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Mis. Ashley has gone to Colorado. Prof. Elisha Jones has lcft for tho east. Mr. Webster Cook and wife ure in the city. Mrs. W. Y. Whedon is away from home visiting. Mis. E. J. Knou tton lias been sick for some time. Mrs. J. Vincent is rUUng at South Whiteford. Mrs. Hubbard and daughter, Lulu, are at Napoleon. Ex-Governor Blair, of Jackson, was in tnun last week. Hev. J. T. Sunderland's father died in Iowa, last week. Mr. Win. II. Jenkins, intends going to St. Louis next week. Mrs. Wan ty who has been visiting friends herewillsoon return home. Mr. Marx has gone to New York to purchuse liis l'all stock of goods. Miss Nettie Ames who haa been down east is expected home to-morrow. Mrs. F. Galpiu has been visiting her brother, Mr. RiithiufC of Greenfield. The Slicehan boys are taking a tour around New York aDd Philadelphia. Mr. Miller who lias been in Ypsilanti tliis summer has returued to this city. Mr. C. S. Millen js taking his vacation of Miree weeks at Saratoga and sea Itdt resorts. The Itev. Niethammer, from Laporte, Ind., is stopping at his father's, in the second ward. Prof. W. W. Beman passed through New York City the other day whilo traveling iu the east. J. W. Knight and family lmve gone to Mackinaw for a ten days' rest from the anxious cares of lite. Mr. S. M. Stocker, of Muscatine, Iowa, classof'80, has been spendiug a few days with Mr. A. B. Pond. Mr. .luim Moore has returned from lus trip to Fort Gratiot, where he has been spending the past raonth. Mr. Httiry Myrick was suddenly called away last week to the bedside of his brother who died last Saturday. Mr. David Kay, brother of Wm. Kay, has been in Canada the past yoar bat has now returned to Anti Arbor. Prof. Stowell and wife are passing the summer at Bay View. The professor is giving lectures on microscopy. Prof. W. S. Perry has been registered at New Baltimore, attending the teachers' institute. II e has now returned. Mr. Fxederick Schmid and family soon go to Búrlalo wliere Mr. 8chmld leaves his family and continúes to New York. Mr. J. D. Williams and wife have retunicd from a trip to Ludington. They do not especially like the country there. Mr. A. B. Pond bas returned from a voyage up in northeru Michigan. He carne by wuy of the new road from South Lyon. Mr. T. E. EdwariU, clasa of '7'J, taught last year at Cassopolis. He has been bent this suininer, bat is about to go to Chicago. Mr. Joseph II. Walker, of Manchester, England, unexpectedly called on Dr. (Jocker the other day. They were clerka together in a Germán business house fortyfour years ago. SInce that time be bas been engaged in business with Spain. Prof. E. Schurid, of ColuniW, O., und a gradúate of the university ia 18H, il visitlní at the residence of Mr. Schmid, in this city. Miss Nellie Stanley, the seer of tlieclass of '81, leaves next week for Rushville, 111., wheru sho tnkus the place of assistant in i he high school. Miss Anna L. Tindall of the class of '82 is Boon to start for California when she will teach next year. She does not expcct to gradúate from the university. Miss. A. B. Gelston, of this city, has WlthiUawn her acceptance of a position in the Ludlngtoa schools to take ii position in the bigfa school at Fliut. She is ipendiog the suuimer In New York state. Mr. Theodore Johnstow, class of 74, taught two years in the union shool heie, tluu went to McUregor, Iowa. In 1877 he went to Germiiny, and returned lust Monday, spending a day or two hcre on his way to Minneapolis, Mimi.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News