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Maxims For The Thoughtful

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A humt imistaelie dreads the short cigar. A sliver ín your hand is worse than two nd in Um handof your friend. Never build caniles iu tlic luir. Tliev are iver Habla to be oveithrown. J'nt a riel; m;in on mule-baek and tlie mide wlll Ihrow liim just as qtiickly as he would a Iu Least seid the sooncr the dcad-lock is ended. Piety is often but knec deep. Yon can't nmke a portmonnale out of a two-lejrged calf. Banga eovr a mnltitude OÍ wrinkles. Like tlic dog in the manier, the DOM h nbdre kiMing, andisalways ready to interfere wit li the kissin;.' of thers. H hen tb spring bonnet comes in to t lic house, money Ilies out of the pocket book. Oil that mini' enemy had been fit home dorias qpring oleaaing. A. cigarette in the inouth shows which Ue money d Ijonc-nini' i-j wnom hnndsome Ho 'l'lic man wlio pleads liis nwn cause h onloved of lawyei man wlio savos live cents hy walking gives ten cents n the slioemaker. All that bilatera i-i nol good medicine. A tea-I a good as ciiough. He mut have a hi' spoon that must eat irc-cream with a jroung lady. Honest tea furnighes its own grounds. Of two women, cboOM tbe one who will liave you. TIn1 beauty is not bo brij;lit as slir U pafnted. Two in I tirade eldi Speech la cheap but votes are what teil. A woman after his wn lieart is wliat !h a man. Mom v s the principal thlngj tberefore, ¦et money: and witli all the gettingS gel u uell invested. -of! answer turnetii the stomaeb, llie coal-hole jioeth before destraction, and a banana skin before afall. The race is not to the suiti, hut to the pool-s'ller. A short-time note soon goes to protest.- Boston Transcript. The visit to Eturlandof Kinp Kalakaua anotlier Mojesty of the Sandwich Islauds and liis (neen werp lionized in London. They resided at Osborne's hotel, in the Adelplii, where their bill appears to have amonnted to no greater sum on an average tban abootlTs. a head for their food, whic-li eonsisted of ponltry, risli and fruit. It is taid that the once popular song of "The Eing of t li ¦ ( 'annibal lslands" was composi of thc above royal visit. 'J'lie royal pnlr, ho wever, did not long survive, both dyinp in kbo Adelplii in July. ls-.M, f rot an attaek of meaalet and intlammation of the lungs, and they were buricd in the 'vaults uuder the parish cliuch of St. Martin's-in-th-Fielda. It is a curious fact that therels in thecity of London no charaber of eommere', or lioard of trade, or ot lier commercial organleul with matten of tradc in a Keneral and offiprekensiveiinnner. Bacil trade has its own separate guild, and the uoldsmiths.clotli-weavers, tailors, and forty other aneient and wealthy trade organiations can have their say and their declara'ion ot principies, ,m thcre has been no body formed lu which Hip merchninrome toether forany purposensone body. iliis deiec i, ihe pri-ent mayor of Loodon, .Mr. MacArthur. hiniself an eminent mereliant. iuterested in the colonial trade, bas oalled a meeting of representatives of the various separate menantile liodies to MC wliether a general eliaiuber of commerce tannot be formed. l'ossibly this move is suggested in London just ut the present time by the fact that the legislaiion of (ircat liritain seeing destined very soon lo mier the commercial field on question-artef tingthecontinnance of fiie trade.


Ann Arbor Courier
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