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Ruslnes.s Locáis. Dr. Ëllzabeth I). Pope will bare olli: liours ou WVdnesday of eucli week, from 11 a. m. until T) r. M., :it. IS State Si., opnosito corner f rom Dr. Kose's Itouge. Sbeehan A; Co. h:ive received a btfge stock of secoml hauil and new school books for thp opening of tlie city schools. J. J. Goodyear has a complete stock of goods at 5 öouth Main St. Wines & Worden have a very largo assortment ofgloves and hosiery, very eheup. It will pay you to walk up to Stieeban's unlversity store to buy your ehildfen'i luniks. Secoiul hand books at half prtce. Anything in the drug line you can get at Goodyear's. We havo just received a large üne of new carpeta in the latest patterns. WINE8 4 WOHDKN. Go to Goodyear's drug store for your drugs. Wines & Worden carry a very line assortment of cloths, cassiuieres, cloakings, deniniB, shirtings, ticks, fianaels, &c. Drugs, medicines, toilet articles, etc, at J. .1. Gkxxlyeiir'a, IN o. 8, boum jiaiu öt. Black aod Colored Cashmures and Buntings at WINES 4 WORDEN. Spring dress goods in large varieties at WINES WORDEN'S. One of the most desirable assorttnents of spring prints, very nice, at WINES WORDEN'S. We have one of the largest assortments of bleached and unbleached cottons in 4-4, 42 in., 5 4, G-4, 7-4, 8-4, 9-4 and 10 4 ever in Ann Arbor, at satisfactory prices. WINES 4 WORDEN. If you want a good gent'a shirt, cheap, , gO tO WINES Ji WOUDEN 'S. For oue of the best assorttuents of' laoes, edgings, necknear, &c, cali on WINES & WORDEN. Silk and Unen handkerchiefs can be found cheapcr thau at any other house, at Black silk, colured silk, trimuiing silks and satins at pricos that defy conipetition at WINES 4 WO UDEN 'S We sell a good Huck towol for five cents. WINES & WOUDEN. Table Linuns, napkins, towels, curtains and curtain fixtures at WINES Sí WORDENS. Wo are the only house in Ann Arbor where you can fiad the genuine "Broadhead Jamestown" uiohairs and alpacas. WINES fc WORDEN. A Mistake. It is a mistake to suppose tfiat all remedies known u bitters are beverages, for hops and malt bitters are strictly u medicine, purifying, invigorating and nourishIng i i l hia effects. Try a free sample bottlc. Bucklen's Árnica Salre. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, lïruises, Sores, Ulcers, S:ilt Rhemn. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chappcd Hands, UhlibUIng, ('onis, and uil Skin Kruptions, and positively cures Piles. It is guaranteeo td give perfect satisfactiou or money ref unded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by Kbcrbach & Sou. 1050-1101 cem "POR 8ALB OR TO RENT. Two blocks touth of the unlvcrpity uround, i Iiimi-i' witli lot and barn and fruit, iinquire uu ttiti premini'K of 1033tr J. B. STKBHK. "POR SALE. A large stock of Wines, Linnors, ui Cigars ! AND HOUSEHOLD FÜRNIÏUHK Belonglng to ttao catate of the late Charles Kitsou, wlll bc Bold at public auctlon, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,1881 At No. 35 North Main Slrcut. TW TirTPW i Kma JAMES K1T8ON, f AdmlultrturB. THE AI ÁRBOR BAKERY e.stai!i.isiif:i ín las, by DEACON REUBEN HALL Who made regulur trlp wltl) Mis dolivery wHKon u.s far west as Ntlea, nnd then dld uut meet wlth as mnny people In lus long wuary drive, :is hls successors of to-day durliii; ¦ m foreiioou, wlille dolivurlnü n' LM)k for our AdrertiNOineiit in a fow days. IIAU, A MO.SF.LEY. 1084-WI X""T "kTTT A nd(íBtíKOIA.-Por InlorJC LáJ l,LXJJ.mnUon iihont lhee otat riul the Savannaii Morninh Nrwn. Wkbkly (niammuth 8 pg sheet) $ a yiu ; I ü i v fin a year. t-fi-f papeitt lu the Soiuli. Saitiplc copie 5 centa. AddreHs, IOS-A J. II. 1CSTII.I., Savanah, Ga.


Ann Arbor Courier
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