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Pennsylvania is the tliirtl tobáceo gtvw' ing gtotu in the Union, baving atlvanoed from tlie Iwclfth jilace since 1870. A lady, Mis Viola Price, has becncliosen liy the board of regents as professor of Bagitt Literature at the Kansas normal school at Bmpoiia. Prof. I. V. MrKeever, of Adrián college, has been called to the pulpit of the 1-t (,'ougregational churcli of Allegan. He hM not as yet answered the cali. When the Old Testament is revised and modernized, it will probably .state that Aunrn auer eaimj me appie icv-riveu woru that his residual ion would bc accepted. Itseems that E. 1{. Powell, of the Stanton Herald has been having a libel suit ajrainst Dan Youngs, of the Edinore Journal, and the jury in the case failed toagree. A stock company proposes to supply the city of Ludington with water workf. A llwll III lili lire evidently woke them up t tl. o naoauity of haring ater 11 8OUie WliV. Thu war of the great railroads may be a bd tliinr for the stookholders, but it is a good thing for the people who want a short relaxation from wort. They eau "skip" cross the country in a palact car, taking In il 1,000 mile excursión for I comparntivrly small aniouut. Dr. Hcnry A. lleynolils, the great red ribbon club organizer, it is said, has scttled dowu and founded the town of Üraml Korks, Dakota. Ben hfl Iioih's to risc tli the'country. A laudable ambition certainly. There are thousainls who bless liU (!). Leslie Cunibs, of Lexington, Ky., notcHl during the rebellion tor his striit adlicrence to the Union, died last Tuesiliy, :tf tho advanced age of 86 years. lic was a strong member of the old whig party n the days of Ilcnry Clay, and h:is alwKTi been prominent in his state. In hia 'itath Kciitucky parte with a noble man. A singular dilemma existt in a family residing at Oakland, Tenn. Two girl babies were born at nearly the same time in the same house, the mothrrs being sisters -losely rescuiblingeaeh other. Duriugthe excitement attending tlie advent of the little ones they became mixed before they wcre dressetl or iu any way marked tor ideutification. The children are now three months old, and neither of them develops any resemblance to either of the fathers, and their exact parentage is Hkely to remain in doubt. A let of expert bwglan have been working a few places in Üie state, but peojle now -a-days are so expert in biding tlieir accumulated casli tbat burglars find but little of it. But whenever a house is entered and the thieves are unsuccessful, then the sharp individuáis immediatelv give the newspapers the full particulars of where they bid their money, so tliat the burilara niay know better where to look next time, or at tbc next house they enter. It strikes an old detective that these remarkably sharp money hklers better keep their mouths a little closer for their own good. Michael Firnane, of Detroit, died at Minneapolis, Minn., last Monday, whitber he had jjone in the hope of securing a longvr lease of life. The deeeased was boni in 1851, and was rcarcil and educated in Detroit, where he attained considerable proininence. He waa prosecuting attorney of Wayne county at the time of his death, and had ably lillcd the presidency of the board of education of Detrott for scveral terms. He was devout in the faith of the ltoman Catholic chnrch, and had been married about one year. Ile was highly esteemed and espccially popular amonj; the young men of Detroit. HU death will be niouriK'U by many ardent friends and adinirers. The statement is made lh;it fUsg Ilumbert, of Itiily, propones a visit to Francis Joseph, of Austria, and ttill later to Kaiser Wilhelm, of Gerruanv; v.lureupou the prophets are predicling au alliance of ttiose three powers, offensive and defensivc. In which case thcy claim France wöl unitc with Russia, England join the t ripUts, mul the closing of the present century witnees snob i contest for supremacy in Europe as was never before kuown. WTe jilnce such predictionson a par with MotherShipton's doggerel about tlie onding of':ill tliings terrcstrial. It is the biggest gort of bosh. But the poor press cablegrapher muit have MMMtking to send to the papers, and sucli talk filis in nicely when there is a deartli of ncws. The supreme eourt of Nebraska li cidril tbat the blgh-ltoense liqoor-law, passed by tlie letrislatiue of Uiat state la-t winter, s constituüowü in every partfcular. It comjH'ls saloon-keepers ro pav $1,000 lítense, and give bondti in tliu -um of $5,000, etc., in citics of over 10,000 peeple; aml in cities of uiuler 10,000 the lia $500. I'eoplo Lnterrsted in teniperauce legislatimi wil] h -alelí the eflects oí tliis law with interest. It is thought tbat it will work tht baat posible resultó, largely di. minishing the number of saloons in tbc ciüe.s, abolishing thein in sinall town cnmpelling saloon-keepers to respect all the provUions of the law which, so far as it concerns the sale of liquors to habitual drunkards and minors, or to drunken people, and the closing of saloons entlrely on Sundays aml holidays, is very stringent. The country's inquisitiveness as to the t the abundante of doctors surroundn; the president, ha? been Mtbfied. Tbe following is a statement of what they probate to charge: "It is suid that the doctors attendinj; the president have fcgned tO eaarge$100a day aplece, while Drs.Agnew and llamilton art to ohaife 1 1,(10(1 h for eucli uud (D.UUO fat cacli suigiuil operution pi-rfornicd. Lp to the present timp, accordin;; to tbis reckoninir, the expenses are over 72.OO0.M Now, if they eau inly keep the president In his present conditiou a few months longer without killilig liim stone dend. they ill Imve struck a bonanza bettet than my Colorado deiosit of carbonates. A friend at onr emw,inivminnn ¦ ...-.. ,. -, r. that he wodld have greut conndetUT in the ultímate recovery of the president if he would only discharge all the dot-tors and nu oid Done wlio had liad arniy exlerience, to takecareof hiin. And it Begint to look that wiiy to inany Dot inclineil to look at tfatngi thXPULb green ees. ChSA Uradlaugh, the noted Engllah atheist, elected to parlianient Mime time ago, in takinj; the oath of offlot relused tO acknowleil'e tlie existenee of ( toa. Thereujwn he was refnsed bis seat and the was declared vacant and a new election ordered in his dbtriet. The peop might liave boen epeeled, returned or reelected hiin by nn Intreaied inajority, but tli; English anthoritie.s have steadily refused hiin adinis.sion to tlie Kal tu orbicb he was re-cho.en. ltecently he alLenipted U grtlÉ IiIiiiImIiiII to tlie house of roniiiions by physical force, and neurly proved himself capable of coping with tetgeacb-atarnis and bis whole paaae ¦ƒ MalaiantSi But their numbers proved too much for his magnificent pbvaiqUe, and by the power of superior force they compeUed him to leave the bnildinr. Sisee tbed he has heen very ill, and it is stated that he proposes to luing Bult against tlie gOTernment for violently ejeoting liim from a poHtion to whieh he was legally entitled by tht hoice of tbe people. It wonld be well to add that Bradlauh hat sijruilied his entile wülinguess to take the oath of offiefl U adininistered to others, slnea hi last election, and on what jrroiiniN ho it now kept t'rom his seat is something of a myatery. England once reftised a Jew adinissiun to parlianient, but she had to back down: she also refuaèd a Catholic adtnission, and from that position .-he was obliged tb rctreat. And it will not be lonn aafbte she will admit an athei-t. Her aetion in forcibly cjecting BrttdhMlgn does not smack of good judgnieut. 'J'he. government has nearly made a martyront of liim, when he is very far from being one. Mis peculiar belief would not gáln publlclty but for the foolish aetion of the iroverninent.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News