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CH'JRCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Churcli. Iïkv. s, IIaskell, Pastor. S ihh itli er . ' ' ¦. .w :ni-l;l;.r. M. n ,,1, il1' ñiorning serwce. ,, r meeting Tliursday cveniog ut71. o'clock. fat hol ie Cliunh. Rev. Fathir 1'iehlk, Pastor. I.ow Muss. 3 M. nifh Ma, loV-j a. M. 'esper, 4 r. M. Sinnt.ty School, 2'? f. '¦ Conpreratlona] Clmreli. R,v. W. II. Kimk, Piuior. Sabbath ícrvlce. lo', a. m. and 7H r. H. .„,1 Awr inor.tnnrvior. I v.r,LiY evening at 72o c-lock. Episcopal Chort'h. Uev. Wnin Hall, Rector. Sibhath sciweci., ioL( A. M. ud 7'j f. ü S.ui.l iv Schnol H P M. Kelignms services riiursday eveniu at 7J2OXIOCK. Uermau Mctlioflisl ( luircli. Rkv. C. Helwig, Pastor. Sahtnth services, io1 A. M. and 7V5 r. U. BaDdny School, it nine o'clock a. M. - meeting on Wednesday. l.iitlienin rlnircii. Hr.v. John Nïlmann, Pastor. S.iibatl -ervkes, ioV4 a. m. and 7 P. m. S11nd.iv Sclicuil .Uter morning service. l'r.yr uueUnK. Thursilay eve uing at 7 o'clock. MrtbodKt Kpiwopal Chnri'li. Uiv. Iohm Alabaster, Pastor. Suhbnth services. 1014 a. m. and 7 '4 r. M. Sund.iv School after morning service. l'r.tvcr meelinii, Thursday evening at y Vá o'clock. Yoang PeopkN Moelin{', Sunday evening6!4. Presbyterian Cliurcli. Ktv. Kiciiakd II. Steei-i, D. D., Pastor. Sabbath ervlca, ioi4 a. m. and 7' r. v. f ¦ 1 a -1... -tv, inurninir service. Pr.iyer meetlnff. Thursday evening at S o'clock. Young People's Meeting, Sunday eveninL;ó!4. Unitarian Churcli. Rvk. 1. T. SiNDKKl.ANli, Pastor. Sübbath ervlc s at ioyt . m, and 7 p. m. Sundav School at 12 M. Stiidcruls' Blblfl Cla at (:I5 1'. f. Zions Liitlicraii Cliurch. Rkv. II. F. Bklsek, Pastor. SabbalK services at ioV a. m. and 7 r. M. Srlwtol inirneilialely after moniin service. Krligiou services Wednesday evening at 7ociock. 3USINES3 CARDS. ji:ssi; a dell, lrailuBU'. i1 UntHriu WMerliiary Collef;e, Toronto, TETERINAR?' SURGEON, (ifllc-, Ho. 5 Nonh Main S(.. O. C'ourt llmiBe, Traata 11 dlseaie ol Horaea, C'atile, and Other Doflitieatd". CiiIIh from other town? can ba made hy teh'graph, which will gave much tlnit'. an'n' arüdü, moa. umao WltAAXn BlOtiS, BUILDER. SHOP: COR5EB CIIC'Krif AXI ORLKAXS SI'. Ann Arbor. HK1 7:1 W. II. IUIiMIV, I J h-, i.lXI J_ J.n mm OFB'ICK : OVER BACH & ABEL'S. EdI ranee hv Flrut Bank. 732tl WIM.I.lül HERZ, Hoim Si;n, Ornamental and FrescoPaixter. PaporinR, Qlutng, (ildlriï, siid ('alcinilnini; and worb of svflry dv-seription done tn tue best tyie, an.l wirrintc'l to giye emtiwfact'on. Hnop. o. 4 Weit Washington Htr.I. Ann Arbor, Michigan. U38tf 'yyTLJjA.rvvTNÏcHOL8, DBISTTISTl flffiEi!? HAS REMOVED TO HlIEW DENTALEOOMS OVER JOK T. JaCOB-j' STORE. 5ti3tf OSCAR O. SORG, HOUSK. 3IGN AND tl NIÏÏIU I-AI'BU HANGING. EAST LIBERTY STREET. All Work Done I'romptly and NeatlT. . l()2il SI ___ THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, II i lilgan, T&ANSACTS &ENEHAL UUM BUSINESS. CAPITAL., $50,000. uriinized uudor tbe (Jeneral BanklDg Law of thtt Htate, the itockboldera are indlvldnally Hable lur n dditionul Hinunnt eqaal to the stock held hy thcm, Ihertby creatina a . iiaruiitcc Fund for the brnpnt of IlepoMltorH of $100,000.00. Tlirer per cent. Interest la allowea on all anvinii Ovpoiilg ( on dullar and npwards, accordiaKrt) the raW, of the Bank, and interest componnded eml aunually. Money to loan on unlncumbered retl Ute aud otlier guod securlty. lror-C'hrlBtian Mack, W. W. WlncB, R. A. Beal Willlam Deabel, WiUlam D. Harrlman Daniel Hiucock, and Willard B. Smitb MMni Chhihtiík Mack, Pree. W. W. Wiau, Vice-Pree Hm. B. Hiscook, Cuhler aió-iWB OET THE BEST Fire Insurance W 1,000,000 "% Becnrity held tor the protëcóon of the policy lioKk-i-s. CHRISTIAN MACK Represehla the tollowlng Hnt-clau compa nies, ol wl,i,:, ono. lli .Ktim. has paid irr,,00(),000 Bfé ióosèa hl sixty years: ftïnkiiD, Phitadliph!;"":;;.:;;: '¦'ïS'ooo'oo '-rin.i. A,„ ,,, , ... v. y ÍC. !ïï "nonti. Hart ord 1,200.00(1.0' Nortb Qwmaii. lUmbom ï Mi.i-iiix, liriioklvn '2 W) ixkhju l'"l.rwiter. Auency, N. T....".Ï.VZr iUw'jVMM Loweg Itberally ndlusted aod promptly pm. 1 ollciea i - i i.-.i at the loweat ratesof premium. ""'7a C'HBIWTIVX MACK. The ANN ARBOR COURIER BOOK AND JOB PRINTING! And HOOK-MNDING. All order prompty iitteriílea lo an] work oeatly done. E{ ,„.,,, tlu.t ,iefy eSpeuUoii.


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