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lüï!L__;cAooTCT!r7-.Tt,a BiLwtv - )TIIK(- CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY Is the OLDEKT I BEST CONSTRUCTED ! BEST j Egl'IPPBD! and henee the LEAD1NG RAILWAY - OP THE- WEST AND NORTH WEST. It Ie the shoitest and best route bttWMB Chicago and all polnts in NortsOTi niiïols, lew, DUot, Wyomíng, Nubrultí, Caliíornli, Orejón, Ari::ii, Jah, Colorido, Idia:, Mcauai, K.riii ' udfor COUNC IL BLUFFS, OM AHA, IFVKR, liKADVIIil.K, SALT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO, DEÍDW00D, SIOUX CITY, Cidir Eapldi, tos líoítos, Cduabss, ui til pciiti la the Trrltoriu ud thi Wi,. IXii for llilwisïio, 9rgea Bav. Oihicsh, Shisonin. Jiirqsttte, Tsnd 1b Lk, Wwrtom, Honehtot. Nema, Xiuiba, St. Pial, Kinasipolis, Euror, Volei, Firee, Binair:, Wlses, LiCrosM, Owkoi ui all toiati li Misseiott, Eikoti, Wiicsijii ud tho Nsr.awert. IfMJ2SSLS" B1"ffs the traina of tho Chicago & rlve atand ne the Vamè jiiir JD..". 'V'1,'1.',1',1 lrom' ir' At Chlcaso, close cuniiectlnnr are, m'aVi',. .ui, .v,„ Uke Stiore, Mlchlcan Central, Baltlmore PW,, Kort Wayne and Fi-nnnvlvsula, and Obleado A (rand Tronk Kj, and the Kaakankee and Fan Hsndle Koates. Close Connections Made at Jundion Polnts. It in the O1,V 1,1 K ruiiiiiiit Pullman Hotel Dining Cars Chicago and Conncil Bluffs. Pullman Sleepers on All Nlght Tralno. Inaiüt apon Ticket ARtiits 6ellln(r yoa via tnis road. Examine your tlrket. and refuse to huy if they do Dot read over the (-hlcago and NorthWestern Railway. If you wigh the Best Travelln? Accommodatlons you will buy yonr ticket, by thia route AN1) WILL TAKE NO OTIIKK. All Ticket Agent scll tirketw hy thii Line II IC IX III ITT, 1031-83 2d V. f. & Oeu'l Man'ur, t lilcago. fTUTE POWER OF AHliKsTING DISEASKS dlsX playod by ttlis prepsratlon Is hnncnably acknowlcdeea by the Medical Facolty In every ection whore It ha been Introduced; and the laree sale Is V i gnarantee of the estimatlon inwhich It 1 held by the pnblic. For the effect produced by FELLOWS' COMPOIXD SYIUI' of ini-iii'i 'iiiio the inventor wlll refer to the medical gentlemen whoae lettere are attached hereto. [Extract fruin a letter.] Li'ün, Mise, March I, I876. Mesars. Fxllowr & Co., St. John, N. B. Otntt: 1 have prescrlbed your ïSyrup (Fellows' Hypophosphites), In mv pracilée, lor sorae hnndreds f patiënt, wbcre lts ui-e wai ii.dicati-d, ith iii . satlsfartory result. . .1. A. MoAKTllfH. M. D., ¦ mth Common St. ELBRIDQE 8IMPSON, M.D., of Hudson, N. Y., w rites : "I hare sed the Syrup ol nypophosphlten made by Mr. Kellows, In cae of ('uli-uraptiun, and other - Lonjr and Throat dleeaies, wlth the nutst t;ratifyln(f recnlta." EDWIN CI.AV, M. D., of HntTwaoh, N. 8. Wl "I kauw of no betier medicine for panou sml.-rlnjf from exhau'ttxn ol Un ihiitu oí tlie Braln and and Nervous Hystem, from lonc coiittnued stndy, or Ibe cougti folluwiug Typboid Fever, Jic, &c" CHANDLER CKANE, of llallfai, N.H., wrius: "1 have used it ireely in iny pncüce, twith li easee ofthe ChoKt, an i'oimumptlon and Bronchitis, ftc. and in ilifantlie diseaFeH ol the prima via, or sturuach and Bowelt, wlth eminent saccues." 1011-H c cm NERVOUS DEBILITY! A Care (uarantced. Dr. E. C. Wbi'i NmvE HkiTrítiikt: k speclflc for HyHterla, DizzIness.Convnlslons, Ni r nns Headache, Mental Depresslon, Los o! Memory, Spermatorrhoea, Impotency, Premature Old Ajm caosed by over exertlon, self-abuse, or overlndnli;ich leadB to misery, decav and death. i:i box will cure recent caaee. Each box cdi.tnli ? uiu mouth's treatment. One dollar a box, or bíx i Tor live dollars ; Sent by mal] prepnid on receipt ol prire. We eroarantet' glx lioxes to cnre any cue. wlth each order recelv. d by us for eix boxen, accumpanled witb flve dollars, we wlll ad the pur' Dur writteD ftuarantee U return Ihe money II the reatment doet not eflect a cnre. Gnurantees ltaed nly when the trentmeiit ir orden'tl direct from n. AdUress JOHN C WB8T A CO., bole Frourltton, 181 ft 1! W. Madi-on St., Chlcairo, 111. Sold hy Messen. Brown A Co. A.Bafett Wholesalp Acnts Detroit. Mich. : ml


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News