnish the music. After diuner llr. J. W. Wing, of Scio, will dellver the address of welcome. The oration is to be ven by Hon. C. K. Mickliy, of Adrián. Tliere will also be niiscellaneous spcaking, interspersed by songs and band music. The Fort Wayne Daily Sentiuel says : Th.. I-iniKley electrlc llglit bas been puri ly l.ssr. J. H. Tiass, U. A. Slnmnd Henry Olds, K. T. McDonald, and sevurni othen who appeur as sllaut partners, and n m.hines will be manufactured in thls city at an early date. Mr. Walter S. Hlcks the iitlemaii who cloned the bargaln with our oapltellsu Is lu the city, anj; claims that thU 1h tbe only llubt or the only Rtate that has been sold where the Inventor dld not step HT and claim tbe Uon's share of the spolls. Fort Wayne will be llghtcd up wllh thls liTvention u soou as th machine can be uot lnlo p 'Ti ï .liglu. '8 Dir 8pe" t tif in electilc llght and our capltullsts aro well pleased wltli Uielr bargaln. ""''a uru wc" The Lower Town Sunday school is showiug more activity through the warm weather than any other oriranization of its size hereabouts. By ten cent subscriptions the childreu have raised $40.00 in the past two weeks. This will enable them to paper the walls and to put matting on the Hoor. Mr. W. T. Whedon, for some time superintendent, has resigned, and Mr. Karener takes his place. The school is doing good work in the fifth wanl and shows more t'iithusiasm thau ever. Frt-derick C. Myrick, son of F. C. Myrick, of thls city, died in Detroit last Saturday. He was connected with the Ifouse of Newcomb, Endicott & Co., and it was at the home of Air. Newcomb that he deceased. Mr. AlyricK was Icnown in this city as a geuial young man witlijhe prospect of a successful life before hlni, and his friends here will be shocked at his sudden death. Ou Monday his remains were taken to Pontiac and interred. He was a younger brother to Harry Myrick, of this city. Mr. E. B.Martin, niember of the legislature, and residing at Reed City, was in the city last week with a petition for tlie location of the new insane asylum at Reed City. It certainly does seem as though the DOrtbera part of the state shotild be favored with one of the state institutions, and as Reed City is well located on the F. & P. M. and G. R. & I. roads, and as the proposed site is on good fanning land with fertile MUTOUudlngB, its claims are very strong. We would like to see the new asylum placed there. John Flowers and S. Goscline measured soiue evergreen corn belonging to the latter, the lCtli, and found it ten feet and tliri.i. itioliuu How la tlint fop hi""h ? Ypsilanti Commercial. Mr. Samuel Weinett hrought several stalks to this office which measured eleven feet and nine inches. How is that for higher?- Saline Observer. A man brought one staik - it didu't take several - of corn to this office which measnred 18 feetand31ncbe& Now is that for bigheM ?- Ann Arbor Couiukr. The (com) cake is yours tintil further nctice, Mr. CouiiiER. - Saline Obsorver. It having been stated that Mr. Vaughn, a prominent banker of Petrolea, Can., was intendlng to move here, we make the followtDg correction from the Petrolea Topic: " We are pleased to be la a position to publicly refute, to a considerable degree, the rumor which has traveled so fast during the past week, to the effect that L. B. Vaughn, Esq , had determined upon closing h'a business connections with Petrolea, aml ivinoving to Ann Arbor. The rumor was based upon the belief that the ikatli of his fatlier had entailed upon him a large business which would necessitate his Diesence at Ann Arbor. It has been arranged that Mrs. Vaughu and her family will remove to that place and take uptheir residence with the bereaved widow, hut Mr. Vauglm will remain here. This inforuiatiou will be received gratefully by our community generalij-, as the town could illy aflbrd to lose men of Mr.Vaughn's calibre. Social circles will receive with regret the Information that the fainily of Mr. V. will remove from theni. Miss Vaughu was dcservedly popular with all classes of society, and her absence from our local festivities will be seriously regretted.